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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

This is IRGC in Iraq or from the Persian Gulf. Iran is still hurting from oil sanctions and said they will prevent others from exporting oil if they are prevented from it too. And it seems these explosive drones have been effective for them.

This is the most significant attack on an oil facility in Saudi that there has been. Obviously Saudi Arabia needs AA to protect its oil facilities. And they need diplomatic action of some sort to implicate Iran or Iraqi militias operating in Iraq. They are afraid to do so on a public level , so far. Houthis are just a coverup.

There's a video of the drones flying over the Iraqi/Saudi border near Kuwait.

MBS reign has been bad for Saudi Arabia compared to Abdullah or Salman. That being said, this is not about 'overreaching' by them. Iran has played its cards right in the region and has encircled Saudi Arabia. It has them facing two fronts one in Yemen and now one in Iraq. Iran has been waiting for this day for a long time and is much more prepared for a war than Saudi Arabia is. And is more motivated for a war. Saudi Arabia wants stability more than anything else.

Make no mistake though, any Saudi-Iranian war would have huge negative repercussions for the region.
That junk video show nothings any country can owns it and you say iranian drone flight above 20m of graund to every one with selfphone in nigbt can see it and take video lol sooo much IQ shahed 191 is stealth drone can reach 60000 ft and with light on like that ad missile soudi and us find of sayad missile but they show rim66 lol

Believe me I agree they will push it under rug and they lack a strategy to countering Iranian proxies and Iran. They need better intelligence and I'm not sure what the heck their intelligence agency is doing. They should be monitoring Iraqi militias and collecting intelligence on their whereabouts and what not. And able to identify where the attack came from and have a diplomatic case already ready for the whole world and even limited military reprisal like Israel would. But, they are avoiding implicating Iraqi militias and their own people are furious.

Iraq is allowing these militias to conduct attacks against Saudi Arabia from its soil it appears. And Saudi Arabia is just watching and taking the hits. It makes no sense.

My only difference with you was that this is not from Yemen or related to it and its an IRGC hit from Iraq most likely. And it's all related to US sanctions preventing anyone from buying oil from Iran.
Are you have any evidence to your comment about irig or speak like prince bensaw of his brain under drug illusions


This is a very worrisome development, if it indeed turns out to be a cruise missile. The fact that it was an attack on oil refinery alone was a dangerous development but with cruise missiles as well?

This could lead to a serious escalation between KSA and Iran - maybe a direct confrontation as well.

Pakistan has made repeated claims about protecting and defending the territorial integrity of KSA - what happens if we actually have to honour that?

Not to mention the broader implications of such a conflict for the region and world economy.

It would get much harder for the Saudis to ignore their oil fields getting attacked with missiles and drones.

After all, it is one thing to have a few check posts on the border attacked and a completely different ball game to have cruise missiles falling on your oil field in the middle of the country.

I just don't know what sort of options the Saudis have now.
Why the saoudi prince bensaw first attake yemen and kill many kids and womens and yemen forces dont responds to that are you mad soudi slaves of uda and zionism kills many moslems in yemen with west weapons and in iraq and syria by makeing and supporting terrotist like al qaede bid leader was prince of saud lol and isis and isil jibhat al nosra alshabab go plz do toobe and became human
Saudi Arabia vs Iran instead of a proxy war that has been raging on it is now going to be a full blown war.

I'malso trying to think about what could be the reason behind the Iranian escalation here.

It cannot be that they would attack the oil fields without much thought.

I'm especially curious about why they would do such a thing right after the recent tensions with the US. Were they emboldened by it? Do they think that the US isn't willing to fight them because of domestic reasons - Bolton getting the boot etc - so they chose to do this?

If it is Saumar cruise missile - and if the evidence ties it to the Iranians in a very clear way. What would that mean. Surely, they did this expecting something.

What if the Saudis do not respond to this - and there is another one like it.

The Iranians are obviously confident about their capabilities that they've went this route. If this attack doesn't force the Saudis to act they could do another - how many before the Saudis cannot ignore any further.

Why now though and what does it mean for the Saudis given the Iranians are confident now and willing to provoke them.

The Saudis should try to mend ties with Turkey ASAP and start mending relatiins with all the others if they wish to be able to tackle Iran.
Are you have evidence for your stoupid words you even dont know what attack you and your brain is in hanging mode go first fix your brain problem next come to think what eas that lol and what pac3 shitty things done ate they for show saoudi buy them billions dollats so big hat for junkie

Saudi Arabia vs Iran instead of a proxy war that has been raging on it is now going to be a full blown war.
If that happen the al saud must buy rat hole in usa for billions of dollars and nothing reamain of soudi only makke and madine 2 holy places and bensaw can go to his hole in pissrahell in bibi house

Wa Alaykm Al Salam wa Rahmah Allah wa Barakatuh

Indeed it is worrying, although I'm not sure if this is a cruise missile, ballistic missile or explosive drone. Some people are saying it is a drone.

