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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

they would not send simorgh there unless it was absolutely necessary and they were confident of its performance Shahed-191 is more likely as they were in war tone country and attacked near Us bases undetected so there is a real life performance for Shahed-191 there.

Shahed-191 is not able to fly long distances ... No satcom ! Only 129 & 171 equiped with satcom ...
Oil refineries are generally not THAT well protected during peacetime. In our own case, we have only a single oil refinery (Attock Refinery) from Kashmir till Multan and that has been identified as a critical national installation for national war fighting effort by Ministry of Interior. But the refinery is not protrected by army air defence directly. Indirect security measures are in place but no dedicated air defence for such a critical installation. So oil refineries are not directly protected by country's air defence.
I am surprised the saudis did not try to hide this embarrassment by claiming "it was a technical malfunctions" like they do every-time an asset is destroyed by the Houthis. :rofl:

This is just a small taste of what's to come. These people thought they could massacre the Yemeni people and they would sit nicely in their desert risk free?
It's just funny :D people still underestimating sophistication of Iranian systems !

I can't stop laughing ... AD systems didn't react because they saw the price tag on the drones :lol:

You can't even find the real source of the attack ...

if u care about money and price tag u shouldn't start war in the first place...right?

Where the Hell is THAAD?

A piece of gurbadge.
and the patriot system...

if they had something like pantsir s1 or tor m1, there would be probability to counter those drones.
MBS tells Trump Saudi 'willing and able' to respond to attacks
US leader ready to work with kingdom on security as Pompeo accuses Iran of direct involvement in Houthi-claimed attacks.
The kingdom is willing and able to confront and deal with this terrorist aggression," Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ( MBS) told Trump during a phone call on Saturday, according to the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

Americans will sell weapon again :-) .only solution is s-400 to prevent hotsi attacks what happened S-400 deal of al saud ?
It is a good 45 min to 1 hour flight for a Drone to go from Yamen to that Refinery
So USA patriot missiles could not spot the drone ?

Did it really flew from Yamen , UAE is the closest foreign region
Brother oman is also near by (who also have been housing our enemy India)

No its sobotage
I sense negotiations are around the corner and don't think this will be the last of these attacks.
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