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Ducsu VP: River of blood to flow if Modi attends Bangabandhu birth centenary

River of blood is going to flow, no matter what. Its just a matter of time. Atleast don't shame urselves with the petrol bombs and get some real bombs, while u can.
Mujibur Rahman is not the secular and tolerant Bangladeshi as people make him out to be. Bangladesh's founding fathers Rahman and Maulana Bhashani wanted to usurp the NE India and the WB, and even lamented in an essay that East Pakistan would never prosper till they have our territory. The Bangladeshis who cast an evil eye on India's territory are his progeny.

Mujib inexplicably issued a blanket pardon of the Razakars and Badrs who committed a genocide on their fellow Bengali Hindus.

He asked the CHT tribals to give up their ethnicity and religion to assimilate into the Bangladeshi muslim identity.

Mujib retained the Enemy Property Act via which lakhs of Hindu Bengalis were uprooted from their ancestral homes leading them to seek refuge in WB and NE India. Not only that, he refused to repair the Ramna Kali Mandir which was desecrated by Pakistan and the Bengali Razakars.

That being said, her daughter proved far better than the father and the others like Zia, Ershad and KZ in providing security to the minorities since her 2nd term(within reasonable restrictions imposed by the Jamati mullahs, of course).
Mujibur Rahman is not the secular and tolerant Bangladeshi as people make him out to be
Yes he was not secular aka non religious, but indeed he was very tolerant to other religion ( in this sense he was secular of course) . I see now our Indian fellas are speaking in BNP jamati language. Very happy to know that. It could back up my claim that it's not AL but BNP and jamat are the puppet of India!
Yes he was not secular aka non religious, but indeed he was very tolerant to other religion ( in this sense he was secular of course) . I see now our Indian fellas are speaking in BNP jamati language. Very happy to know that. It could back up my claim that it's not AL but BNP and jamat are the puppet of India!
Yes, we all know how secular Mujib was! And the subsequent leaders who tried to convert Bangladesh into a monolithic Islamic country doesn't even warrant a response here.
monolithic Islamic country
Would it be even worse than present days sanghi democracy where a Hindu professor get arrested because he criticized Modi, or a Hindu judge was transfered because he criticized police?
Why do these low-born progeny keep crying about "would it be worse than...." the country that actually liberated them in the first place because of their own people worthless ineffectual behinds?

Past the ingrate nature....they can simply check for themselves with countries they (similarly) run and beg to today for "muh rohingya waaaaah" as to what they think of their worse/better when it comes to freedom, institutional credibility and everythign else:


Oh whats that? A 138th ranked country trying to whine about a 94th ranked one? Sounds like a super credible basis.

I guess less disparity than what they earn (worse than haitians) and put out intelligence wise ( 0 patents at USPTO yet again) in the non-BBS/BAL world there too at least. :rofl:
Delhi violence was a planned genocide, says Mamata Banerjee
Shiv Sahay Singh
KOLKATA, MARCH 02, 2020 13:21 IST
UPDATED: MARCH 02, 2020 16:35 IST

  • PTI

    Three persons had been arrested by Kolkata police for raising 'goli maro...' slogan, said West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee
    West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday called the violence in Delhi a “planned genocide,” which was later dubbed as riots.

    “Over the past few days, the way people have been killed in Delhi, I think it’s a planned genocide and later it has been portrayed as communal riots,” said Ms. Banerjee, who was addressing a gathering of party supporters at Netaji Indoor Stadium in Kolkata.

    The Trinamool Congress chairperson blamed the BJP for the violence and said instead of seeking forgiveness the party was trying to “capture new territories”.

    Ms. Banerjee also touched upon the issue of inflammatory slogans raised by BJP supporters en route to Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s rally on Sunday. She said that three persons had been arrested by Kolkata police for raising such slogans and efforts were on to identify the others.

    “Those who raised slogans of goli maaro at BJP rally in the language of Delhi...the language is inflammatory, illegal and demonic. Legal action will be taken against them. Nobody will be spared,” the Chief Minister said.

    Emphasising that this was Kolkata and not Delhi, Ms. Banerjee said that it will be the “people who will decide who is Gaddar (traitor) and who is not.”

    Ms. Banerjee questioned the role of Delhi police and other agencies and how they could allow the riots to continue. Referring to Mr. Shah’s claims of the BJP forming the next government in West Bengal, she said that in all the States ruled by the BJP — Uttar Pradesh, Tripura and Assam — law and order had deteriorated.

    During the event, the Trinamool Congress launched a 90-day-long campaign to reach out to the masses and the party chairperson urged the party supporters to be humble and remain connected to the people.
Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/natio...nned-genocide-says-mamata/article30961965.ece
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You have no idea about Jihad. Thats why you branded a person who were well within his democratic right as a Jihadi!

Now , you can tell me that Jhihad is fighting with oneself on their dement. This a standard lie to be spoken on any public forum.

Delhi violence was a planned genocide, says Mamata Banerjee
Shiv Sahay Singh
KOLKATA, MARCH 02, 2020 13:21 IST
UPDATED: MARCH 02, 2020 16:35 IST

  • PTI

    Three persons had been arrested by Kolkata police for raising 'goli maro...' slogan, said West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee
    West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday called the violence in Delhi a “planned genocide,” which was later dubbed as riots.