This KSA-Iran feud is seeming to go to no point of return and likely the world will watch them war with each other and it will be detrimental for the region.

I really don't know what I would do if I was in Pakistan's position or any other Muslim country. I would likely try to deescalate situation and maybe make sure holy sites are functioning and protected. I do wonder too what will happen to global economy and how will international powers approach such

Yes, they are between rock and a hard place. I think Iran would love for them to respond in Iraq or against Iran so it can take advantage of situation in obvious ways. And Saudi Arabia is aware of that so they are exercising restraint for now.


Edit: It looks like a Soumar cruise missile.
Soudi and bensaw kill many moslems and kids women in yemen iraq syria buy wrapons and makeing trorrists in their country and you say i worry about holy places if they are your family are you say that dont worry no moslem only al saud themselves dont hurt and kill any one of 2 holy city only they are killed moslem in 2 holy placrs makke and madine
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This is a very worrisome development, if it indeed turns out to be a cruise missile. The fact that it was an attack on oil refinery alone was a dangerous development but with cruise missiles as well?

This could lead to a serious escalation between KSA and Iran - maybe a direct confrontation as well.

Pakistan has made repeated claims about protecting and defending the territorial integrity of KSA - what happens if we actually have to honour that?

Not to mention the broader implications of such a conflict for the region and world economy.

It would get much harder for the Saudis to ignore their oil fields getting attacked with missiles and drones.

After all, it is one thing to have a few check posts on the border attacked and a completely different ball game to have cruise missiles falling on your oil field in the middle of the country.

I just don't know what sort of options the Saudis have now.

Well to be honest Iran has not been a good friend to Pakistan either especially with regards to India.

Pakistan may not like it but with the agreements they have with KSA might make Pakistan join in this conflict by backing the KSA.

Does KSA and Pakistan are technically allies. Pakistan even has troops there and everything.
Well to be honest Iran has not been a good friend to Pakistan either especially with regards to India.

Pakistan may not like but with agreements with KSA might been Pakistan will have to join KSA.

Does KSA and Pakistan are technically allies. Pakistan even has troops there and everything.
Are you speak from gavernment of pak lol are you imran khan excuse me pm .for your small brain the pak join and came out of it if you dont know .so its no diffrent they are 35 countries in first now its al soud and bensaw alone they are in home alone and poor bensaw dont have drug (out of drug)and his ps4 is broken with yemen drone its only things in his game can win iran in this game in that very very easy mode
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i read somewhere us is becoming a big oil player as in exporting country!

We don’t export much crude oil. However we do export refined products to mostly Canada and Mexico (like gasoline due to their demand outstripping their refinery capabilities). That’s independent of crude supply/demand.
Who dares to do anything to Iran ? After all of those sanctions against Iran , what else they can do ? Arming Pakistani Wahabies to attack Iran's borders ?

No we don't!!! Meaning we don't have the mind set or capability to inflict injury upon any blue eyed Aryan snow whites. It's just that we don't see the more of those "titans"
Bottom line, when America offers u talks u give them a slap.
US : 1) unilaterally pulled out of multi- stakeholder agreement, which is a break of international law. is that not a "slap" on Iran? what about US illegal unilateral sanctions on Iranian nation? wasnt that a slap b4 any "offer of talks" with Iran? Its like you have your order of actions/incidents reversed.

You think such behavior makes u manly and cool. But in fact it makes u a just petty street mobster.
US and Israel violate many international laws and agreements ALREADY, so pls dont be a hypocrite.

U miss another chance to save ur falling economy.
Leave their econony alone and let them manage it their way. Oh, and please mind your business! cheers.
Don't count on that ... Next?
Lolzz ur saying next as if iran is able to stop anyone. Its always the people that matter, arrogantly how u say dnt count on that when reality is it were people that brought these mullahs upon themselves and eventually the people will kick them out. They can hold it but cant avoid it.

YOu're such a dreamer. i wont dignify such unrealistic, hypothetical with a good argument.

LMAO. more illusions..

I know alot of Iranians, ive been to iran. People are liberal and hate mullahs. You can ignore it all u want, but eventually it will boil.
US : 1) unilaterally pulled out of multi- stakeholder agreement, which is a break of international law.
This agreement was not ratified by US Congress, so US can pull out anytime.

is that not a "slap" on Iran? what about US illegal unilateral sanctions on Iranian nation? wasnt that a slap b4 any "offer of talks" with Iran? Its like you have your order of actions/incidents reversed.
Iran broke relationships with US, attacked US numerous times, threatens US all the time. US has all rights to impose sanctions on Iran.

Leave their econony alone and let them manage it their way. Oh, and please mind your business! cheers.
You should tell it to mullahs who are destroying Iranian economy for sake of their crazy ideas
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