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Don't blackmail me into coming to Quetta, PM tells Hazara mourners

It's a reality

Terrorism 10-15 years ago was out of control because of Afghan war

It took massive sacrifice to win the battle, we are no dealing with the leftovers

Plans are ongoing to secure the border, kick out non citizens, target the Extremists

It was terrible what happened in Balochistan (it's always the same shit holes Balochistan and Waziristan) it's because too many people there are sympathisers and supporter's of groups like BLA and PTM

The hazaras were victims but the dum shits made a mistake and allowed their grief to be turned into a circus by a herd of idiot liberals, ethnocentric parties like PTM, opportunistic criminals like PDM who if you remember did nothing of the sort when they were in government

And now that the clown circus is in full flow with the usual culprits trying to target IK, the state, the Country the military people are responding

The hazaras will suffer if they get mixed up with this nonsense and they are going to suffer bigtime as others try to use them for their own reasons
Mirpuri. You really need to shut it.

You and your issue hold way too much influence in Pakistan.

If your people are killed by Indian firing, hell even when the earthquake came to your area, all of Pakistan hears of it.

Now you have the nerve to victim blame and make fun of other communities' sufferings.

This is so sad. I had better hopes from PM IK. All this could have been easily avoided. I really wish and hope these pictures will not become IK premiership's legacy. Extremely poor choice of words.
As a PTI supporter I can confirm everything went downhill from the moment that idiot Sheikh Rashid was sent to Balochistan for negotiations
And now entire PTI is in revolt
Mirpuri. You really need to shut it.

You and your issue hold way too much influence in Pakistan.

If your people are killed by Indian firing, hell even when the earthquake came to your area, all of Pakistan hears of it.

Now you have the nerve to victim blame and make fun of other communities' sufferings.
This is happening without establishment support?
1. He gave his condolences on the day of the incident. Sent interior minister and two senior members of his cabinet.
2. The government went above and beyond in meeting the demands of the aggrieved folks.
3. There are security threats for the PM to go in the area.
4. Even the aggrieved folks want to bury their dead but are being stopped by some folks who are using this as an opportunity for political mileage.
7. Yes all the human kindness is in Nawaz Sharif when he shot 14 people at model town. 400 Hazaras were killed during Nawaz Sharif's time in office.
8. IK doesn't need human kindness certificate from you. He already showed it by building Shaukat Khanum, Panahgahs, Langarkhanay, Ehsaas program and not doing strict lockdown during covid.

Honorable Sir,

There was no need to bring in Nawaz Sharif. Did I even mention his or any other name? Sadly Imran Khan and his followers always try to confuse the issue by referring to completely non-related events.

This is no politics here; this is a question of empathy with the mourners of the deceased, and traditionally Muslims offer condolences personally, not through a proxy. But then to PTI supporters, whatever Imran Khan says or does is the absolute truth, no different than Donald Trump in the US. And also, just like Trump and his minions, PTI supporters have also become immune to simple human decency.

As an ordinary human being and also a Pakistani Muslim, I think Imran Khan should take the trouble and personally visit the scene. However, you are welcome to gloat all you like about him being always Mr. Right; no sweat off my back.
It's a reality

Terrorism 10-15 years ago was out of control because of Afghan war

It took massive sacrifice to win the battle, we are no dealing with the leftovers

Plans are ongoing to secure the border, kick out non citizens, target the Extremists

It was terrible what happened in Balochistan (it's always the same shit holes Balochistan and Waziristan) it's because too many people there are sympathisers and supporter's of groups like BLA and PTM

The hazaras were victims but the dum shits made a mistake and allowed their grief to be turned into a circus by a herd of idiot liberals, ethnocentric parties like PTM, opportunistic criminals like PDM who if you remember did nothing of the sort when they were in government

And now that the clown circus is in full flow with the usual culprits trying to target IK, the state, the Country the military people are responding

The hazaras will suffer if they get mixed up with this nonsense and they are going to suffer bigtime as others try to use them for their own reasons

Don't dare say sh*t about our Baloch or Hazara or Waziristan people. They are full Pakistanis. Auqaat mein raho.
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As a PTI supporter I can confirm everything went downhill from the moment that idiot Sheikh Rashid was sent to Balochistan for negotiations
And now entire PTI is in revolt


It's just sad, whatever Sheikh Rasheed did or didn't do, the buck stops at PM. His words are indefensible, will leave deep wounds, which will be hard to heal. The optics of these are too damaging.
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This is happening without establishment support?
They are part of the establishment.

Hell when those two Azad Kashmiri girls ventured to IOK, the bootlicking crowd here was more concerned than they are for Hazaras. Bring back our girls.

Dramaybaazi. Mulk sirf inka hai kya? They can say any kind of shit they want?
Another unconscionable idiotic move by Prime Minister Imran Khan. Meeting grieving mothers doesn’t make you weak and isn’t a blackmail. A refusal to do so only makes you look callous. Yet again, Imran Khan locks himself into a corner he can’t back away from. This is shameful.
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Don't you call yourself Azad Kashmiris?
British Pounds lekar jana Azad Kashmir.

