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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

The biggest channel on youtube is a user called pewdiepie who has a 100 million subscribers. This means there are many brain dead people that will subscribe just to about any channels. And yes some of those braindead people may consider soodi arabia a power, but no sane person thinks that.
Dadash;not bad to say "you are excluded".i'm one of qewdiepie followers which is Iranian version of it.
Looks like Saudis will take the hit and do some mental gymnastics exercises to make analysis's like these:

1.) Looks like situation is heading to new US-Iran nuclear deal, everything is under control
2.) The attack isn't from Iraq or Iran but actually from traitors inside Saudi Arabia
3.) Pompeo made some statement, wow, expect US strike any minute
4.) Iran is hurting badly and we should just improve our defense mechanisms and let Iran go into steeper decline due to sanctions


Saudi leadership is pathetic. MBS said during beginning of his reign he will bring fight into Iran and now Iran is bringing fight into Saudi Arabia. You Saudis need to criticize your leadership for once, internally, without us being involved. You need better leadership than this. Iran bringing fight into Saudi Arabia is one of their long term policies due to competition between both countries since 1979. Saudi's need to stop relying on America for everything and cooperate with Arabs for once instead of making enemies out of them. You need proxies like Iran has too.


If Iran was smart it would do another attack very soon and completely humiliate MBS and weaken his rule.
Go back on your medications kid. You obviously need help. That missile shares as much similarity with kh-55 as a tomohawk.
As usual, all u can do is insult:


Last time I checked Pakistan is the Islamic Republic and the two holy mosques are there and also receiving oil on deferred payments from said refineries so it has got many things to do with us.
There are also 50 other Muslim countries in the world. Why is it that it is only the Pakistanis who are " begaani shaadi mein Abdullah diwana"
Pakistanis should calm themselves. If the kaaba itself was attacked pakistan would not lift a finger. They can't even help their kashmiri brethren. Such is the impotence.

In any case, what this attack has showed is that the saudis are just hopeless and bunch of scared boys. If this happened against israel, iran's entire oil facilities would have been wiped out by now. The iranians know this. The saudis can't do nothing. They are scared about a confrontation. They know trump is just a sheep in wolf's clothing and full of hot air. And he wont help the saudis. I would be very surpised if the saudis retaliated over this

your american systems are junks no wonder you do not attack Iran, if this is the best performance of there best air defense systems and there early warning radars and their navy and there air force then god help you if you start a war with Iran. i mean there F-22s were in Kuwait and we fly right above their head what that tell us.



Calm yourself persian. The yanks can wipe your entire navy and airforce within hours. Don't mistake the scared witless oaf in the white house for the american military. If there is one thing america is good for, it is raining destruction on a nation.
In any case, what this attack has showed is that the saudis are just hopeless and bunch of scared boys. If this happened against israel, iran's entire oil facilities would have been wiped out by now. The iranians know this.

You need to lay off hollywood for a while kiddo. When Israel was getting raped in 06 by Iranian weapons in hand of hezbollah, Israel did not have the balls to fire a bullet towards us. Israelis can't even reach Iran to attack it. They're a midget state that can't even defeat small proxies. If they wanted to attack, how would they even attack? with their air force lol? Their planes would get vaporised as soon as they get close to Iran's borders.


Calm yourself persian. The yanks can wipe your entire navy and airforce within hours. Don't mistake the scared witless oaf in the white house for the american military. If there is one thing america is good for, it is raining destruction on a nation.

In Hollywood maybe. In real life however:


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Pakistanis should calm themselves. If the kaaba itself was attacked pakistan would not lift a finger. They can't even help their kashmiri brethren. Such is the impotence.

