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Dr Afia Siddiqui "The Grey Ghost Lady of Bagram"

US contacts Aafia’s family
Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: The US embassy on Sunday contacted Dr Aafia Siddiqi’s family to discuss the recovery of her children, Express News reported on Sunday.

According to the channel, Dr Aafia’s elder sister Dr Fozia met US diplomats in Islamabad for the discussion.

According to BBC Urdu, the US embassy called Dr Fozia and told her of its efforts to recover the children, reportedly being held in Afghanistan. However, the channel has reported that Dr Fozia has denied any visit to the US embassy or meeting any US official.

A US embassy spokesman told the BBC that he could neither confirm nor deny the meeting, as it concerned an American citizen’s personal life and security. The spokesman said that, under American law, he was not allowed to give details to the media.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Dr. Aafia’s son Ahmed handed over to Pakistan
Updated at: 1410 PST, Monday, September 15, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Afghanistan government handed over custody of Dr. Aafia’s son Muhammad Ahmed to Pakistani authorities in Kabul here on Monday.

According to foreign ministry sources, officials of Pakistan and Afghanistan met today in Kabul after which Afghanistan’s interior ministry official Daud Panj Sheri handed over Muhmmad Ahmed to Pakistani ambassador Asif Durrani.

It may be mentioned here that US officials claimed to have arrested Dr. Aafia and her three children from Ghazni in 2003. One of the three children had already died while there was no information about her daughter whether she would be handed over to Pakistani official or not.

It is expected that Muhammad Ahmed will be sent to Pakistan by the first available flight.

Dr. Aafia’s son Ahmed handed over to Pakistan
Dr. Aafia’s son Ahmed handed over to Pakistan
Updated at: 1410 PST, Monday, September 15, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Afghanistan government handed over custody of Dr. Aafia’s son Muhammad Ahmed to Pakistani authorities in Kabul here on Monday.

According to foreign ministry sources, officials of Pakistan and Afghanistan met today in Kabul after which Afghanistan’s interior ministry official Daud Panj Sheri handed over Muhmmad Ahmed to Pakistani ambassador Asif Durrani.

It may be mentioned here that US officials claimed to have arrested Dr. Aafia and her three children from Ghazni in 2003. One of the three children had already died while there was no information about her daughter whether she would be handed over to Pakistani official or not. It is expected that Muhammad Ahmed will be sent to Pakistan by the first available flight.

Dr. Aafia’s son Ahmed handed over to Pakistan

This is very intresting to note that how on earth an armless woman will be carrying along small kids to carry out assult on US soldiers equipped with most sophisticated weapons in the world????

secondly note that US officials calimed that they had arrested Afia and her small kids in 2003, Muhammad Ahmed is said to be 6 or 7 years old now.
So you can calculate his age at the time of the arrest 5 years back.

That makes him hardly 2 or 3 years old.

One of her kid was killed by the di.rty Americans.

There is no information about her daughter yet.

Now i ask a question from all of those moroons on the forum as well as in the world who jump like monkeys over Western human rights slogans, does this brutality on part of US can be called human rights respect?????

Do you buy the fake story made up by US against her ???

Now i ask a question from all of those moroons on the forum as well as in the world who jump like monkeys over Western human rights slogans, does this brutality on part of US can be called human rights respect?????

Do you buy the fake story made up by US against her ???

Why absolve the Pakistani involved in this ? Have you asked your politicians or ISI what they know about the abductions ?

I don't know what to make of her - but I do know what I think of holding babies for ransom - basically it what they did, they held her babies for ransom.

I don't care what kind of crime she is accused of, she has not been tried, and not been convicted - but if law makers are the same as law breakers, the world needs a new administration in the U.S.
Why absolve the Pakistani involved in this ? Have you asked your politicians or ISI what they know about the abductions ?


Always is it excuse for even people like you to spare the US brutalities of any criticism????

Do you have no moral courage to refuse the fake story made up by US.

Do you have no courage no humanity to even criticise the brutal treatment US soldiers at torture cell at Bagram airbase ???

