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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

YOu're such a dreamer. i wont dignify such unrealistic, hypothetical with a good argument.

LMAO. more illusions..

Reading such a comments is not bothering for me at all !

It shows they have no idea about realities and when they don't see their desired dreams in real world : :pissed:

and you are eating Pompeo's words like they are 100% truth. You know he was former CIA director right? why are you so gullible?

The reality - Pakistan thinks twice and seriously before entering military conflict with Iran. US did too, so thats facts.

You're describing theories, not reality. I hope you know that?

Pakistan will never enter into any confrontation with Iran. period. It is not even in the thoughts. Pakistan had already refused to enter Yemen or help their war effort , I don't know why delusional arabs still think Pakistan will help arabs in case they attack Iran.

GCC should focus their energies on countering Israel rather than wasting time on Iran. Iran is not going anywhere. Even trump has realized this by firing bolton.
Poor Saudi. Got duped by American politicians and lobbyists to buy anti-missile weaponry from them for billions of dollars, only to see them being nullified by Iranian missiles that cost a fraction of the aforementioned systems.

But then again, the same people in Washington that sold these ineffective weaponry to the Saudis also told the world that "maximum pressure" would bring Iran to its knees. In stead, Iran is giving a sneak peek of its capabilities, while bringing forward the message that if Tehran can't sell its oil, no one in the region can.

I remember the days when the Saudis were high moralized when they started their war on Yemen, claiming that they soon would break Iran's proxy power in the region and ride high all the way to Sanaa. Four years later, the Saudis and their cronies have been exposed for the paper tiger they are. The idea that these incompetent desert dwellers could ever match Iran in capabilities was nothing more than a short-lived wet dream.
Pakistanis should calm themselves. If the kaaba itself was attacked pakistan would not lift a finger. They can't even help their kashmiri brethren. Such is the impotence.

In any case, what this attack has showed is that the saudis are just hopeless and bunch of scared boys. If this happened against israel, iran's entire oil facilities would have been wiped out by now. The iranians know this. The saudis can't do nothing. They are scared about a confrontation. They know trump is just a sheep in wolf's clothing and full of hot air. And he wont help the saudis. I would be very surpised if the saudis retaliated over this

Calm yourself persian. The yanks can wipe your entire navy and airforce within hours. Don't mistake the scared witless oaf in the white house for the american military. If there is one thing america is good for, it is raining destruction on a nation.

STFU moron. You will find out soon enough what Pakistan can do for their Kashmiri brethren. Let your coward Indian brothers lift the lockdown.
That the saudis are incompetent is no secret. So it is no big surprise that they could not detect and intercept the drones/CM.

What is remarkable to me is that the US did not warn/inform the Sauds. There is no question that the Americans are able to monitor the airspace of the entire region.
If Iran could monitor the global hawk from take off then we can be rest assured that the Americans have at least this level of capability.

Which begs the question. How come they let it run its course? They essentially allowed this to happen by not interfering. It’s puzzling to me. Is it because they see this as an opportunity to sell even more weapons to the sauds? Is it because the expiration day of the saud family has run out and the US don’t mind their demise? Is it maybe a bate for houties/iri/qods/whoever involved? I don’t know but I am almost certain that they knew and did not act!
If it really was Iran, then it was in response to recent attacks in Iraq. I never bought that it was Israel. It was done either by Saudis or through their proxies. That could also explain why US (if we assume they saw it coming, which given the last attacks by Iran in Syria near US base provably is not the right assumption) didn't react. It was between Iran and KSA
Why do you drag other 50 Muslim countries into this? They will have to answer for their deeds and we will answer for ours. They will go their graves and we will go to ours. If they are indifferent to the plight of Muslims doesn't mean we have to be too.
Every other Muslim country is indifferent to the plight of Pakistan.
I'm sick of Pakistan being taken for granted.
Every other country looks after it's own interests.
It's time we did the same.
We will get a lot more attention and respect if we do.
The pace that the Houthis' missile development is going through, I wouldn't be surprised if we hear a cruise missile attack on Dimona nuclear reactor at some point in the future. The name of their cruise missile is Qudus-1, and Qudus means Jerusalem (in case you didn't know). Their slogan is also "........, death to Israel, curse on the Jews, and victory to Islam". These guys are protected by mountains, which is kind of semi-fortress Afghanistan, and it looks like they're highly motivated. I mean look at the kind of the attacks that the Arab coalition mounted, They're all still around.

If Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah were groups that Israeli worried about, looks like another group has joined the mix.

It was Kh-55 cruise missile launched from Iran.

Last week Trump fired Bolton and started to talk about easing sanctions.

Khamenai considered it as weakness and ordered direct cruise missile strike just 3 days later. Thats typical Khamenaist thinking. No wonder that Iranian economy is worse condition today than 40 years ago during the Shah.
It was Kh-55 cruise missile launched from Iran.

Last week Trump fired Bolton and started to talk about easing sanctions.

Khamenai considered it as weakness and ordered direct cruise missile strike just 3 days later. Thats typical Khamenaist thinking. No wonder that Iranian economy is worse condition today than 40 years ago during the Shah.
Not as massive as destruction of Yemen and suffering its people have gone through for 5 years by barbaric Saudi war in Yemen.

This is just a small response to Saudi attacks, there will be more.
Gud, Innocent Blood should be avenged at all cost... Lets Pray for Syrian Innocents, and pray that one day Bashar Al Khinzeer and his Supporters will die a painful death.
LOL, even your own image shows the dimensions are completely different.

Like I said, you need your medication:



What does it matter which names u give to ur Kh-55 clones? Bottom line you agree it were cruise missiles and not "drones" and ur propaganda claimed.

Bottom line, when America offers u talks u give them a slap. You think such behavior makes u manly and cool. But in fact it makes u a just petty street mobster. U miss another chance to save ur falling economy.
What does it matter which names u give to ur Kh-55 clones? Bottom line you agree it were cruise missiles and not "drones" and ur propaganda claimed.

A "clone" that is:

1- Ground launched when kh-55 was configured be air launched
2- Has a completely different engine
3-different size (in case of houthi missiles)
4- completely different fin configuration (in case of the houthi missiles)

I am not saying it was a cruise missile or not, only that your clone claim is silly and moronic.

Get your supervisor in your hasbarah troll centre to get you a dictionary so you see the definition of a "clone".

Bottom line, when America offers u talks u give them a slap.

No, talks will still happen

Trump does not rule out Rouhani meeting after Saudi oil attacks, as Iran denies involvement


You think such behavior makes u manly and cool. But in fact it makes u a just petty street mobster. U miss another chance to save ur falling economy.

This is called war kid. houthis retaliating against saudis.
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What does it matter which names u give to ur Kh-55 clones? Bottom line you agree it were cruise missiles and not "drones" and ur propaganda claimed.

Bottom line, when America offers u talks u give them a slap. You think such behavior makes u manly and cool. But in fact it makes u a just petty street mobster. U miss another chance to save ur falling economy.

Your inability to understand Iranian strategic calculus says more about your mental deficiencies than Tehran's policy.
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