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Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

I hope the Human Rights Organizations from US will also come up for seeking justice for her.

Dear Jana,

Just curious why are you so blind to the role of the ISI who illegally detained her and handed her over to the US ?

Why are you silent on Gen M's role in agreeing to this arrangement with the US which allows Pakistani citizens to disappear and re-appear in US in chains for a few dollars of aid ?

Would like answers from all people on this forum who rever ISI, PA and the Gen.

The irony is that they are trying to come with loads of BS in order to justify her arrest. It looks like that apparently they have no idea what to do now and they come up with a stupid baseless justification that she tried to kill the officers..Inshallah she will be back among her own people. God bless her and her kids.

I agree with you and all like minded members that its pathetic that some one can be held for 5 years (if it is true) without a trial. However its good she is being tried in the US as now the roles of the people (ISI) who kidnapped her and handed her over the US will be throughly exposed.

Now its clear why the Gen M was so scared of the CJ looking into the missing person cases !



This shows the true face of US, US fake democracy and US values. This shows how much US FBI has tortured Dr Afia

Sure but what about the villians in your country who kidnapped her and handed her over to the US for a few dollars ?

Dear Jana,

Just curious why are you so blind to the role of the ISI who illegally detained her and handed her over to the US ?

Why are you silent on Gen M's role in agreeing to this arrangement with the US which allows Pakistani citizens to disappear and re-appear in US in chains for a few dollars of aid ?

Would like answers from all people on this forum who rever ISI, PA and the Gen.


You accusing Jana of being blind is funny, considering you're blindly accusing ISI or Musharraf to have illegally detained her OR handed her over to the US. No evidence exists for either currently.
^^ It just shows the absolute lack of any expectations from their own government and the beloved agencies.

Some people try to hold others to their ideals while refusing to follow even the basic norms themselves.
You accusing Jana of being blind is funny, considering you're blindly accusing ISI or Musharraf to have illegally detained her OR handed her over to the US. No evidence exists for either currently.

Dear RR,

Jana claims that the US tortured her for 4 years and shame on them. What has she based that on ? Anyway please read the below links and see that both Pakistan and US are hand in glove in kidnapping her or do you mean Karachi is under US control ?



BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Mystery of Siddiqui disappearance

Aafia Siddiqui, whom the US accuses of al-Qaeda links, vanished in Karachi with her three children on 30 March 2003.

The next day it was reported in local newspapers that a woman had been taken into custody on terrorism charges.

Initially, confirmation came from a Pakistan interior ministry spokesman.

But a couple of days later, both the Pakistan government and the FBI publicly denied having anything to do with her disappearance.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistani 'al-Qaeda' woman named

Miss Siddiqui's mother said in 2003 that she had last seen her daughter in April of that year when she took a minicab from Karachi to Islamabad.

Anger in Pakistan as 'missing' scientist resurfaces in US court on terror charges - Americas, World - The Independent

Family members dispute the American version of events, insisting that rather than being arrested last month, she has in fact been held in secret prisons by the US military ever since her disappearance from her home in Karachi five years ago.
You accusing Jana of being blind is funny, considering you're blindly accusing ISI or Musharraf to have illegally detained her OR handed her over to the US. No evidence exists for either currently.

Well lets admit it that ISI and Musharraf have been handing over al-qadea people in Pakistan. I wouldn't be surprised if they admit it. ISI doesn't need a evidence to hand these people over to US. We(Pakistan) were getting money for it.The evidence exists that Pakistani agencies were handing over people to the US so making an assumption on ISI or IB won't be bad or blind brother Roadrunner. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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Well lets admit it that ISI and Musharraf have been handing over al-qadea people in Pakistan. I wouldn't be surprised if they admit it. ISI doesn't need a evidence to hand these people over to US. We(Pakistan) were getting money for it.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

I would like to salute u sir that,at least you made the courge to talk real matter, i am sure that DR,AAFIA was picked up by our local intelligence agency but , which one was responisible about that shamefull act, it isnt clear till now , we cant say clearly who was doing all this dirty work IB or ISI???
But! whoever had done that, should be held responsible and should be court marshalld, this could be the time....... for our politicians... to at least put some new rules or ammendmet to our constitution for this prpose, so that a pakistani citizen could not suffer like DR, AAFIA.
Well lets admit it that ISI and Musharraf have been handing over al-qadea people in Pakistan. I wouldn't be surprised if they admit it. ISI doesn't need a evidence to hand these people over to US. We(Pakistan) were getting money for it.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Dude, if Pakistan and Musharraf are handing over al-Qaeda people to the US or Afghanistan, I would support them. Al Qaeda, its ideology have no place in Pakistan.

