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Dr۔ Shahabaz Gill arrested from Islamabad

Did he say, army officers not to follow orders of their top command if they were “against the sentiments of the masses.”?

He Should not have said that. But we have seen this before. During 1977 movement one brigadier refused to fire on the procession. Brigadier was fired.

Although Army must listen to the sentents of the people but it is ill advised to say this way on a TV channel. He should had said, Army should listen to the sentiments of people.
One more spotted .... new arrival

yes Imran Khan is the founder of dynastic politics and has billion dollar properties outside Pakistan.
Hi there. Hope you're having a good time, bro, read my post again. slowly. if you still have trouble. read my other posts. Gracias
Edit: oh and actually, i've been lurking since 2018 so don't worry. I am a bit familiar with the members' affiliations so I won't mistake you from a half-wit from this incident. Cheers
It is a game of nerves.

The PTI won’t make the first move to dissolve this looli langri joke of a government, hence the PDM hotch potch blinked and started arrests.

The public will only have more hatred for the PDM crooks and their handlers.
She needs to be careful, people still enjoy Mohammad Umer's video ....

Maybe the plan?
On the ground too many speculation in Rawal Pindi ...some say its PTI-Establishment plan for 2/3 majority , some say its divide in GHQ ... some say PMLN-Establishment has decided to fully neutralize PTI... because 3 party system is beyond establishment control. 2 party system easy to control.

Hi there. Hope you're having a good time, bro, read my post again. slowly. if you still have trouble. read my other posts. Gracias
Edit: oh and actually, i've been lurking since 2018 so don't worry. I am a bit familiar with the members' affiliations so I won't mistake you from a half-wit from this incident. Cheers
no worries, I read the story of Imran Khan life in politics from day one... when Nawaz Shaif plan to arrest Jamima Khan in Lahore and made some fake cases...she end up leaving the country. This clan of Sharif family is the dirtiest clan in Pakistan history.
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It is a game of nerves.

The PTI won’t make the first move to dissolve this looli langri joke of a government, hence the PDM hotch potch blinked and started arrests.

The public will only have more hatred for the PDM crooks and their handlers.
Or they are as confused on what to do about it themselves?
Basically, the establishment tried to stave off a diplomatic fiasco and ended up destroying Pakistan’s economy for the next 10 years and now doesn’t know how to save it so they are soothing or culling any internal dissent while they look to reorient themselves as the “Organization to keep Pakistan from having rogue nukes” to the United States led world order.

PTI was struggling to get the economy on track and had only just figured it out when this happened, and now are just left kicking and screaming trying to fight a system they weren’t powerful enough to fix

PML(N) fell into a trap - because its tried and trusted formula moves fell flat and it destroyed all its credibility so its falling back to its GT road ethnofascist politics

The PPP is sitting pretty - Sindh now fully secured as their kingdom for the next 50 years and able to get into Punjab whose revenue they weren’t able to pocket yet

Meanwhile - the Pakistani people are pretty much bombarded with so many socioeconomic and security problems along with an excess of information/disinformation they cannot absorb is that they are like paralyzed scaterred sheep unable to figure out which call to follow and which direction they are going right now.

The definition of hell isn’t some extreme burnt to a crisp outcome - its living in a horrible existence perpetually but not being allowed to die. That is what it means to be an ordinary Pakistani today

Imagine what sort of national character you have to have for God to punish you this way
She needs to be careful, people still enjoy Mohammad Umer's video ....

On the ground too many speculation in Rawal Pindi ...some say its PTI-Establishment plan for 2/3 majority , some say its divide in GHQ ... some say PMLN-Establishment has decided to fully neutralize PTI... because 3 party system is beyond establishment control. 2 party system easy to control.

no worries, I read the story of Imran Khan life in politics from day one... when Nawaz Shaif plan to arrest Jamima Khan in Lahore and made some fake cases...she end up leaving the country. This clan of Sharif family is the dirtiest clan in Pakistan history.

Let's see
Following the arrest of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Shahbaz Gill, the PTI-led government in Punjab has decided to take action against those responsible for the May 25 incident in which scores of party workers were injured in Lahore following clashes with police, reported Aaj News.

Omar Sarfraz Cheema, the former Punjab governor who is also an adviser to Punjab Chief Minister Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, said on Tuesday that the decision to take action against those involved in the ‘illegal’ arrest of PTI workers had been taken earlier.

“After today’s incident (involving Shahbaz Gill), we have decided to arrest all those involved in the May 25 incident,” Omar Sarfraz Cheema told Aaj News.

When asked whether action would be taken against PML-N leaders including current Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah and Punjab home minister at the time, Attaullah Tarrar, he said that “all those involved in the unlawful terrorising” of protesters on May 25 would face action.
honestly, our best hope is to wait for these dinosaurs to die out so that we can have a chance. for now, we only have to delay or hold climate change at bay so that something remains in the end for us to improve on.
What dinosaurs? Bilawal, Asifa, Maryam, Junaid Safdar, and Army brats etc. are all waiting in the wings. There is no waiting them out, have to take action now.
Gill has blundered here on a 🦣 scale. PTI is calling it a misunderstood statement, and ARY has completely distanced itself, calling his words as personal opinion.
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