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Drone was IRAN MADE

the question is live connection to what and how, it was shot down 200km from Lebanon border, for such small low flying drone it is impossible to have LOS live feed of high bitrate data of 200km, most probably it flew on a predetermine route, furthermore i believe if hezbullah took photos they would have shown them instead of cheap CGI portraying Predator as UAV which flown over Israel
If Israel has stolen their land then where is Israel's land? Have they come from black whole? Jews has something to do with Jerusalem as their holy land. obviously Jerusalem cant be shifted from one place to other.

Ok, I had a good day until I saw the absolutely ridiculous and naive claims made by you and your dufus friends.

Listen yar, Judaism is not an ethnicity, hence why you find european, black, Semitic and even chinese jews. So if you mean an Eskimo jew belongs in the Middle East, you seriously need to get your head checked.
Jerusalem was not built by jews, and is not only holy for jews.
Israel had a very short lived life, and the land has been dominated the longest by Canaanites, Romans and Arabs. So if any, these three civilizations have stronger claims than the majority of Israelis, who neither look or act Middle Eastern.
Oh dear Nassarullah, please don't cry...I give you new one!

These kind of toys can be purchased off the shelf in the west

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After reading this thread I realized how Iranians were easily kept in controlled by the Shah and then taken advantage by Khomeni!
The operation code-named Hussein Ayub saw Hezbollah’s drone fly hundreds of kilometers into the Israeli airspace


The entire state of Israel is no more than 90 km in length and 40 km in width and this news claims 100's of km into Israeli territory.
That is the funnies news that I have come across in recent times
Ok, I had a good day until I saw the absolutely ridiculous and naive claims made by you and your dufus friends.

Listen yar, Judaism is not an ethnicity, hence why you find european, black, Semitic and even chinese jews. So if you mean an Eskimo jew belongs in the Middle East, you seriously need to get your head checked.
Jerusalem was not built by jews, and is not only holy for jews.
Israel had a very short lived life, and the land has been dominated the longest by Canaanites, Romans and Arabs. So if any, these three civilizations have stronger claims than the majority of Israelis, who neither look or act Middle Eastern.

Israel (which is occupying palestine)is like a cancer cell that keeps growing and growing ,that's why it needs intensive Chemotheraphy sessions ! doesn't mean its gonna go away! But it can be contained!:lol:
Ok, I had a good day until I saw the absolutely ridiculous and naive claims made by you and your dufus friends.

Listen yar, Judaism is not an ethnicity, hence why you find european, black, Semitic and even chinese jews. So if you mean an Eskimo jew belongs in the Middle East, you seriously need to get your head checked.
Jerusalem was not built by jews, and is not only holy for jews.
Israel had a very short lived life, and the land has been dominated the longest by Canaanites, Romans and Arabs. So if any, these three civilizations have stronger claims than the majority of Israelis, who neither look or act Middle Eastern.

First of all, Jews are only one who had an independent state here.
Secondly. ALl names are in Hebrew, including "Palestine" intself.
Thirdly, there was never a nation called Canaanites.
Fourthly, Jews who lived in this area wrote the Bible and Gospel, which became a base of major religions, no other nation which lived here left anythig important.
Finally, how u explain that there are blond Palestinians with blue eyes and completelly black nergo Palestinians? :lol:

Sit quiet in Denmark.

Israel (which is occupying palestine)is like a cancer cell that keeps growing and growing ,that's why it needs intensive Chemotheraphy sessions ! doesn't mean its gonna go away! But it can be contained!:lol:
Actually last time Israel grew was in 1973. Since 1974 its decreasing. Also since Israel looks much better than Arab states + Iran, then cancer is obviously the second.
Israel (which is occupying palestine)is like a cancer cell that keeps growing and growing ,that's why it needs intensive Chemotheraphy sessions ! doesn't mean its gonna go away! But it can be contained!:lol:

This "cancer" is definitely better than a bunch of countries hell bent on going back to past and dropping their great heritage. May this "cancer" grow everywhere in world.
Actually last time Israel grew was in 1973. Since 1974 its decreasing.

What about settlement expansion in the west bank and east Jerusalem?
That is considered growing, and everyone knows that Israel will eventually try to expel the Palestinians living in the west bank to Jordan and control all Palestinian territories except maybe Gaza. That's why Israel can't be trusted at all and only understand the language of war.

The entire state of Israel is no more than 90 km in length and 40 km in width and this news claims 100's of km into Israeli territory.
That is the funnies news that I have come across in recent times

First laugh at yourself because its width is about 114 kms , then add Gaza strip which is about 12 kms besides the coastline which is 273 kms and remember drone was flown into the Mediterranean sea then it entered the occupied lands.

and your post was the most funniest words that I have come across in recent times
What about settlement expansion in the west bank and east Jerusalem?
That is considered growing
How its growing, if setlements are built only in areas which are already under full control of Israel? More over now 100% of Gaza and 40% of West Bank are under full control of Palestinians and Israel does not build there anything.

and everyone knows that Israel will eventually try to expel the Palestinians living in the west bank to Jordan
No, it wont happen. There is no single party in Israel that advocates expulsion. There was one party Molodet in past. It got only one seat in parliament and was eventually banned by Israeli court.

and control all Palestinian territories except maybe Gaza.
We controlled all territories including Gaza from 1967-1994.

That's why Israel can't be trusted at all and only understand the language of war.
History shows that wars started by Arabs only make Israel grow.
History shows that wars started by Arabs only make Israel grow.

Hello, Israel invaded Egypt in 1956 and occupied whole sinai Deserta and 1 2 cities, The Only reason could stop Them and force them to back off was Soviet union that Threated to nuke England, France and Israel. how could you explain it and convince people to trust Israel?
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