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Drone Hot Zone: 'US wants all-out civil war in Pakistan'

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Drone Hot Zone: 'US wants all-out civil war in Pakistan'

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Allowing other country to kill own citizen for money....is very unfortunate.....Pakistan and USA must stop this....
Pakistan is more united than ever, since they have given us a common cause. There will be no civil war in Pakistan, but we will do what we do best. Everyone will see it !

I admire your faith holding fast against clear evidence to the contrary.
I admire your faith holding fast against clear evidence to the contrary.

Standing against the adverser requires faith, which in itself is a trait of the triumphant. There will be no civil war in Pakistan, regardless of what the odds are.
Standing against the adverser requires faith, which in itself is a trait of the triumphant. There will be no civil war in Pakistan, regardless of what the odds are.

Like I said, I admire your faith. :D

(The phrase "regardless of what the odds are" is pretty significant, though.)
I admire your faith holding fast against clear evidence to the contrary.

Babes, when was the last time you actually visited Pakistan and saw our problems up close and personal ? Yes there are problems...there are a million problems with each compounded by the other but there is nothing to suggest that there can be a civil war in Pakistan !
I admire your faith holding fast against clear evidence to the contrary.
Buddy, whatever the situation, there isn't going to be a civil war. Even if the instigators increase the heat ten folds!

Note: I'm a tribal, and I speak to different family members regularly. Maybe you have some extra bit of information that I don't have?
i haven't seen unity amongst pakistani's which i experienced on friday
they say they want civil war in pakistan but after that experience i think it is very very dificult in sha ALLAH
Buddy, whatever the situation, there isn't going to be a civil war. Even if the instigators increase the heat ten folds!

Note: I'm a tribal, and I speak to different family members regularly. Maybe you have some extra bit of information that I don't have?

No you're not Tarzan ! :P Tribalism is a state of mind not about being born somewhere and your esteemed self who squealed like a girl when that bloke pointed a gun at you makes you a very gulaaaabi Tribal ! :P
No you're not Tarzan ! :P Tribalism is a state of mind not about being born somewhere and your esteemed self who squealed like a girl when that bloke pointed a gun at you makes you a very gulaaaabi Tribal ! :P
True, I maybe the most tolerant and sweetest tribal out there! :flirt:
Like I said, I admire your faith. :D

(The phrase "regardless of what the odds are" is pretty significant, though.)

* Ottoman Empire lost all
* Chinese were occupied by Japan for decades
* France was occupied by Hitler
* Germany lost two world wars
* Japan was nuked and humiliated
* USA was humiliated in Vietnam
* Russia was humiliated in Afghanistan
* USA/NATO being humiliated in Afghanistan as we speak

Odds present against above countries were much greater than what we have today, and all of those countries have been or are super powers of today. There is a Punjabi proverb id like to share with you. "Gudr kamaand vichoon nikalda aye" it means [Sugar comes from sugarcane after a long painful process.].

We have faced war from day one, we are still here and i have full trust in our ability and in the creator that if He has a purpose for us than we cannot fail and would emerge in a way which would earn us a place amongst the countries mentioned above - one day - !
Odds present against above countries were much greater than what we have today, and all of those countries have been or are super powers of today. There is a Punjabi proverb id like to share with you. "Gudr kamaand vichoon nikalda aye" it means [Sugar comes from sugarcane after a long painful process.].

We have faced war from day one, we are still here and i have full trust in our ability and in the creator that if He has a purpose for us than we cannot fail and would emerge in a way which would earn us a place amongst the countries mentioned above - one day - !

Yes, I DO admire your faith, and then I read posts like this over in the other thread:

No punishment. Those that were momentarily arrested were released after the right-wingers had a word with the police. And Maulana Diesel has congratulated the nation for their 'successful' protests.

Meanwhile, nothing is achieved with these violent protests apart from Rs.80bn in damage, 20 dead and hundreds injured.

Congrats indeed to the nation and government for what they've managed to accomplish.

A couple more videos is perhaps all it will take to bring the whole edifice down? I hope not.
Ahhh...don't get all mushy on me ! Save that for the Bhabis ! Christ...and I thought you'd be monogamous !
Dude, you really do think in single dimension! Are you the only one reading that remark? :rofl:

No wonder you're in accounting. 2+2 = 4 (your book) 2+2 = Hello, what's up? (in my book)
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