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Don’t get ‘too close’ to Iran, US asks Pak

So, as a sovereign nation, Pakistan is free and entitled to follow policies that serve its own national interests. No problem with that!

Except US beneficiary class entrenched inside Pakistani establishments, politics, media and elsewhere and holding Pakistan from pursuing its interest and independent policy. Only a Turkish style cleansing can dislodge US beneficiary class from obstructing.
Except US beneficiary class entrenched inside Pakistani establishments, politics, media and elsewhere and holding Pakistan from pursuing its interest and independent policy. Only a Turkish style cleansing can dislodge US beneficiary class from obstructing.

So when is this cleansing happening? Please let me know. I have to plan some trips.
Please ask your handler in Langley or where ever they are.

So you do not know. No problem. Pakistan will do what is right for Pakistan, as it should, like a free and sovereign nuclear power.
Pakistan will help Iran when it serve its interests and will ditch Iran when it further its own agenda. There are no free lunches in geopolitics.

The visit of the COAS to Iran at a time when Saudi-Iran tensions are at peak and the way things are playing out in Lebanon, should be an eye opener to the doubters. Pakistan is now working for its own interests without giving a flying fk to anyone, be a so called "brother" or "enemy".
So if something is not said out loud without any record, one party's claims are just that - unproven claims.

USA makes such threats and blackmails, has the history of. Read the recent news on the US General threatening Turkey of 'consequences' over the purchase of Russian S400.

Maybe that's 'unproven claim' too for The Hypocrite?
ISLAMABAD – The United States has asked Pakistan to avoid getting “too close” to Iran as Washington and Islamabad struggle to build the confidence level, The Nation has reported.

Senior officials at the foreign ministry said that Washington was not happy with the growing ties between Pakistan and Iran and had asked Islamabad to “stay within limits”.

“The recent positive contacts between Pakistan and Iran have not been welcomed by the US. They believe we [Pakistan] should stay away from Iran as much as possible. They have conveyed their message in this regard too,” said an official, who remains in contact with Washington.

He added: “The US has made it clear it cannot support Pakistan to have close ties with Iran when Tehran was defiant not to cooperate with Washington.”

READ MORE: Maleeha Lodhi tells why Pakistan-US relations are at losing end
This month army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa visited Iran and had positive meetings with the civil and military leaders.

During Bajwa’s visit, the two sides heaped praise on each other despite differences on regional issues – mainly Afghanistan.

General Bajwa met President Hassan Rouhani, Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and the Chief of Staff of Iran’s armed forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri.

Days before the army chief’s visit, Pakistan and Iran had agreed to work together for peace in Afghanistan and the regional stability.

The two countries had held informal consultations on regional situation including Afghanistan.

The agreement on cooperation between Pakistan and Iran comes after the USpressed Pakistan to accept President Donald Trump’s new Afghanistan policy – with a greater role for India.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who visited Pakistan last month, had made it clear to Pakistan’s civil and military leadership that his country would not change its Afghan policy on Islamabad’s demand.

President Trump had earlier threatened that military and other aid to the nuclear-armed ally was at stake if Pakistan did not clamp down on extremists.

Recently, Iran said the US supported dictatorship against democracy.

In a statement, the Iranian embassy here had said: “From the very first days of the Islamic revolution, the United States adopted a hostile, interventionist and destabilising approach towards Iran’s newly-established government with the aim of overthrowing it.”

READ MORE: Pakistan Iran ties: There is no other option
After the Pak-Iran consultations, the foreign ministry had said: “Pakistan and Iran held first round of informal consultations in Islamabad at the level of director generals of the ministries of Foreign Affairs on regional situation especially the efforts of peace and stability in Afghanistan. In the consultations Pakistani delegation was led by Director-General (Afghanistan) Mansoor Ahmad Khan in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while the Iranian side was led by Director-General Rasoul Eslami of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who visited Islamabad for these consultations. The two directors-general reaffirmed commitment and support of Pakistan and Iran to the efforts of Afghanistan and international community for achieving lasting peace, stability and progress in Afghanistan, which is important for regional stability.”
They call pakistan terrorists and force them to accept India's greater and overarching role in afghanistan to surround pakistan, and they somehow expect Pakistan not to work and get along with their last remaining non-hostile neighbor. Fact of the matter is, the U.S wants pakistan to be hostile to Iran but in reality, both Iran and pakistan are important for each other for their security and economies.
ISLAMABAD – The United States has asked Pakistan to avoid getting “too close” to Iran as Washington and Islamabad struggle to build the confidence level, The Nation has reported.

Senior officials at the foreign ministry said that Washington was not happy with the growing ties between Pakistan and Iran and had asked Islamabad to “stay within limits”.

“The recent positive contacts between Pakistan and Iran have not been welcomed by the US. They believe we [Pakistan] should stay away from Iran as much as possible. They have conveyed their message in this regard too,” said an official, who remains in contact with Washington.

He added: “The US has made it clear it cannot support Pakistan to have close ties with Iran when Tehran was defiant not to cooperate with Washington.”
Washington western arrogance, even with Trump. I think the US has become way too greedy with its interests far from the American homeland. Nothing will change this sick mindset as long as they remain the world's no. 1 military and economic power in nominal terms. Unless Xi Jinping speed up his reforms and PLA military modernization.
Washington western arrogance, even with Trump. I think the US has become way too greedy with its interests far from the American homeland. Nothing will change this sick mindset as long as they remain the world's no. 1 military and economic power in nominal terms. Unless Xi Jinping speed up his reforms and PLA military modernization.
Yes the rise of China will change everything. That is why I support the rise of China 100%.
So India gets to build Chabahar in Iran and still manages to get nuclear deals from Barack's and Trump's America...while Pakistan loses out on F-16s, has its Coalition Support Fund payment choked and also has to listen to America's holier than thou anti-Iran bullshit.....:cheesy:

LOL. RIP American Foreign Policy.
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