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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

50% of Saudi Oil Refinery Capacity

Oil prices are set to sky rocket
Oil pricing were going down since last few weeks, may be drone flew inside KSA and hit refinery .... market reacts

The drone attack Pakistan's National Interest as Saudia is providing us with Credit Oil for next 3 years

So I consider this as a indirect on Pakistan's National Interest

Also Pakistan - Saudia have traditional Long Trusted ties due to the Two holy mosques being in Kingdom
Saudis need to learn that war has consequences. and its not a 1 way street of bombing destutite people with impunity.

This entire war is based on the hurt ego and pride of a bunch of spoiled little Saudi princesses...

millions of Yemenis are suffering a famine to stroke the ego of a fat entitled monkey faced rat. The creators of Viagra also share some blame in this...….

This is just 1/1000th of a payback.... Billions of dollars of damage, and complete humiliation for the Saudi princesses.. how can you not love this? beautiful.

Yemen needs many more attacks like this. the more Saudi oil facility they take out, the less cash the Saudis have to prop up the American war industry and slaughter destitute muslims….

You really expect Saudis to "Learn"?

The houthis have shut down HALF of saudis oil production!!,I`m fvcking speechless!.
Time to go for the other half!
Now is the time for GCC to ally with Israel and strike any and all targets in Iraq.

All of a sudden putting iraq in the middle. Seems like one way to justify a major failure. They could have came from Qatar, or somewhere from the water in the gulf or anywhere else. Either way your way of thinking has failed and keeps failing. What makes you think that what your saying is a good idea now?

Saudi Arabia needs to stop the war if they want peace. Stop their airstrikes, remove the blockade and let the Yemenis find a peaceful solution.


Why Iraq and not Iran?
Because attacking Iran will mean all oil exports in the region will come to a complete hall. Maybe with the exception of Oman and Iraq’s oil to Turkey. The area is too vulnerable for another war. Escalation has only led to more failures. It needs to stop.

Yemen is to the south while abqaiq is towards the north...how the heck are the Yemeni drones able to get that far without being detected?

Seems like modern technology only works on expensive jets which could be detected via radar. It can’t detect small low flying drones
All of a sudden putting iraq in the middle. Seems like one way to justify a major failure. They could have came from Qatar, or somewhere from the water in the gulf or anywhere else. Either way your way of thinking has failed and keeps failing. What makes you think that what your saying is a good idea now?

Saudi Arabia needs to stop the war if they want peace. Stop their airstrikes, remove the blockade and let the Yemenis find a peaceful solution.

Because attacking Iran will mean all oil exports in the region will come to a complete hall. Maybe with the exception of Oman and Iraq’s oil to Turkey. The area is too vulnerable for another war. Escalation has only led to more failures. It needs to stop.

Seems like modern technology only works on expensive jets which could be detected via radar. It can’t detect small low flying drones
Lemme guess, Shia?
Not as massive as destruction of Yemen and suffering its people have gone through for 5 years by barbaric Saudi war in Yemen.

This is just a small response to Saudi attacks, there will be more.
@The Eagle
I thought mods were supposed to be unbiased? Why is this mod flaming Saudi Arabia and wanting them to be attacked more?
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