Tell me does the involvement of Mushrraf or any person from ISI in handling over her to US justifies your support for brutalities against Humanity???

Indeed those from Pakistan who are involved should also be brought to justice.

But if people support the US torture cell on this pretext well its sheer shame nothing else.

Look at her she was raped, tortured badly shot twice by di.rty US soldiers (dont know if they are from one father even), her nose was broken by brave US soldiers.

Her one kid was killed by brave US soldiers.

Her small baby daughter is still not recoverd.

And her son Ahmed was forced by US soldiers and Karzai terrorists to refuse accepting that he is son of Afia.


shamless nation.
I don't know what to make of her - but I do know what I think of holding babies for ransom - basically it what they did, they held her babies for ransom.

I don't care what kind of crime she is accused of, she has not been tried, and not been convicted - but if law makers are the same as law breakers, the world needs a new administration in the U.S.

From where this new administeration will come ????

US has been having the same administeration only with change of faces.

The Neocons, jewish/hinud zionists who are the same. They had been cause of misries arround the world as well as for innocent Americans as well.
Always is it excuse for even people like you to spare the US brutalities of any criticism????

Do you have no moral courage to refuse the fake story made up by US.

Do you have no courage no humanity to even criticise the brutal treatment US soldiers at torture cell at Bagram airbase ???

Tell me does the involvement of Mushrraf or any person from ISI in handling over her to US justifies your support for brutalities against Humanity???

Indeed those from Pakistan who are involved should also be brought to justice.

But if people support the US torture cell on this pretext well its sheer shame nothing else.

Look at her she was raped, tortured badly shot twice by di.rty US soldiers (dont know if they are from one father even), her nose was broken by brave US soldiers.

Her one kid was killed by brave US soldiers.

Her small baby daughter is still not recoverd.

And her son Ahmed was forced by US soldiers and Karzai terrorists to refuse accepting that he is son of Afia.


shamless nation.

If US is a shameless nation then what was Gen M doing in bed with them. Please remember a bribe taker is as bad as a bribe giver. She was abducted as per her family from Pakistan so before you rant on the USA please also curse the Pakistanis who sold their sister's honor out and allowed her to be raped.

If US is a shameless nation then what was Gen M doing in bed with them. Please remember a bribe taker is as bad as a bribe giver. She was abducted as per her family from Pakistan so before you rant on the USA please also curse the Pakistanis who sold their sister's honor out and allowed her to be raped.



I can only feel sorry that a person like you is not condemning the brutalities had been done by US on her.

The point is not blaming US, its a reality she was tortured, her kid was killed by US and now the US law is being fed lies about her.

It will remain to be seen how the Human Rights champions act in the US.

Those who had handed over equaly guilty.

And those who are blind to US fil.thy tactics, inhuman actions and torture are no better then beasts rather beasts are animals, but such human are even worse then scum.

In my opinion the American populace is sick and tired of being at war, especially now that the U.S. is for practical purposes, broke, busted. No doubt it will survive but it's international prestige will not recover and it's standard of living will take a couple of decades to come to where it was in the early 80's.

People in the U.S are scared, scared of losing their jobs, worryied about ther mortgages - and it's these issues they care about more than anything else, at least from what I read and can make sense of.

Most do not know what is going on and it is their fear that is driing them to irrational and unethical behavior - the US will not be, not in the near future anyway, an inspiration for any other than the depraved.
If US is a shameless nation then what was Gen M doing in bed with them. Please remember a bribe taker is as bad as a bribe giver. She was abducted as per her family from Pakistan so before you rant on the USA please also curse the Pakistanis who sold their sister's honor out and allowed her to be raped.


I think a lot is yet to be determined.

1) Was she kidnapped or she just went underground with Taliban/alqaeda?
2) Her son claims that he was actually adapted by her after the Kashmir earthquake, earthquake happening in 2005, wasnt it much after her disappearance?
3) If she was in US custody, why didnt they just go ahead and kill her, after all that was the simpler thing to do then to present her to a court where she can come with her torture and brutal abduction story, which would not be a good scenario for US after all.
4) Now that the new govt has all the access to classified information, why dont they come out with the facts if she was kidnapped by Pakistani agencies and handed over?

