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doubts on leasing nuclear subs


Dec 17, 2010
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guys my doubt is ...india has leased russian nuclear sub...
But it's a attack submarine...i.e..it cannot launch ballistic missile...
Can russia lease submarines which can launch nuclear missilles or not...

Which country on this earth leases it sub(nuke missile sub) to other countries or

Will no country on this earth lease or sell nuclear submarine which can launch nuclear missile...
that's why india developed it's own Nuke submarine which can launch N missile..
can u guys clear this doubt....?????
guys my doubt is ...india has leased russian nuclear sub...
But it's a attack submarine...i.e..it cannot launch ballistic missile...
Can russia lease submarines which can launch nuclear missilles or not...

Which country on this earth leases it sub(nuke missile sub) to other countries or

Will no country on this earth lease or sell nuclear submarine which can launch nuclear missile...
that's why india developed it's own Nuke submarine which can launch N missile..
can u guys clear this doubt....?????

Lease of a nuke sub is not restricted the whole point on getting akula 2 is so we can train Indian crew so they are prepared for our domestic nuke subs 'Arihant', remember the last time we had experiance of a nuclear submarine was the Charlie class which was back in the 80's and many of that crew are old and no longer serving in the Navy.
According to the Indian Navy, the training of the Indian team to operate the submarine has not been satisfactory.

Since the Indian sailors have not been trained well enough to operationalise the submarine once it reaches India, the submarine will now be accepted only in the middle of next year. The Indian Navy has posted nearly 100 officers and sailors to the Amur shipyard in Siberia where the Nerpa submarine was built and tested, for more than a year.

Since their abilities have not reached up to the mark, the training will take another five months to complete. Also, the technology of nuclear submarines has undergone a change over the years, necessitating a fresh set of skills to operate them.

India is expected to arm the Nerpa submarine with indigenous long-range nuclear-capable missiles. The Nerpa is already fitted with sophisticated navigation, sonar and hydraulic systems. The submarine is capable of maximum submerged speed of 33 knots and a surface speed of 10 knots. The submarine is rated for a diving depth of 600 metres.

For the Indian Navy, the Nerpa submarine will fulfil the much-needed strategic edge. India’s quest for a nuclear submarine has undergone a long wait. In the past, India leased a Charlie I class nuclear submarine from the Soviet Union from 1988 to 1991. Hence, the Indian Navy has last operated a nuclear submarine almost two decades ago. The Nerpa submarine is considered crucial since it will fill the operational gap between now and the entry of the indigenously built nuclear-submarine INS Arihant. The INS Arihant is expected to enter the fleet of Indian Navy by 2012.
^^Sorry NERPA is also a attack submarine..........

Russia didn't lease any SSBN's
Akula II class Subs being leased to India carry 28 cruise missiles WITH 3000 Km range In Russian service , which can be used for both Nuclear strike and conventional attack

However the 1-2 Subs being delivered to India will carry 28 Klub S CRUISE Missiles with 300 Km range coz of Missile control Treaty which restricts transfer of missiles with more than 300 Km range

We do however have option to add our own cruise missiles like the Nirbhay , however India cannot add Ballistic missiles like K15 to this sub even though it is fully capable of operating it coz it would be against nuclear arms control regime which prohibits transfer of nuclear delivery system

Akula II will mainly be used for training of crew and to serve as ESCORT for indian CBG

However i am sure Russians wont mind if India use it to carry out second strike in response to nuclear attack on India in the same manners as the french didnot mind us modifying Mirage 2000 to deliver nukes during kargil war
Well ! leasing a SSBN wont make much of a sense. Cuz. it obviously wont come with the SLBMs :P
What is needed is an experience in combat and designing effective countermeasures which may prove crucial in designing your own SSBN. Thats why india leasing an attack submarine is sensible.

ps. India did lease INS Chakra in 90s from russia but for a very short time.
^^in times of war can we fire Nuclear missiles from the leases submarines?????????????

Yes but not Russian ones only our own indigenous long-range nuclear-capable missiles due to the MTCR
but Akula 2 is not for that that is what Arihant is for.
guys my stand is no nation on this earth will lease SSBN ........they will only lease attack submarines....
The MTCR was created in order to curb the spread of unmanned delivery systems for nuclear weapons, specifically delivery systems that could carry a minimum payload of 500 kg a minimum of 300 km.

Hence why Russia or USA or anyone can't supply us missiles that go beyond 300km see Brahmos for example
What are you talking about now?? Akula 2 nerpa is just a training vessal to train our crew for Arihant it is simple

u didnt get me....

can countries lease SSBN to other country:????????????
ANd can that country put their own SLBM in that SSBN??????
u didnt get me....

can countries lease SSBN to other country:????????????
ANd can that country put their own SLBM in that SSBN??????

Missiles with ranges greater than 300 km (162 nmi; 186 mi) cannot be exported due to arms control restrictions, since Russia is a signatory to the MTCR treaty.

The 'lease' of a nuclear submarine which is a bit of a grey area is not illegal because we do not own the submarine that is why we leased one back in the 80's now in regards to Akula 2 nerpa yes we can fit our own domestic nuke missiles on it if we wanted to.
^^Nerpa is a attack submarine...check wikipedia..

how can u put SLBM on a attack submarine...??
^^Nerpa is a attack submarine...check wikipedia..

how can u put SLBM on a attack submarine...??

Quite simple by modifying it

4x533mm torpedo tubes (plus 6 external 533mm tubes on Improved Akulas and Akula II's; 28 torpedoes) 4x650mm torpedo tubes (12 torpedoes)
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