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Down Fall of Ummah

something like EU.

ok... I think OIC can be reformed to make it EU.. but one should avoid the disaster of certain EU decisions, like single currency and single market.(eurozone). And you should take public opinion of member countries before joining the union.

There are lot of political reform pending within member countries.
Javed Akhtar: Muslims have a myth called 'Umma', a pan-Islamic brotherhood. It doesn't exist and it never existed.

Ignorant Indian it did exist, just because your third rate history textbooks didn't teach you the existence of past Islamic empires that stretched across 3 continents doesn't mean it didn't exist in the past.
Ignorant Indian it did exist, just because your third rate history textbooks didn't teach you the existence of past Islamic empires that stretched across 3 continents doesn't mean it didn't exist in the past.

Does a cheap *** lyric writer deserve to be taken seriously?
Look after reading your comments on Pakistanis not mixing religion with politics i have decided to take the shut up call seriously. :wave:

wtf are you talking, your the one who said pakistanis dont mix politics with religion lmao,
Down Fall of Ummah Funny Title

There is never down fall for a Believer ,Allah Promise he is never going to leave us and we are in his protection .

When Hardship falls on the believer he shows Patiences and Ask allah for forgiveness.

Allah says in the holy quran that believer think he is going to Janna without being tested when allah has tested previous nation.

For a believer earth life is trial so why he expect to be very easy,fun and cozy.

We are in the time of DAJJAL Fitna [Kalyug] the best remedy is to do astagfar as much as we can and be very honest and sincere in dealing with anybody.
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Alama Iqbal's vist to Majid Qurtoba (Cordoba, Spain). He wrote potery about the downfall of Ummah


Ethnic differences do exist from the start of humanity, It is the Central power that keeps anything united. Unless and until one cannot achieve that power, unification is not possible.

Muslims were stuck with 7th century rules and traditions, where as the rest of the world moved on,developed and became powerful.

One reason for that is if muslims want to move with the rest of the world then they have to leave some of the Islamic principles and if they do that Islam will become weak.

So let me ask you something, what's your EXCUSE?!!!!(Now if you a smart enough fella, why in the heck your Nation such a '**** Hole'! Oh & I do mean and am referring to a 'cesspool of ***** in all respects & aspects?! Why you still a 3rd World Country?! Why is it, your citizens are trying to make a desperate dash for any 'developed' nation in the WEST?!
Ain't it funny, you got all these 'so called opinions' but yet you guys aren't even able to provide 'basic necessities for your citizenry!!!! How come you got 'conquered & ruled by the Muslims?!' How come Hinduism relinquished its followers from its clutches?! (Could it be it did not provide the, answers, maybe?!)
Lastly, why do you have a ongoing 'epidemic of being a sexually fiend nation of rapists?!'
Now please tell me what is so 'spectacular' about your religion, full of 'superstition & Idol Worshiping'!
I'm not, per se, a religious person but I sure do thank my lucky stars that I am a Muslim & I don't have to profess my identity as originating and ' Thank The Almighty' from 'India'!

I have 'traveled' to your country, extensively & prior to the 'economic crunch' trust me it sure was not a 'bed of roses then & surely, it ain't one now'

So all 'Injins' the sooner you smell your excretion (cuz we all know a lot of y'all sure are defecating out in the open, both literally & figuratively) the sooner you'll realize, that it sure does stink, contrary to your beliefs!

Just my $.02 Cents! :pakistan:
Islam is a political concept. Nations have been invaded, conceived, created and run on the prescription of Islam.

So yes, obviously.

p.s. definition of politics - the art or science of government!


So let me ask you something, what's your EXCUSE?!!!!(Now if you a smart enough fella, why in the heck your Nation such a '**** Hole'! Oh & I do mean and am referring to a 'cesspool of ***** in all respects & aspects?! Why you still a 3rd World Country?! Why is it, your citizens are trying to make a desperate dash for any 'developed' nation in the WEST?!
Ain't it funny, you got all these 'so called opinions' but yet you guys aren't even able to provide 'basic necessities for your citizenry!!!! How come you got 'conquered & ruled by the Muslims?!' How come Hinduism relinquished its followers from its clutches?! (Could it be it did not provide the, answers, maybe?!)
Lastly, why do you have a ongoing 'epidemic of being a sexually fiend nation of rapists?!'
Now please tell me what is so 'spectacular' about your religion, full of 'superstition & Idol Worshiping'!
I'm not, per se, a religious person but I sure do thank my lucky stars that I am a Muslim & I don't have to profess my identity as originating and ' Thank The Almighty' from 'India'!

I have 'traveled' to your country, extensively & prior to the 'economic crunch' trust me it sure was not a 'bed of roses then & surely, it ain't one now'

So all 'Injins' the sooner you smell your excretion (cuz we all know a lot of y'all sure are defecating out in the open, both literally & figuratively) the sooner you'll realize, that it sure does stink, contrary to your beliefs!

Just my $.02 Cents! :pakistan:

very good point,
going by these idiots logic, if the muslim world has problems because of islam then what about india, southern africa asia and south and central america? why do they have problems same us lot of muslim countries lol?

Down Fall of Ummah Funny Title

There is never down fall for a Believer ,Allah Promise he is never going to leave us and we are in his protection .

When Hardship falls on the believer he shows Patiences and Ask allah for forgiveness.

Allah says in the holy quran that believer think he is going to Janna without being tested when allah has tested previous nation.

For a believer earth life is trial so why he expect to be very easy,fun and cozy.

We are in the time of DAJJAL Fitna [Kalyug] the best remedy is to do astagfar as much as we can and be very honest and sincere in dealing with anybody.

are you muslim?
Ummah is idealogical bond and there are many reasons of down fall of Ummah

extremism, lack of tolerance, ignorance about religion, hypocrisy in our deeds and beliefs, decline in morals and ethics which our Sahabas practised , lack of interest in knowledge, science and development

O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). (Quran 49:13)

what does it mean @Zarvan? This verse just talking about Muslim Ummah or everyone?

Sir first of all to be righteous one you have to have be a Muslim Mr believe in ALLAH and RASOOL SAW that is being a Muslim and their are also ayats which talk about Muslims are brothers and also Muslims are soft on each other other and hard on kafirs Mr read that and read whole Quran and hadees and lives of Shabas than come and talk
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Sir first of all to be righteous one you have to have be a Muslim Mr believe in ALLAH and RASOOL SAW that is being a Muslim and their are also ayats which talk about Muslims are brothers and also Muslims are soft on each other other and hard on kafirs Mr read that and read whole Quran and hadees and lives of Shabas than come and talk

Sir first of all try to read properly and try to be humble instead of trying to be arrogant and self-righteous person . You talk as if you know everything and everyone else is stupid and naive and your opinion is final authority and word of God

Now I never claimed that I am expert of islam but I simply asked your interpretation of this verse which talk abour humanity and you started preaching here.. I know our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was rahmut ul almeen and were rahmut for all mankind not just muslim. I am sure you consider only your sect as righteous and every other sect is wrong in your eyes and this bigotory and harted is main reason of down fall as you cannot tolerate those who keep different opinions or interpreation. Sorry but I was treated better by kafirs in western countries than our brothers in middle east countries. People dont care how much prayers or fasting you do but they care how much respect you give them and how is your dealing with them so open your mind and heart. It will be good for islam when you will be good to peoples (muslim or non muslim)
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