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Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

Arrests are not going to stop simply because Zardari is in power. It's a matter of internal security. Every country has extradition treaties.

With what authority do you say this, these aren't arrests, legally a arrest is filled in criminal jurisdiction or case, the above is not in the jurisdiction of criminal arrest, your adding bias, arresting would be a filled jurisdiction but in the missing persons cases it wasn't. The incident took place covertly without any consent or warning like Gestapo. I have said this before ISI has been revoked with same Zia characters in power, this ISI that kidnapped people is as the one that Zia placed in power a secret Gestapo.
^^Huh? You still have not grasped what i've repeated i think a lot on this thread. The Pakistanis deny having arrested her. The Americans deny she was in Bagram. The Afghan police claim to have only just found her. So who's telling the truth? Noone has provided one bit of evidence that she was even arrested by Pakistan. She disappeared. This does not mean she was arrested over the 5 years, so why the need for the court case?
she is a potential suspect who will have hopefully a fair case in a civilian court (unlike many currently held in Guantanomo).

I guess there was a little misunderstanding between us. Lets just pray that FBI doesn't bribe the case off and the trial goes free and fair. Just a question still, who is Dr. Afia Siddiqui in custody of. Where is she.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
^^Huh? You still have not grasped what i've repeated i think a lot on this thread. The Pakistanis deny having arrested her.

KARACHI: FBI hunting for three Pakistani doctors: Al Qaeda links suspected2003/04/02

The FBI is seeking information on two other Pakistani nationals, Mohammed Khan and Afia Siddiqui. Both of them are doctors.

Likewise, the FBI does not have information about Dr Afia Siddiqui whether she is linked with any specific terrorist activity, but it is trying to locate and question her. It is not known where Dr Siddiqui is now, but the FBI believes she is in Pakistan.

There are unconfirmed reports that Dr Siddiqui was picked up in Karachi by an intelligence agency and she was shifted to an unknown place for questioning. However, the Inspector-General of the Sindh Police, Syed Kamal Shah, denied this and said: “We have neither arrested her nor do we have information about her arrest by any other law-enforcement agency.”

Top-ranking officials in the provincial and federal government have also expressed ignorance about her arrest.
KARACHI: FBI hunting for three Pakistani doctors: Al Qaeda links suspected -DAWN - Local; April 2, 2003

Aafia Siddiqui, whom the US accuses of al-Qaeda links, vanished in Karachi with her three children on 30 March 2003.
The next day it was reported in local newspapers that a woman had been taken into custody on terrorism charges.
Initially, confirmation came from a Pakistan interior ministry spokesman
BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Mystery of Siddiqui disappearance

On April 1, 2003, a small news item was published in an Urdu daily with reference to a press conference of the then Interior Minister Faisal Saleh Hayat. When questioned with regard to Dr. Afia's arrest he denied that she had been arrested. This was followed by another Urdu daily article on April 2 regarding another press conference in which the same minister said Dr. Afia was connected to Al Qaeda and that she had not been arrested as she was absconding. He added: "You will be astonished to know about the activities of Dr. Afia"

The Americans deny she was in Bagram. The Afghan police claim to have only just found her.

The press reports claimed that Dr. Afia had been picked-up by Pakistani intelligence agencies while on her way to the airport and initial reports suggested that she was handed over to the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
A few days later an American news channel, NBC, reported that Afia had been arrested in Pakistan on suspicion of facilitating money transfers for terror networks of Osama Bin Laden.

So who's telling the truth? Noone has provided one bit of evidence that she was even arrested by Pakistan. She disappeared. This does not mean she was arrested over the 5 years, so why the need for the court case?

Originally Posted by Interceptor
Why hand over, our criminals should be tried in Pakistan not handed over to foreign nations, and I am sure there is a law in place for that. Deportations of suspects to foreign nations is one procedure and the other is wanted foreign suspects. Neither of this applied on the hundreds of missings persons to the eyes of our intelligence agencies they were all foreigners and they were all wanted.

Dr Afia is an American citizen. The USA has right over her. Pakistan has no right over her.
I have sympathy for DR Afia as a human being.

Now, what all fellow members are over-looking is the question

1- Was Dr Afia the ONLY person in custody of USA, in Afghanistan or Cuba?

2- There maybe several other muslims ..... why did USA take the liberty of producing Dr Afia from Afghanistan and produce her in US court?

3- Why this case has been re-opened after the so-called 5 years? And, given so much attention in worldwide media?

4- Why doesn't the USA produce other 30-40 asssumed to be in custody in Cuba & Afghanistan in world courts?

This is a deliberate conspiracy to undermine & malign Pakistan's frontline defence agency ISI !