Al Qaeda wishes to establish a Khalifat. If you want a Pakistan full of regressive laws, then support them and their ideology. I think Al Qaeda (and the Americans) are no friend of the country, Pakistan. Neither ideology should be kept in the borders. What Musharraf has done, is to stop the Americans from coming into Pakistan, AND he has gotten rid of Al Qaeda from within Pakistan (who entered following the poorly executed American invasion of Afghanistan).
Dear RR,

Jana claims that the US tortured her for 4 years and shame on them. What has she based that on ? Anyway please read the below links and see that both Pakistan and US are hand in glove in kidnapping her or do you mean Karachi is under US control ?



BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Mystery of Siddiqui disappearance

Aafia Siddiqui, whom the US accuses of al-Qaeda links, vanished in Karachi with her three children on 30 March 2003.

The next day it was reported in local newspapers that a woman had been taken into custody on terrorism charges.

Initially, confirmation came from a Pakistan interior ministry spokesman.

But a couple of days later, both the Pakistan government and the FBI publicly denied having anything to do with her disappearance.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistani 'al-Qaeda' woman named

Miss Siddiqui's mother said in 2003 that she had last seen her daughter in April of that year when she took a minicab from Karachi to Islamabad.

Anger in Pakistan as 'missing' scientist resurfaces in US court on terror charges - Americas, World - The Independent

Family members dispute the American version of events, insisting that rather than being arrested last month, she has in fact been held in secret prisons by the US military ever since her disappearance from her home in Karachi five years ago.

Even your link says that Pakistan denied ever holding her. Everything is is suspicion. Perhaps she was held by Al Qaeda the last 5 years. Let's wait confirmation before bufooning blindly into accusations.
Bitish journalist Yvonne Ridley, who was captured by the Taliban and later converted to Islam, visited Pakistan recently and called on the international community to work for the release of Aafia whom she calls a "grey lady"

The manner in which Taliban treated Bitish journalist Yvonne Ridley and the way F.ilthy American soldiers are treating the Pakistani woman Afia imprisoned in sub-human conditions at Bagram prison is sharp reminder and proof of the difference between Islam and the non-Islamic world and respect for human.

Alhamdo Lillah, because of her incarceration and the subsequent release, Yvonne has embraced islam. i dont think poor Dr Afia will have any inclinations towards embracing christianity!!!
Incidentally, it is shameful of Pakistan to have handed over a woman to foreign agents. I dont mind her being investigated locally,but to hand her over, to people who have raped and abused her,is an unjustifiably wicked and cruel thing. Whosoever sanctioned this aught to be ashamed of it. I am really ashamed to call myself a Pakistani after hearing this.
Dude, if Pakistan and Musharraf are handing over al-Qaeda people to the US or Afghanistan, I would support them. Al Qaeda, its ideology have no place in Pakistan.

Al Qaeda wishes to establish a Khalifat. If you want a Pakistan full of regressive laws, then support them and their ideology. I think Al Qaeda (and the Americans) are no friend of the country, Pakistan. Neither ideology should be kept in the borders. What Musharraf has done, is to stop the Americans from coming into Pakistan, AND he has gotten rid of Al Qaeda from within Pakistan (who entered following the poorly executed American invasion of Afghanistan).

Roadrunner we were not talking about Khalifat and Al-Qaeda ideology. What I was saying that we know Pakistani agencies were handing people to the US. You are right that Musharraf got rid of the terrorist and I like what Musharraf has done. But what has been done by Musharraf, ISI, and/or IB without evidence is wrong, and that CANNOT be changed. You can't say that a mistake wasn't made. Now do you understand the point I am trying to make. And then we will go to the next step.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Even dangerous question is how many of these Musharaf handed over to US for interrogation without any investigation.

Officially found is around 500 missing persons, unofficially its around a 1000.
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Alhamdo Lillah, because of her incarceration and the subsequent release, Yvonne has embraced islam. i dont think poor Dr Afia will have any inclinations towards embracing christianity!!!
Incidentally, it is shameful of Pakistan to have handed over a woman to foreign agents. I dont mind her being investigated locally,but to hand her over, to people who have raped and abused her,is an unjustifiably wicked and cruel thing. Whosoever sanctioned this aught to be ashamed of it. I am really ashamed to call myself a Pakistani after hearing this.

Why hand over, our criminals should be tried in Pakistan not handed over to foreign nations, and I am sure there is a law in place for that. Deportations of suspects to foreign nations is one procedure and the other is wanted foreign suspects. Neither of this applied on the hundreds of missings persons to the eyes of our intelligence agencies they were all foreigners and they were all wanted.
Roadrunner we were not talking about Khalifat and Al-Qaeda ideology. What I was saying that we know Pakistani agencies were handing people to the US. You are right that Musharraf got rid of the terrorist and I like what Musharraf has done. But what has been done by Musharraf, ISI, and/or IB without evidence is wrong, and that CANNOT be changed. You can't say that a mistake wasn't made. Now do you understand the point I am trying to make. And then we will go to the next step.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

You do not even know what has been done by Musharraf. You are assuming this wailing grey lady was arrested by ISI, held on Musharraf's order for 5 years in Bagram (or by the Americans). Where is your evidence that she even was in Bagram for 5 years?
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