In any case, what this attack has showed is that the saudis are just hopeless and bunch of scared boys. If this happened against israel, iran's entire oil facilities would have been wiped out by now. The iranians know this. The saudis can't do nothing. They are scared about a confrontation. They know trump is just a sheep in wolf's clothing and full of hot air. And he wont help the saudis. I would be very surpised if the saudis retaliated over this

Calm yourself persian. The yanks can wipe your entire navy and airforce within hours. Don't mistake the scared witless oaf in the white house for the american military. If there is one thing america is good for, it is raining destruction on a nation.
Calm down fan boy. If it was so easy it would have been done decades ago.
You need to lay off hollywood for a while kiddo. When Israel was getting raped in 06 by Iranian weapons in hand of hezbollah, Israel did not have the balls to fire a bullet towards us. Israelis can't even reach Iran to attach. They're a midget state that can't even defeat small proxies.

raped? south lebanon was turned into rubble. Nasrallah cried so much he said if he knew kidnapping israeli soldiers was going to result in this he would have never done it.

here read and laugh


Israelis routinely kill your brothers in syria and iraq now. what does iran do about it? nothing. even irgc facilities in albu kamal aint safe

You need to lay off hollywood for a while kiddo. When Israel was getting raped in 06 by Iranian weapons in hand of hezbollah, Israel did not have the balls to fire a bullet towards us. Israelis can't even reach Iran to attach. They're a midget state that can't even defeat small proxies.

In Hollywood maybe. In real life however:



Like i said don't confuse the american military with their leaders. barack obama was your slave. he wanted your iranian nuke deal so bad he would have sold his mother for it.
Trump is a pussy at heart.
We saw what happened the last time the americans had a president who was not scared about using force. OPeration mantis. remember that
Pakistanis should calm themselves. If the kaaba itself was attacked pakistan would not lift a finger. They can't even help their kashmiri brethren. Such is the impotence.

In any case, what this attack has showed is that the saudis are just hopeless and bunch of scared boys. If this happened against israel, iran's entire oil facilities would have been wiped out by now. The iranians know this. The saudis can't do nothing. They are scared about a confrontation. They know trump is just a sheep in wolf's clothing and full of hot air. And he wont help the saudis. I would be very surpised if the saudis retaliated over this

Calm yourself persian. The yanks can wipe your entire navy and airforce within hours. Don't mistake the scared witless oaf in the white house for the american military. If there is one thing america is good for, it is raining destruction on a nation.

everyone can kill everyone, it's not a magic duuude so cool down they kill 1000 of us we kill 5000 of them in the first hours, no big deal, its called war.
raped? south lebanon was turned into rubble. Nasrallah cried so much he said if he knew kidnapping israeli soldiers was going to result in this he would have never done it.

Israel was kicked out of lebbanon with its tailed tucked between its leg. It's soldiers were shown crying like little girls live on BBC. What the fck are you even blabbering about?

Israelis routinely kill your brothers in syria and iraq now. what does iran do about it? nothing. even irgc facilities in albu kamal aint safe

To understand this you need to have an IQ above 60 which you evidently don't.
It is obvious that Iran is trying to establish another frontier in Syria against Israel. They don't want to escalate things with the zionists too much and hence why you don't see much retaliations. They don't want to give the americans an excuse to get openly involved.
Once these groups are fully established, they will be like a new hezbollah. These zionists can't do anything but sit and watch as Hezbollah develops missile factories etc in Lebbanon.

Like i said don't confuse the american military with their leaders. barack obama was your slave. he wanted your iranian nuke deal so bad he would have sold his mother for it.
Trump is a pussy at heart.
We saw what happened the last time the americans had a president who was not scared about using force. OPeration mantis. remember that

what a bunch of nonsensical excuses. So every-time the Americans don't dare to strike Iran, their president must be a p ussy etc. Stop clowning yourself kid.

Operational Mantis happened in the 80's when Iran was in the middle of a war and it barely had any capability to strike. You're comparing that to now? Are you this inept? If you want a more up to date possibility, look into this millenium challenge.

Even MC is now outdated as far as Iran is concerned. Iran has weapons now that it would only dream of a few decades ago.
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What should we call you then ? :)

How would you feel if i say india needs to take the war inside pakistan ?

When it comes to china or ksa or other places you are in love with :
Their country , their rules , non of our bussiness !

When it comes to Iran :
Saudi needs to take the war inside iran !

Call me a nationalist, i will help those who helped me. Ofcourse we wont meddle in allies, we are not UN or US. Iran is openly interfering in middle east and destabalizing the region. Its arming militias, that will only cause problems. It helps india, its intentions are clear. I say regime change in iran has become inevitable.
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