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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

I thought mods were supposed to be unbiased? Why is this mod flaming Saudi Arabia and wanting them to be attacked more?

he didnt say anything wrong..

you guys cheer for much worse..

forthermore its not cheering he just said that there shurly would be more attacks to expect..

whats more interesting is that sauds could not detect it even they are on war mode .. it penetrated 500 km from iraqi border or 700 km from yemen border.. they got very bad surprized.. and since its not attack on civilians but on infrastructure of Sauds houthis did a very extreem sucess a PR move and something from military value..

if you ask me the best for houtis would be to attack the oil industry with all they have.. uae and sauds but I would go further and try to attack the food and water supply and anything that is green from ppl setting things on fire to drone or rocket attacks

but they have to make shure that they dont target civilians directly (if you work somewhere its just your personal risk) also dont target foreign troops or foreigners.. also it would be much better if they would have more such drones to make a massive attack shure they need to deceive their enemy first and than take them by surprize but I guess they lack the infrastructure for more.. but I would be a more wicked enemy with more non technological surprizes
This should raise serious concerns about the security of Hijaz and the capability of its custodians. Not able to find out who attacked is far worse than not being able to neutralize the attack. Pakistan needs to rethink its policy of sitting on the sidelines.
Hijaz has a protector. No harm will come to it.
As for the self proclaimed "custodians". Allah ki laathi be awaaz hai.
may be Americas can sell Thaad systems ,Thaad comminucation Systems, as well as Raytheon AN/TPY-2 Radars.This may be protect to Al saud from Hutsi attacks

Thaad is not designed for low altitude engagement!

Those are probably protecting royal palaces. Still shows how PAF was able to intercept Indian and Iranian drone while this clearly shows a failure on the KSA air defenses.

Shahed-129 designed for border patrolling and attacking terrorists ... Not penetrating enemy airspace !
5 possibilites as to how & from where the attack was done:-
1-it was from Yemen, in this case the drone would have to cross approximately 1200km spending one & a half hour assuming it's flying at a speed of 800km/h.
2-it was from Iraq, in this case it has to cross 500km/h & spend approximately 40 minutes in KSA airspace.
3-it came from Iran, this is quite risky because if it is detected then the consiquences for Iran would be great.
4-it came from the sea, launched by a speed boat or a submarine, even more risky for Iran than the 3rd option.
5-it came from inside the KSA itself, Houthi spies used civilian drones, armed them with homemade explosives & programed them to fly towards the target & explode once they reach it.

personaly I believe th 5th option is the most likely, however if any of the first 4 options is correct then that is a big fail for American weapons, afterall Pompeo keeps on accusing Iran but they didn't actually give any evidence, in other words they saw absolutely nothing! they have no idea what happened so the only thing they do is guess, I'm sure the folks at Raytheon are scratching their heads trying to figure out what happened, either that or may be the US simply exports nothing but significantly downgraded garbage to the KSA.
Bloody awesome. Although it wasn't unexpected, Iran is the dominant power of the region and the Arabs are no match for them. They should withdraw from poor Yemen and let the poor and destitute Muslims of Yemen live. They have been bombing weddings, bazars and school buses.
5 possibilites as to how & from where the attack was done:-
1-it was from Yemen, in this case the drone would have to cross approximately 1200km spending one & a half hour assuming it's flying at a speed of 800km/h.
2-it was from Iraq, in this case it has to cross 500km/h & spend approximately 40 minutes in KSA airspace.
3-it came from Iran, this is quite risky because if it is detected then the consiquences for Iran would be great.
4-it came from the sea, launched by a speed boat or a submarine, even more risky for Iran than the 3rd option.
5-it came from inside the KSA itself, Houthi spies used civilian drones, armed them with homemade explosives & programed them to fly towards the target & explode once they reach it.

personaly I believe th 5th option is the most likely, however if any of the first 4 options is correct then that is a big fail for American weapons, afterall Pompeo keeps on accusing Iran but they didn't actually give any evidence, in other words they saw absolutely nothing! they have no idea what happened so the only thing they do is guess, I'm sure the folks at Raytheon are scratching their heads trying to figure out what happened, either that or may be the US simply exports nothing but significantly downgraded garbage to the KSA.

So what's this ? :D

5 possibilites as to how & from where the attack was done:-
1-it was from Yemen, in this case the drone would have to cross approximately 1200km spending one & a half hour assuming it's flying at a speed of 800km/h.
2-it was from Iraq, in this case it has to cross 500km/h & spend approximately 40 minutes in KSA airspace.
3-it came from Iran, this is quite risky because if it is detected then the consiquences for Iran would be great.
4-it came from the sea, launched by a speed boat or a submarine, even more risky for Iran than the 3rd option.
5-it came from inside the KSA itself, Houthi spies used civilian drones, armed them with homemade explosives & programed them to fly towards the target & explode once they reach it.

personaly I believe th 5th option is the most likely, however if any of the first 4 options is correct then that is a big fail for American weapons, afterall Pompeo keeps on accusing Iran but they didn't actually give any evidence, in other words they saw absolutely nothing! they have no idea what happened so the only thing they do is guess, I'm sure the folks at Raytheon are scratching their heads trying to figure out what happened, either that or may be the US simply exports nothing but significantly downgraded garbage to the KSA.

None of that. It's a Soumar cruise missile strike. Cruise missiles are terrain hugging, they are designed for this specific purpose of going undetected. Despite all the hoopla about the sophisticated AD and radars, terrain hugging cruise missiles have high chance of success.
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5 possibilites as to how & from where the attack was done:-
1-it was from Yemen, in this case the drone would have to cross approximately 1200km spending one & a half hour assuming it's flying at a speed of 800km/h.
2-it was from Iraq, in this case it has to cross 500km/h & spend approximately 40 minutes in KSA airspace.
3-it came from Iran, this is quite risky because if it is detected then the consiquences for Iran would be great.
4-it came from the sea, launched by a speed boat or a submarine, even more risky for Iran than the 3rd option.
5-it came from inside the KSA itself, Houthi spies used civilian drones, armed them with homemade explosives & programed them to fly towards the target & explode once they reach it.

personaly I believe th 5th option is the most likely, however if any of the first 4 options is correct then that is a big fail for American weapons, afterall Pompeo keeps on accusing Iran but they didn't actually give any evidence, in other words they saw absolutely nothing! they have no idea what happened so the only thing they do is guess, I'm sure the folks at Raytheon are scratching their heads trying to figure out what happened, either that or may be the US simply exports nothing but significantly downgraded garbage to the KSA.
they were filmed from Iraq and Kuwait sooo its either from Iran or from Iraq they were crossing US and those 3 country military bases and early warning radars and there navy and air defenses like it was noting so you tell me how bad they performed.
What if it was just a Shahed-171 !


What if it was just a Shahed-171 !

View attachment 579466

they would not send simorgh there unless it was absolutely necessary and they were confident of its performance Shahed-191 is more likely as they were in war tone country and attacked near Us bases undetected so there is a real life performance for Shahed-191 there.
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