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Don’t get ‘too close’ to Iran, US asks Pak

I’m sure Saudis have said the same to Pakistan. Probably louder.
If it was that much simple to handover Afghanistan to India then Obama and Bush would have done it long ago.
US double standard trumpy joker advise Pakistan, while India is completely ignored.

That's what happen when you have $h1t class diplomats and leaders such as Hussain haqqani, nawaz sharif, zardaria, etc.
USA is in no position to dictate us USA already choosen the sides we do what good for us
Pakistan is in no position to say no....its our money thats keeping your country afloat. literally...
besides considering how you guys persecute everyone that is not a sunni muslim will go very well with iran ..

Pakistan will be the next launch pad for the usa. Once pakistan is further destabilized , usa can direct all the cannon fodder to irritate iran and china.

beggars cant be choosers.....and its funny how pakistani posters seem to take out their frustration with cussing , rather than join the winning team :p

emojis dont win wars mate. :)

maybe the online ones.

Indian wet dream. LOL
lately iran has been very anti pakistan themselves
from uzair baloch to yadav to constant firing of mortars on our side of the territory
honestly,i have no problem with this
dont get close with them or buy much from them until they treat us with respect
well yes...but for us americans.....its going to be a nice shower with pakistan... :)

time to start paying up ....why do you think we released the 700 million so you can pay your loan interests and not go bankrupt ?

*oops dropped the soap* .....

Your understanding of the geopolitics of Af-Pak region are childish and akin to fantasy. US and all other players know Pakistan is the boss here.

It's not Pakistan that is doing any of the begging here.

I'm sure you're used to dropping not only the soap but your pants as well. :D
lately iran has been very anti pakistan themselves
from uzair baloch to yadav to constant firing of mortars on our side of the territory
honestly,i have no problem with this
dont get close with them or buy much from them until they treat us with respect

see.... he understands..
for all you pakistani posters remember this....

Iran and the us are working together

when it comes to pakistan. Nations have come to an understanding to localize wars....which reduces threat of major wars. And when it comes to the south asian region both us and iranian interests allign.

The us armed forces is ensuring that pakistan is cut off from all sides and only china will be left to support pakistan.

the next step is to economically down pakistan.....forcing china to pay up....its a war of slow attrition.

and in time china will be forced to abandon pakistan...and thats when the vultures will swoop in.

Your understanding of the geopolitics of Af-Pak region are childish and akin to fantasy. US and all other players know Pakistan is the boss here.

It's not Pakistan that is doing any of the begging here.

I'm sure you're used to dropping not only the soap but your pants as well. :D

why do you think the us and iranians entered a nuclear deal ? huh ..lolz do you think both of them all of a sudden started loving each other ???

Once the sea logistic route is established via iran and pakistan.....

pakistan looses ALL importance.......not to mention tons of money ..

pakistan infact has no cards to play except for the taliban.......

the only card it has for any influence...

No one is listening to you...heck even china is not..lolz

oh and you guys are broke.....
see.... he understands..
for all you pakistani posters remember this....

Iran and the us are working together

when it comes to pakistan. Nations have come to an understanding to localize wars....which reduces threat of major wars. And when it comes to the south asian region both us and iranian interests allign.

The us armed forces is ensuring that pakistan is cut off from all sides and only china will be left to support pakistan.

the next step is to economically down pakistan.....forcing china to pay up....its a war of slow attrition.

and in time china will be forced to abandon pakistan...and thats when the vultures will swoop in.
not really,as long as we have nukes,the us will be hesitant to attack us
see.... he understands..
for all you pakistani posters remember this....

Iran and the us are working together

when it comes to pakistan. Nations have come to an understanding to localize wars....which reduces threat of major wars. And when it comes to the south asian region both us and iranian interests allign.

The us armed forces is ensuring that pakistan is cut off from all sides and only china will be left to support pakistan.

the next step is to economically down pakistan.....forcing china to pay up....its a war of slow attrition.

and in time china will be forced to abandon pakistan...and thats when the vultures will swoop in.


why do you think the us and iranians entered a nuclear deal ? huh ..lolz do you think both of them all of a sudden started loving each other ???

Once the sea logistic route is established via iran and pakistan.....

pakistan looses ALL importance.......not to mention a tons of money ..

pakistan infact has no cards to play except for the taliban.......

the only card it has for any influence...

No one is listening to you...heck even china is not..lolz
sounding like a C grade bollywood movie script. you should become a writer for bollywood there are alot of your country men with same IQ as you who will actually believe in this cooked up story.

PS its not Pakistan but India itself which all its neighbours have a problem with, let that sink in.
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