    “Over the past few days, the way people have been killed in Delhi, I think it’s a planned genocide and later it has been portrayed as communal riots,” said Ms. Banerjee, who was addressing a gathering of party supporters at Netaji Indoor Stadium in Kolkata.

    The Trinamool Congress chairperson blamed the BJP for the violence and said instead of seeking forgiveness the party was trying to “capture new territories”.

    Ms. Banerjee also touched upon the issue of inflammatory slogans raised by BJP supporters en route to Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s rally on Sunday. She said that three persons had been arrested by Kolkata police for raising such slogans and efforts were on to identify the others.

    “Those who raised slogans of goli maaro at BJP rally in the language of Delhi...the language is inflammatory, illegal and demonic. Legal action will be taken against them. Nobody will be spared,” the Chief Minister said.

    Emphasising that this was Kolkata and not Delhi, Ms. Banerjee said that it will be the “people who will decide who is Gaddar (traitor) and who is not.”

    Ms. Banerjee questioned the role of Delhi police and other agencies and how they could allow the riots to continue. Referring to Mr. Shah’s claims of the BJP forming the next government in West Bengal, she said that in all the States ruled by the BJP — Uttar Pradesh, Tripura and Assam — law and order had deteriorated.

    During the event, the Trinamool Congress launched a 90-day-long campaign to reach out to the masses and the party chairperson urged the party supporters to be humble and remain connected to the people.
Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/natio...nned-genocide-says-mamata/article30961965.ece

Ps: I don't understand how long the shameless illegal Bangladeshi named Mamata Banarji will keep barking against the land of milk and honey. Why she doesn't go to her won country Bangladesh!

Mamata catches the people who shouts slogans and not those who shoots really.
Bengalis (Esp psychologically compromised ones who self-hate or are part of turkic horsemen worship story) tend to shout genocide about everything.

They can't help it....they are a weak people, and it shows up big time when they actually leave their swamp to be actually compared in level playing field.

I wouldn't call Bangladesh a swamp anymore. It was maybe a decade or two back but definitely not now. All indicators point towards a rising Bangladesh economically . In due time , it will surpass India in many metrics too.

Btw, India is a shit hole well and square. Bob and vegana , piss drinkers and street shitters is something that India is known around the world despite few indians making it to the CEO positions in the west.

A pathetic weak nation that worships everything from cow dung , snakes and mutant bi-gender demigods with half animal and half human characteristics do not have the right to shit talk about other cultures.
We have a long and well documented history to evaluate Islam is religion of what?
Good! Then you know well enough how we react when attacked.
You can call moderators. This proves how intolerant a believer of Islam is.
We aren't open for criticism from dick worshipers!
Bloody, you can not discuss a topic fairly and you do Hippocrecy of peace and tolerance.
If you attack, dont expect flowers from us!
Go and call to whom so ever you want.
Do it again...

You are proving me right. You can expose your born and bought up only.
Im not an indian. Neither I was exposed to indian culture. Dont worry...
You are not good for anything else.
At least I will not harm anybody unlike you indian folks. LOL
Bengalis (Esp psychologically compromised ones who self-hate or are part of turkic horsemen worship story) tend to shout genocide about everything.

They can't help it....they are a weak people, and it shows up big time when they actually leave their swamp to be actually compared in level playing field.
LOLgiri it's very easy for you to hide behind keyboard and call us cowards.I wonder, do you have the guts to call us cowards in front of our face? I rather doubt it.

I understand why you troll in BD section so much instead of other sections.You probably have inferiority complex irl.So you come online to put others down & troll in order to feel superior to someone.

You can't troll Pakistanis because the mods are Pakistani.You can't troll Turkey and China for the same reason as well.Can't troll Iran because they're kind of your ally & too numerous for you to handle, along with their own mod.

So you turn to an easy target, that is BD section.Here you can troll with impunity because the mods usually don't care and you can even score brownie points from some Pakistanis, Indians and some Chinese too.
Good! Then you know well enough how we react when attacked.

We aren't open for criticism from dick worshipers!

If you attack, dont expect flowers from us!

Do it again...

Im not an indian. Neither I was exposed to indian culture. Dont worry...

At least I will not harm anybody unlike you indian folks. LOL

You are Ignored. Not worth wasting my time.
All indicators point towards a rising Bangladesh economically .

Yeah, when measured by itself "internally"...just like how it came up with a 3 million figure to put on your wonderful lot.

When it's actually pushed to common-standard measurement (esp when measured by actual people outside BD), they just fall and big. Zero after zero, inflation after inflation reality checked.

Besides we put no credibility for "big thinking" matters on "former 2 wing" countries that get 0 patents and about 10 patents respectively accepted in the west each year at best....and then have to slave away calling their restaurant businesses "Indian" because thats how shameless they are.

The rest you can leave to your telegram groups or this echo chamber, its fine....any neutral platform of note where this discussion matters, we simply point the actual reality of what you lot are in telford, rochdale and roterham....directly plugged into action and vigilante groups that take matters into their own hands. It's really again things on another level to do....while you lot self high-five here.

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