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Drone Hot Zone: 'US wants all-out civil war in Pakistan'

Ahem ahem.. I'm feudal! :P

But a nice one. :flirt:

You know the feudals im talking about, those sorts who educate their kids at Harvard but won't even allow a taat school be built in their electorate, those who control from wheat,rice,cotton production to rice,flour,sugar mills, textile factories, pesticide, fertilizer industries, control the market place and get voted in on gun point !
Meri jan you'll get ulcers. If people are bad, don't deal with them. If they hurt you, hurt them economically. If it's your parents annoying you, then I have no cure, as my parents are the biggest thorn in my life! :P

Dunno about 'ulcers' ! I'm sure the regular Kastoori Kebabs with melted cheese and Afghani Naan lathered with Butter would give them anyhow ! But I do feel like exploding at times and so I have a handy Heavy Bag (Boxing Bag) at hand that I punch till I'm spent !
You know the feudals im talking about, those sorts who educate their kids at Harvard but won't even be a taat school be built in their electorate, those who control from wheat,rice,cotton production to rice,flour,sugar mills, textile factories, pesticide, fertilizer industries, control the market place and get voted in on gun point !
I do control the sugar cane supply to the mill, however, nothing else on the list. Missed a bullet there! :D

Dunno about 'ulcers' ! I'm sure the regular Kastoori Kebabs with melted cheese and Afghani Naan lathered with Butter would give them anyhow ! But I do feel like exploding at times and so I have a handy Heavy Bag (Boxing Bag) at hand that I punch till I'm spent !
Boo hoo... Mommy is here, she made me egg fried rice and szechuan beef! :smitten:
Give my regards to Auntie ! :)
I will, she is asleep at the moment. Yara, you should see the constant smile on my dogs face, the poor **** is so relieved to see her after 5 months! :D

Alas, what he doesn't know is that she will be leaving tomorrow, and then it's just me :P
There is not a single person in pakistan to dedicate a website to give names of all people killed by drone.
Age ,Name ,gender and picture if possible and date .
Pakistani people and the world should know what going on in pakistan it's massacre going on of innocent people.
* VCheng: If it even comes to a civil war, rest assured Pakistan has its patriots, once they take things in their hands they will eradicate anti state elements by chasing them to the doors of hell. We know the enemy strategy is to bleed Pakistan to death through a 1000 wounds, TTP/BLA/Sectarian violence are a means of a well drafted strategy of soft invasion. It is and will be countered at all costs and all if necessary will be given.

"The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

The time to do all what you claim is NOW, if it is possible. Pakistan itself is slowly descending into hell, and if anything can be done to arrest that, there is no need to wait.
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