The US consulates in Karachi & Islamabad have several agents who are working in collobaration with several low-profile vested groups and people ... who kidnap, abduct and kill .... and conveniently transport any person required by USA to NWFP (tribal agencies) .... from there the person is switched over to US ccustody and taken to dentention centres. Several mullahs also have indirect contacts with groups & people in NWFP tribal agencies who are working as colloboraters for USA in major cities of pakistan.

IS there any wonder why A.Q.Khan is being protected so much and not being allowed to roam about?
There should be little surprise over US implementation of PSYOPS through media against the ISI.

Currently, the USA, India and Afghanistan are agitated and angry over the powerful & uncontrollable ISI. ISI is PAKISTAN's frontline defence and the intelligence tool of PAKISTAN army.

To weaken the ISI is to weaken the Pakistan Army and Pakistan itself. Which will automatically strengthen India and the US plans of Balkanization of Pakistan.

Now is there any wonder why ISI is being targeted these days? Why Afghanistan blames ISI for bombing of consulates (we all know are being run by RAW to train uprisers). Why Indian ministers say that ISI should be finished? Why US President Bush asked the Prime Minister to control and rein in ISI?

Why ISI was given under control of Interior Ministry? Intervention by GHQ stopped the plans?

This story of Afia Siddiqi .... that has been let out in media on purpose, and the USA very DUTIFULLY produced her in USA courts, recovered her ONLY (a woman - sympathy factor) from their detention centres, and accusations are being hurled at ISI ...... are ONLY attempts to give the ISI a negative image and create a distrust & grudge within the Pakistanis ..... against their own protecting agency i.e ISI !
There should be little surprise over US implementation of PSYOPS through media against the ISI.

Currently, the USA, India and Afghanistan are agitated and angry over the powerful & uncontrollable ISI. ISI is PAKISTAN's frontline defence and the intelligence tool of PAKISTAN army.

To weaken the ISI is to weaken the Pakistan Army and Pakistan itself. Which will automatically strengthen India and the US plans of Balkanization of Pakistan.

Now is there any wonder why ISI is being targeted these days? Why Afghanistan blames ISI for bombing of consulates (we all know are being run by RAW to train uprisers). Why Indian ministers say that ISI should be finished? Why US President Bush asked the Prime Minister to control and rein in ISI?

Why ISI was given under control of Interior Ministry? Intervention by GHQ stopped the plans?

This story of Afia Siddiqi .... that has been let out in media on purpose, and the USA very DUTIFULLY produced her in USA courts, recovered her ONLY (a woman - sympathy factor) from their detention centres, and accusations are being hurled at ISI ...... are ONLY attempts to give the ISI a negative image and create a distrust & grudge within the Pakistanis ..... against their own protecting agency i.e ISI !

The ISI carried out orders issued by mushy...........this is all going to lead back to mushy who is totally responsible.
Nobody is saying that the ISI should be bought to book but that mushy should faces charges.

I wonder how much pakistan got paid for the dr..?
The ISI carried out orders issued by mushy...........this is all going to lead back to mushy who is totally responsible.
Nobody is saying that the ISI should be bought to book but that mushy should faces charges.

I wonder how much pakistan got paid for the dr..?

These are typical conspiracy theories floated around by Jamaat Islami pro-Taliban thinkers.

Musharraf issued orders to ISI? Any proof? Or just assumptions?

Pakistan got paid for the foreigners that were handed over to US, for their support to WoT. The Tajiks, Uzbeks, Chechans, Afghans, Arabs, etc .... who were responsible for the attacks on US & NATO forces, and had also started jihad against Pakistan.... and were staying PASSPORT free in Pakistani mountains.
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This story of Afia Siddiqi .... that has been let out in media on purpose, and the USA very DUTIFULLY produced her in USA courts, recovered her ONLY (a woman - sympathy factor) from their detention centres, and accusations are being hurled at ISI ...... are ONLY attempts to give the ISI a negative image and create a distrust & grudge within the Pakistanis ..... against their own protecting agency i.e ISI !

I'd agree, the story was leaked deliberately. My theory (since everyone is coming out with bogus conspiracy theories about her being arrested and tortured for 5 years every night ,without any evidence), is that glory hungry Yvonne Ridley was used as the public voice to start rumours that would weaken the Pakistani establishment. Of course, Yvonne Ridley, in her desire to be a champion of Muslims. with lots of Muslim minions saluting her, would not question the leaked reports. And then the "wailing grey lady" is strangely and coincidentally presented by the US and Afghans. Your theory about it being an attempt to weaken the Pakistani government, support the idiots in power like PPP, whilst weakening the backbone of Pakistan, Musharraf, is a good one. Let the balkanization begin, unless wisdom prevails amongst Pakistanis. :cool:
Dr Afia is an American citizen. The USA has right over her. Pakistan has no right over her.

Wauw, now she isn't Pakistani, she was born in Karachi.:frown:

She is Pakistani citizen to me, so I and many like me want her too have justice.
When the USA is interested in pressurising Saudi Arabia in any way (especially to lower oil prices) .... they call for women's rights & freedom of media in Saudi Arabia. Indirect neck twisting. Saudia complies unwillingly.

