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Don’t get ‘too close’ to Iran, US asks Pak

not really,as long as we have nukes,the us will be hesitant to attack us

thats the thing mate...its like the frog in boiling water....you will never get a chance to use nukes..and i frankly dont think the leadership in yer army brass has any willpower to do so.

Notice how things are deteriorating around you ?? the goverment does not provide any information regarding big projects.....money is being invested outside pakistan at an alarming rate....all of a sudden balochistan is an issue...

wait till elections...

welcome to the age of hybrid warfare.....
more like an A grade pakistani script..lolz

as long as it gives you a fake sense of lull....
well if you call mutually assured destruction a lolz,then by all means wage war on us and see what happens
thing is that we got nothing to lose while you people lose everything even if you survive that is and not get invaded by china.
but then again,you're indian,in your head there is no difference between fan fiction and reality
Senior officials at the foreign ministry told The Nation

I think Mr. Shafqat Ali is faking up all this propaganda, knowing that his tribal members would take it even further.
well if you call mutually assured destruction a lolz,then by all means wage war on us and see what happens
thing is that we got nothing to lose while you people lose everything even if you survive that is and not get invaded by china.
but then again,you're indian,in your head there is no difference between fan fiction and reality

well mate...MAD cannot happen when it comes india and pakistan......just like india cannot compete with china.

the us and russia....possible.....but not pakistan..lolz

* The delivery systems not to mention the actual radioactive material is of chinese origin.

* the only time pakistan will use nukes is when it is about loose the conventional warfare....lolz..like always.

* even if it uses..it will use tactical nukes..INSIDE pakistan ....that wud give india an all out response...

either way pakistan has to launch its nukes first....and there are considerable checks from the us government...

why do you think usa is going after north korean and iranian nukes rather than pakistan's where osama bin laden was found ????

thats because...WE CONTROL YOUR NUKES at all times.

go ask yer army uncle yo :p

ps: It might be just a fantasy for me......but mate...there is very high probability that it will turn out to reality for you...

you have more to loose than me... :/
Oh and what is the US going to do if we do? They're not really in a position to do anything. After them wanting to talk to the taliban and naming a moderate taliban in Afghanistan it's over for them:lol:. Nothing significant is happening in Afghanistan. It's a stalemate and thas a loss for them. Even the Chinese and Russians are in contact with them lol
Senior officials at the foreign ministry told The Nation that Washington was not happy with the growing ties between Pakistan and Iran and had asked Islamabad to “stay within limits”.

“The recent positive contacts between Pakistan and Iran have not been welcomed by the US . They believe we [Pakistan] should stay away from Iran as much as possible. They have conveyed their message in this regard too,” said an official, who remains in contact with Washington.

He added: “The US has made it clear it cannot support Pakistan to have close ties with Iran when Tehran was defiant not to cooperate with Washington.”

Of course Pakistan should do whatever serves its own national interests, first and foremost. Besides, there is no US statement to this effect, merely claims being made by unnamed sources. Doubtful story.

:coffee: It seems we are the only nation on planet that is advised to not have Free Trade agreement with Iran who happens to be on our door steps with potential of bilateral trade between 2 nations to become 30 billion if it reaches full potential

Everyone else seems to trade with them with no hessitation

Where is option to get cheapest gas = Iran
Where is option to get cheap oil = Iran
Where is option to get cheap electricity = Iran
Where can we import emergency food = Iran
Where can we go for tourist attraction like Europe = Iran
Which country on our door step can sell us Cars = Iran
Which country where our sports team can go to practice cheaply = Iran
Whic country has education standard our students can benefit from = Iran or China

So we should ignore all that , and import shit from 1200 Km Across the seas , rent a god damn Transport ship , and buy oil for that fat transport ship , and then construct a 400 million dollar terminal in order to use something

Oh yea and just becasue folks are our friends , they will lend us 2 billion IMF loan which turns into 5 billion by the time we have to return it

Oh and this is the funniest shit ... the american company that wins the contract for that terminal , leaves the work half *** done and leaves the project ...


India built an entire port in Iran... Americans should go after them first.
take back the 700 million you begged for....

then ask you to repay all your loans..that you are defaulting..infact no banks are ready to lease money to you.

give it 5 years......and bye bye nukes....the long game.

but the taliban part...thats where im a wee bit puzzled.......usa supports anti taliban forces but at the same time pays lots of money to the taliban to keep the conflict going....

and as long as the conflict is going...the afghani goverment will demand american troops be stationed...mainly intelligence operatives ......to keep an eye on pakistan..iran and russia.
nobody begged for it and no one knows if we accepted it or not. it was reimbursement from the coalition support fund. learn the difference. that money is utterly useless, for more than 2 years they didn't reimburse. if all we have to do is saved a kidnapped family for them then this will go smoothly.

all that needs to be done is bring the money that was taken abroad and place it back into the nation. efforts are being made for that to happen in Pakistan.
They shout all they want it's not like we are going to listen to them.

You can ignore the US, but Saudi Arabia? No, the Saudis have even more leverage than the Americans. Cross them at your own peril.
You can ignore the US, but Saudi Arabia? No, the Saudis have even more leverage than the Americans. Cross them at your own peril.

LOL .. Hallucinating Hindu is in for a shock on that one too. Not long ago you guys were claiming that Pakistan can't ignore US, what happened to that? :lol:
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