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Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"

I somehow find the whole report suspect, as the very easy tone in which it has been reported suggests a fake story built upon this and that. Fox is not free from sensationalism and never has been.
If Shakil Afridi is under such strict watch, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL that the ISI would let a reporter get an interview.
It simply isnt happening, whatever could have been done by the reporter is to use existing reports and build upon them using Tom Clancy novels.

That's what I asked earlier how did they get this interview in the first place? The guy is claiming severe torture and being heavily guarded and despite all that he is allowed by his torturers to give interview to a foreign news agency and bad mouth hem along the way. Has ISI totally lost its marbels? Or is this a new low for fox news?
Well..they can fake it.. it isnt the first time the US has taken action based on Fake reports..such as those about WMD's.

Well if they really faked I think Pakistan Government and ISI should sue them, or at least give a clarification. Can't be hard to prove that that no Fox News correspondent ever got in touch with Afridi, not in person and not on the phone.
Well if they really faked I think Pakistan Government and ISI should sue them, or at least give a clarification. Can't be hard to prove that that no Fox News correspondent ever got in touch with Afridi, not in person and not on the phone.

Lets see what details come to light, after all this report is a few days old.
The FO should come up with a response.
The piece is bogus, Shakil Afridi is on a complete media blackout. No media outlet whether foreign or domestic is allowed access to him. I wonder how Fox News (Sensationalism anyone?) got access to him. Secondly, if it really took this man's thoughts for America to realize that Pakistan's WoT has been bogus then what has the CIA been doing all these years?
Lets see what details come to light, after all this report is a few days old.
The FO should come up with a response.
Oscar, FO knows jack!

I've read the report in detail, one of the reference given by the traitor is very valid, now I am confused, is the report true or not.

It can't be, can it? I mean, if he gave ISI the slip, then this guy is some master operator! :blink:
Well dont most Pakistanis here consider US as the biggest enemy wanting to snatch their nukes ? What was it that he said differently ?

I would say, that's more of an Indian wishlist than any apprehension by the Pakistanis, besides, our soldiers sacrificed their lives while fighting the menace of terrorism, all blood, guts and glory, no fake encounters for monetary incentives.
I think they should do a prisoner exchange Afridi for Aafia Siddiqi like they have done with Russia recently.

Both Afridi and Aafia were motivated for different reasons.

Afridi helped america in finding Osama . He thought he was doing the right thing by helping America. He was motivated because of his love for America.

Aafia was named by Khalid Mohammad during his trial in connection with 9/11. In my view her actions speak volume about her culpability in his crime. She escaped to Pakistan to avoid prosecution and eventually was found in Afghanistan. She was booked for murder for attempting to kill her security guards. She did what she did because of her hate for America.

who would you choose if you are smart???? Good vs Evil ???
misleading title, its him who was wrong in doing such thing, putting thousands of innocent children lives in danger just to help his masters,

This guy should be hanged ASAP....


Both Afridi and Aafia were motivated for different reasons.

Afridi helped america in finding Osama . He thought he was doing the right thing by helping America. He was motivated because of his love for America.

Aafia was named by Khalid Mohammad during his trial in connection with 9/11. In my view her actions speak volume about her culpability in his crime. She escaped to Pakistan to avoid prosecution and eventually was found in Afghanistan. She was booked for murder for attempting to kill her security guards. She did what she did because of her hate for America.

who would you choose if you are smart???? Good vs Evil ???

Good and Evil these days are different for different nations :).

For your information she was not found in Afghanistan, that is the biggest lie of US ever, she was travelling to ISB from karachi and was taken into custody by US puppets of that time, finally she was transferred to Afghanistan....

US is playing double game as CIA is not in civil gov control by any means ...
It's called playing to your crowd...

How can Shakil Afridi or even interrogators make declarative statements?

What is the validity of their opinion?

These things if not declared by a head of state or better - Parliament, have no validity.
It's called playing to your crowd...

How can Shakil Afridi or even interrogators make declarative statements?

What is the validity of their opinion?

These things if not declared by a head of state or better - Parliament, have no validity.

The real danger here is further smearing Pakistan's perception as a "problem" to be "solved".
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