These PSYOPS operations/stories coming up in media world-wide are simple attempts to malign Pakistan's frontline defence the ISI and indirectly hurt the PAK Army. The USA, Afghanistan & India want people world over (including Pakistani public) to abhor the ISI and view it as an organization, violating human rights & supporting extremism.

ISI keeps Pakistan's national interest over anything else. These propoganda tactics through media trial should not suceed! It will hurt Pakistan and only promote US plans of Balkanization.
Musharraf’s son accused of pocketing bounty for Dr Aafia

Sunday, August 10, 2008

By Usman Manzoor

ISLAMABAD: Another debate has erupted after Barrister Iqbal Jafferi’s petition in the Islamabad High Court in which he has submitted that a huge amount of bounty money was received for handing over Dr Aafia Siddiqui to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Barrister Jafferi, in his petition filed on August 8, has accused President Pervez Musharraf’s son, Bilal Musharraf, of taking the bounty money that the FBI had announced for the head of Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

The petition was filed to ask the court to direct the government to get Aafia back from the Americans and if the Pakistani doctor was guilty then she must be put on trial in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, a lawyer from the USA who knows Dr Aafia since her university days, told this correspondent on condition of anonymity that a huge sum of money was pocketed while handing over the FBI-wanted Dr Aafia Siddiqui to the US forces. She said that it was not known who collected that reward money from the FBI but someone gathered dollars for Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

She said that though the charges against Dr Aafia were ‘rubbish’ but the Americans would never let her go. “We have the examples of Aimal Kansi and an Italian underworld don after whose execution Italy stopped extraditing prisoners to the USA,” said the American lawyer adding, “Aafia has been put in a New York jail; was produced before a judge in New York and would be heard before a judge in New York while the public sentiment in New York was so anti-Aafia that the dailies have started calling Aafia a suicide bomber.”

She said that under such circumstances it was not possible to conduct a fair trial and the government in Pakistan must tell the US government to extradite its citizen to her homeland. The lawyer from the USA said that the issue was not of the innocence of Dr Aafia but in fact a trial could not be fair in New York.

Dr Fauzia Siddiqui, the sister of Dr Aafia Siddiqui, while talking to The News said that she would not blame anyone for what has happened to her sister. “From me and my family, we do not blame any Muslim for what has been happening to our sister for the last five years; Our Allah will take revenge for us,” said the weeping lady adding, “The government had been in contact with us during the last five years and has been saying that Dr Aafia would be back in a few days.” She said that the government had been informing the aggrieved family that Dr Aafia was fine with her three children but the way she appeared in the court in New York has shaken the entire ill-fated family. “Now we have been told that all the three children were fine but looking at Aafia’s condition we fear that the children might be in danger,” said the sister of Dr Aafia.

She said that the way the whole nation has supported them, especially the media, and she had become more proud of being a Pakistani. “It is immaterial who handed over Aafia to the FBI but I am proud of being a Pakistani after looking at the support from the civil society and the media and my heart wishes that I should go out and shout at the top of my voice that I am a proud Pakistani, a nation which has stood by its daughter.”

She said that she did not know if anyone has taken the bounty money for Dr Aafia and would not point fingers at anyone. “What I want is to bring Aafia back to Pakistan and I beg the media and the government to do something for Aafia and bring her back,” Dr Fauzia Siddiqui said adding, “the Americans would send her to jail for 40 years then what would we do? Aafia was not a green card holder then why she was being tried in New York?”

Meanwhile, Amna Masood Janjua, the lady representing the heirs of missing persons in Pakistan, said that Musharraf has taken money for handing over innocent Pakistanis to American forces and he has admitted it in his book too. She said that the government should stand up for the daughter of the soil and bring Aafia back to Pakistan.

Barrister Iqbal Jafferi, who is 70 years old and suffers from prostate cancer, was not available for comments.

Musharraf’s son accused of pocketing bounty for Dr Aafia
If this is true then it is one of the most sickening aspects of the entire event. I find it rather odd that suddenly Dr. Aafia is in the news just as the PPP is getting more power in Pakistan but on the other hand why did Bilal Musharaff have to be such a beghairat to sink so low. Why did Parvaiz Musharaff himself not establish some sort of tribunal system at least to make sure no innocents were being handed over? :tsk:

But at the same time I still cannot grasp the entire background of this story. Who engineered the leaking of this story in the US/UK media and what is their game plan? And why exactly did Parvaiz Musharaff brag about handing over civilians without trial for MONEY when he knows it would eventually come back to haunt him to the point where millions of Pakistanis want to have him executed by firing squad? Was Musharaff tricked into approving this idiotic confession by his ghostwriter to please the white house and pentagon or was he blackmailed or was he just plain careless.
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