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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

That shows how ignorant you Iranians are. Surely your Ayatola feeds you rubbish.
The centrifuges we gave you along with blueprints started your uranium enrichment program and your scientists made some minor improvements on it.
The uranium enrichment program was the basis of the nuclear deal, due to which you are getting EU trade and backing against the USA.
Thus saving your fluffy arse from getting spanked.

And believe me there are far more Iranian immigrants in Pakistan than polar bears on the north pole.
A big mistake of benazir era
That shows how ignorant you Iranians are. Surely your Ayatola feeds you rubbish.
The centrifuges we gave you along with blueprints started your uranium enrichment program and your scientists made some minor improvements on it.
The uranium enrichment program was the basis of the nuclear deal, due to which you are getting EU trade and backing against the USA.
Thus saving your fluffy arse from getting spanked.

And believe me there are far more Iranian immigrants in Pakistan than polar bears on the north pole.
savage bro!
That shows how ignorant you Iranians are. Surely your Ayatola feeds you rubbish.

Unlike like you lot, we don't buy every pile of crap we read from godknows where you got your nonesense info.

The centrifuges we gave you along with blueprints started your uranium enrichment program and your scientists made some minor improvements on it.

Go back to sleep kid. Only thing Iran got was some second hand belgian centrifuges, nothing more.

The uranium enrichment program was the basis of the nuclear deal, due to which you are getting EU trade and backing against the USA.

Those centrifuges were a pile of crap. Only a retard would think Iran's nuclear program would not have carried on regardless.

Thus saving your fluffy arse from getting spanked.

Like I said, IQ below 50. By that logic, the centrifuges actually caused problems for Iran because it was due to them Iran was sanction in the first place.

Even an ape can see the fallacy in your outlandishly stupid comments.

And believe me there are far more Iranian immigrants in Pakistan than polar bears on the north pole.

Given that pakistanis, like afghanistanis go to Iran and become baggars, I don't see any Iranians going to pakistan, sorry kid, no one will buy that.
Unlike like you lot, we don't buy every pile of crap we read from godknows where you got your nonesense info.

Go back to sleep kid. Only thing Iran got was some second hand belgian centrifuges, nothing more.

Those centrifuges were a pile of crap. Only a retard would think Iran's nuclear program would not have carried on regardless.

Like I said, IQ below 50. By that logic, the centrifuges actually caused problems for Iran because it was due to them Iran was sanction in the first place.

Even an ape can see the fallacy in your outlandishly stupid comments.

Given that pakistanis, like afghanistanis go to Iran and become baggars, I don't see any Iranians going to pakistan, sorry kid, no one will buy that.
Come to peshawar
We Pakistanis eat Persians for breakfast. Just saying.
When you should be eating Indians for breakfast. see why Ummah is Dead on Arrival?

Now that Iran has upstaged Saudis and US in the Middle east(at least for now), some Pakistanis on this forum are making up like, like this T/T guy saying i called him a ****. Show me 1 place on this forum i have called a Pakistani a "****"!! Some of them are now using lies to try to shut down confidence of Iranian members. Lets watch and see. this is a key moment.
Are you even reading your own post before posting? You just said US will bomb anyone that threatens their interests and you also said attacking saudi oil= attacking us oil. Iran just gave the order for 50% of saudi production to be wrecked, so why did the US pussy out? Your excuse is Iran had guarantees? from whom? the US? :lol:

Furthermore, Iran has been threatening the US interests since the 70's, they have not done jack. How many times has Iran humiliated the US lol.

Read my post again, slowly.

Iran hasn't been "threatening" anyone, least of all the USA. It has been playing its role and has followed the script to the last dot ever since Khumeini was flown in from France.

The attack means that the attackers had a green light. You do not attack an American backed oil facility and get away with it, unless the Americans allow you to get away with it.

In regards to Pakistan and India; Pakistan fried the Indian behinds on February 27th, left them shattered, scared, confused and in awe. Not a peep was heard from India's so called allies and friends after that retaliation.

Pakistan doesn't make tall claims of 'death to so and so'. It simply delivers at the time of its own choosing.

The USA stared down the USSR even at the slightest hint of aggression despite the MAD scenario, Iran compared to that is nothing.

The KSA now has to decide if they will remain a perennial vassal state of the empire with extreme levels of reliance and be played like a pawn. The problem for the KSA is that their role is to maintain stability, whereas Iran is assigned the role to cause instability. The KSA really is stuck between a rock and a hard place here.
Geolocation of Buqayq facilities Air defense systems. this facilities at least defended by one Patriot PAC-2/3 , 3 Skyguard and one Shahine Batteries.

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