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Drone Hot Zone: 'US wants all-out civil war in Pakistan'

no matter what, People here in north Hate US more then ever for disturbing the whole area, true it is, US don't belongs to Asia it should leave us and our beautiful land.
Dude, you think in one dimension only! Are you the only one reading that remark? :rofl:

No wonder you're in accounting. 2+2 = 4 (your book) 2+2 = Hello, what's up? (in my book)

Never mock me about 'accounting' - I hate it to death ! :cry:

P.S Khan Sahib, how many of your sub-tribe have immigrated to the rest of Pakistan ? I'm asking this because I think in the context of a civil-war we've immigrated to each other's traditional territories and inter-married so much that I can't see a schism of sorts happening on ethnic or linguistic basis ! Even in case of the Baloch...there are so many of them in Punjab and Sindh combined that I don't think it'll ever work.

no matter what, People here in north Hate US more then ever for disturbing the whole area, true it is, US don't belongs to Asia it should leave us and our beautiful land.

What North are you talking about ? Where exactly in Pakistan ! oO
Never mock me about 'accounting' - I hate it to death ! :cry:

P.S Khan Sahib, how many of your sub-tribe have immigrated to the rest of Pakistan ? I'm asking this because I think in the context of a civil-war we've immigrated to each other's traditional territories and inter-married so much that I can't see a schism of sorts happening on ethnic or linguistic basis ! Even in case of the Baloch...there are so many of them in Punjab and Sindh combined that I don't think it'll ever work.

What North are you talking about ? Where exactly in Pakistan ! oO

Dude, you worry too much. 90% of the tribals have businesses in settled areas. Does that satisfy your query?
* VCheng: If it even comes to a civil war, rest assured Pakistan has its patriots, once they take things in their hands they will eradicate anti state elements by chasing them to the doors of hell. We know the enemy strategy is to bleed Pakistan to death through a 1000 wounds, TTP/BLA/Sectarian violence are a means of a well drafted strategy of soft invasion. It is and will be countered at all costs and all if necessary will be given.

"The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants." Thomas Jefferson
* VCheng: If it even comes to a civil war, rest assured Pakistan has its patriots, once they take things in their hands they will eradicate anti state elements by chasing them to the doors of hell. We know the enemy strategy is to bleed Pakistan to death through a 1000 wounds, TTP/BLA/Sectarian violence are a means of a well drafted strategy of soft invasion. It is and will be countered at all costs and all if necessary will be given.

"The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

Waiting to slit a couple hundred throats since I was born. For the very first time I'll have a legit reason to do it! :P
* VCheng: If it even comes to a civil war, rest assured Pakistan has its patriots, once they take things in their hands they will eradicate anti state elements by chasing them to the doors of hell. We know the enemy strategy is to bleed Pakistan to death through a 1000 wounds, TTP/BLA/Sectarian violence are a means of a well drafted strategy of soft invasion. It is and will be countered at all costs and all if necessary will be given.

"The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

Yaaar Aero what if that tree gets replenished more by our blood then that of terrorists and even still in the end not much of a difference has been made ? There has to be another solution to this then picking up the weapon !

Waiting to slit a couple hundred throats since I was born. For the very first time I'll have a legit reason to do it! :P

Kasaiii bannn jao...Eid bhi aa rahii hai !

But on a serious note - I don't think we'd be able to continue sustaining this any longer ! The TTP really does appear to have grass-root level support which we can't root them out unless the Tribals themselves are with us; I fear our continued goof ups are alienating them too !
I'm cynical and depressing by nature !

Buddy, I'm the opposite of you. I only see positive in people till they **** me up! :p

Even then, I still haven't become cynical. All my life, I could only find 3 people to be friends with. Rest 900 times I tried, all were retards, even then I still maintain hope in humanity.
Buddy, I'm the opposite of you. I only see positive in people till they **** me up! :p

Even then, I still haven't become cynical. All my life, I could only find 3 people to be friends with. Rest 900 times I tried, all were retards, even then I still maintain hope in humanity.

Cynicism and something my mom calls as 'Adam Bizaaari' is a part of me ! And an integral part at that !
Yaaar Aero what if that tree gets replenished more by our blood then that of terrorists and even still in the end not much of a difference has been made ? There has to be another solution to this then picking up the weapon !

Bring change through ballot or alternatively it will come through bullet, your choice.
Cynicism and something my mom calls as 'Adam Bizaaari' is a part of me !
Meri jan you'll get ulcers. If people are bad, don't deal with them. If they hurt you, hurt them economically. If it's your parents annoying you, then I have no cure, as my parents are the biggest thorn in my life! :P
Bring change through ballet[/I] or alternatively it will come through bullet, your choice.


No thank you Oh Begum Nawazish Ali wannabe ! :blink:

I'd rather take the bullet if I can't get the 'Ballot' but I ain't gonna dance my way to change !
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