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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

Thaad is not designed for low altitude engagement!

I think simple turkish korkut and some turkish radars would have done the job (if activated and not drinking coffee or watching youtube/netflix/amazon/hulu/youporn)..

anything they sell is downgraded or secured.. its better for us turks not to have downgraded and secured f35.. when we flew our attacks against the communists rats they knew that we are on our way but with local input and changes on our f16 they got our middle finger

It is a good 45 min to 1 hour flight for a Drone to go from Yamen to that Refinery

and less from iraq border... but one thing that comes to mind is russians are shooting far worser enginered and smaller drones in syria..


this small drones in size of big birds made out of maybe fruit crates are being detected from lower distances by russians and sauds could not detect a big drone (yes flying low) while traveling hundrets of KM?
Houthis apparently also used their Quds-1 Cruise missile on the attack on Aramco oil facilities at Abqaiq KSA, replica of the Iranian "Sumar". The tail part can be seen without the booster which was jettisoned after launch.




Interesting thing about the cruise missile wreckage is that the wires appear to be fiber optics....
Oil refineries are generally not THAT well protected during peacetime. In our own case, we have only a single oil refinery (Attock Refinery) from Kashmir till Multan and that has been identified as a critical national installation for national war fighting effort by Ministry of Interior. But the refinery is not protrected by army air defence directly. Indirect security measures are in place but no dedicated air defence for such a critical installation. So oil refineries are not directly protected by country's air defence.
Can't really compare with Pakistan.
SA/UAE territory is well defended by Patriot and Hawk batteries. Oil installations are perceived as strategic and they enjoy maximum security. There's a huge airbase right outside Abu Dhabi; Dhafra Airbase. Check out google maps :).
That the saudis are incompetent is no secret. So it is no big surprise that they could not detect and intercept the drones/CM.

What is remarkable to me is that the US did not warn/inform the Sauds. There is no question that the Americans are able to monitor the airspace of the entire region.
If Iran could monitor the global hawk from take off then we can be rest assured that the Americans have at least this level of capability.

Which begs the question. How come they let it run its course? They essentially allowed this to happen by not interfering. It’s puzzling to me. Is it because they see this as an opportunity to sell even more weapons to the sauds? Is it because the expiration day of the saud family has run out and the US don’t mind their demise? Is it maybe a bate for houties/iri/qods/whoever involved? I don’t know but I am almost certain that they knew and did not act!
They wanted to bring Iran´s oil exports to zero..... it looks like the Saudi oil exports are going to zero instead......

Saudis helped Saddam hit the biggest oil refinery in the world at the time in Abadan...... it looks like after 40 years of waiting, Iran just gave its responce.
Interesting thing about the cruise missile wreckage is that the wires appear to be fiber optics....
what is the source of these pics........i've just seen them here.........these mustn't be the wreckage of the drones claimed by houthies.........
They wanted to bring Iran´s oil exports to zero..... it looks like the Saudi oil exports are going to zero instead......

Saudis helped Saddam hit the biggest oil refinery in the world at the time in Abadan...... it looks like after 40 years of waiting, Iran just gave its responce.

Pompeo : Saudi and UAE will export more oil so we can sanction #Iran

-Strikes knocked out half of Saudi oil capacity

Iran :
Pompeo : Saudi and UAE will export more oil so we can sanction #Iran

-Strikes knocked out half of Saudi oil capacity

Iran :
About 2 months ago i red an analysis on oil that an Iranian analyst said that as the US economy is not in a good condition and they are exporting oil as well as opec,whole of gcc cuntries have to reduce their export......
Can't really compare with Pakistan.
SA/UAE territory is well defended by Patriot and Hawk batteries. Oil installations are perceived as strategic and they enjoy maximum security. There's a huge airbase right outside Abu Dhabi; Dhafra Airbase. Check out google maps :).
27th Feb IAF's experience and now this incident is enough to prove that capable systems in incapable hands are no good.
All nothing but bunch of nonsense propaganda! If the refinery stops refining crude oil, more crude oil will be available for export, not less.
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