There are too many questions yet to be answered but sooner or later they would have to come out.
I think a lot is yet to be determined.

1) Was she kidnapped or she just went underground with Taliban/alqaeda??.

Non-sense propaganda. After the recovery of her son from Afghanistan it is proved that she was along with her small kids in custody of US forces.

How on earth a woman can carry her 3 small childern to be with Al-qaeda ???


2) Her son claims that he was actually adapted by her after the Kashmir earthquake, earthquake happening in 2005, wasnt it much after her disappearance?.

Utter lie as her son who is recover from Afghanistan is said to be six or seven years of old while she was disappeard from Karachi in 2003 much before the earthquake.
YOu can imagine the age of the boy at the time of the disappearance.

Its another non-sense and naked lie the US tried to feed to the world.
The poor kid was forced to refuse to identify himself as her son.

3) If she was in US custody, why didnt they just go ahead and kill her, after all that was the simpler thing to do then to present her to a court where she can come with her torture and brutal abduction story, which would not be a good scenario for US after all..
There are hunderds of innocent people who are accused by US from al-qaeda are imprisoned in gitmo and also Bagram airbase prison, so why US is not killing all of them ???
AS per your saying Mr it is easy for US to do that and escape any criticism and proofs of their human rights violations.

AS far as Afia is concerned US soldiers have tried their level best to kill her. She has been shot twice in chest.

After wounding her she was not given any treatment.
He nose was broken and you can see the difference between her ealier pic and after the US torture on her.

Thanks to that western journalist lady and media that after they had brought the case in the world media US was forced to accept that she was being in US custody although US came up with utter lies.

4) Now that the new govt has all the access to classified information, why dont they come out with the facts if she was kidnapped by Pakistani agencies and handed over?

Yes agree with you on this.

Those who had played their role from this side must be identify and brought to justice too.
can some of us stop saying Aafia was raped! there is no hard evidence to suggest that Aafia was raped! I've heard of US troops raping women in Iraq, but never have I heard of any women being raped in Afghanistan by US troops. I think they know full well not to upset the population if Afghanistan, mainly the pashtuns because their stay depends on it.

don't think that you are helping her cause by claiming that she was raped. the only thing people are doing here are spreading rumours and humiliating her. rape is a strong word, one's entire lineage is ruined, the family rejects the person, the person is never the same again. she was tortured, but not raped. so please stop saying she was raped, unless you have hard evidence. otherwise we are only ruining Aafia.:hitwall:
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Utter lie as her son who is recover from Afghanistan is said to be six or seven years of old while she was disappeard from Karachi in 2003 much before the earthquake.
YOu can imagine the age of the boy at the time of the disappearance.

Its another non-sense and naked lie the US tried to feed to the world.
The poor kid was forced to refuse to identify himself as her son.

Nopes its not a lie, since the son still refuses to be her son and refuses that his name is Ahmad, he claims that his name is Ali Hassan and was adapted by Aafia during her stay in Afghanistan. It was only after DNA testing that it was verified that he was her son. How come he has not come out with any statement about his time in captivity for the last 5 years.
Nopes its not a lie, since the son still refuses to be her son and refuses that his name is Ahmad, he claims that his name is Ali Hassan and was adapted by Aafia during her stay in Afghanistan. It was only after DNA testing that it was verified that he was her son. How come he has not come out with any statement about his time in captivity for the last 5 years.

Well Mr first of all you need to get your own country flag.

And Now about your comment.

I guess it needs some brain to understand the BS about US and your claim that the kid was adopted by her. Well i think we need just little logic to understand that Earthquake was in 2005 while Dr Afia was disappeared along with her 3 Kids in 2003 two years before earthquake.

Plus the kid is only 7 years while he was kidnapped in 2003 so you can imagine how old he would be then.

So Please stop your basless propaganda.
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