It's just sad, whatever Sheikh Rasheed did or din't do, the buck stops at PM. His words are indefensible, will leave deep wounds, which will be hard to heal. The optics of these are too damaging.

Why is the President not going? He should be shouldering the coffin of the household left with no Male members. It is his job
They are part of the establishment.
Instead of chasing down ghosts. Aim at what you can see not hear
I support Imran Khan on this because of strong security risk.
And 2nd no one should be allowed to do politics on dead bodies why they want PM to come when he clearly said all demands has been accepted.
something fishy.
IRAN playing dangerous game trying to fuel sect violence in country just check Karachi updates right now.

I PRAY WE COME OUT OF THIS or things can get bloody.
Don't blackmail me into coming to Quetta, PM tells Hazara mourners

Promises to visit the Hazara community as soon as they bury the slain miners

Rizwan Shehzad January 08, 2021

prime minister imran khan photo screengrab

Prime Minister Imran Khan. PHOTO: SCREENGRAB
Prime Minister Imran Khan announced on Friday that he will not be blackmailed into coming to Quetta and would visit the mourners, including women and children, sitting along with bodies of 11 labourers in extreme weather conditions near the Western Bypass area close to Hazara Town only when they bury the dead.

The prime minister was of the view that linking the burial with his prior visit made no sense, adding that no one blackmails a sitting prime minister like this anywhere in the world.
“If this condition is accepted then everyone will blackmail the prime minister,” the premier said, adding that a gang of robbers – the opposition parties – is also trying to blackmail him for the last two-and-a-half years.

“If you bury the dead today, I assure you that I will visit Quetta today,” PM Imran announced while speaking as a chief guest at the launching ceremony of Special Technology Zones Authority in Islamabad.
The prime minister went on to add that all the demands of the bereaved families and people protesting in Quetta have already been accepted except the condition that they would bury the dead only when PM visits them.
“Do not put a condition that makes no sense,” Imran said.
In his speech, PM Imran once again accused India of spreading chaos in Pakistan, saying he has been saying it since March 2019 that “India is fully involved in spreading chaos” and wants to spread sectarian violence in the country.
He lauded the intelligence agencies for averting four major terrorism attacks since he has informed his cabinet and openly expressed about India’s involvement in terrorism activities in Pakistan.

Also Read: No decision yet on PM’s visit to Quetta

Armed attackers had slaughtered 11 miners near a mine site in Balochistan's Machh coalfield area on Sunday. The militant Islamic State group claimed the responsibility of the gruesome attack. Since then thousands of Hazaras have been protesting while sitting along with the coffins of their loved ones.
In his speech, PM Imran expressed that Hazara was the most targeted community in the country; he has visited them many times in the past and witnessed their fear, adding that “no community has been oppressed the way the Hazara community has been oppressed over the years.”

Deeming the murder of 11 coalminers brutal, he said, all this is part of the conspiracy hatched by India which has been highlighted many times since March. “It’s a big attempt to spread sectarian divide,” he maintained.
Expressing that the government was aware of the sufferings of the Hazara community, Imran said that he first sent the interior minister and later two other federal ministers to Quetta to tell the protestors that the government was with them and it will provide every kind of compensation as “bread earners” were killed in Machh, Balochistan.

Earlier, PM Imran took to micro-blogging site Twitter to reassure the Hazara families that he was “cognizant of their suffering and their demands” after they refused to end their protest until PM himself visits them and listens to their demands.
However, PM Imran has reiterated that the bereaved families should first bury their loved ones and only then he would visit them. The PTI-led coalition government has been feeling the heat of the Hazara community’s sit-in Quetta and seemed to be thrown on the defensive as it was repeatedly challenged by the opposition over its slow response to the massacre in Machh.

Imran Khan is over his head, and his attitude really comes out in this. He should go visit them, instead of meeting with actors from a Turkish Drama, so that he can be there in the Namaz-e-Jenazah and feel the pain that those people are feeling, maybe then he will take the worsening terrorism in Balochistan a little more seriously.

In New Zealand, the premier visits victims' families after the terrorist attack immediately. Expresses solidarity, and actually shows a reaction to deal with the terrorist attacks and curb hate crimes. But in Pakistan, the premier believes that the victims of terrorism are blackmailing the premier. Just wow.

Edit: A person who wants to establish a 'Riyasat-e-Medina,' but cannot even fathom what any of the four enlightened caliphs would have done in his position, that person is a joke and a complete joke.
Even more of a clown, if he believes that some poor people, from one of the most persecuted minorities in Pakistan, are playing politics and blackmailing, using their own loved ones bodies in the freezing cold temperature, the 'mighty premiere' who has better things to do, like, ironically, visit Ertugrul Drama actors.
You're right. He should visit immediately. However, the precise reasons for his belligerence are that he knows PPP and PMLN will (a) exploit the situation for their own gain and (b) emotionally blackmail him on countless other issues the second he yields on this issue.

I appreciate Khan's reasoning and he has stated the above himself if you actually read his words in full. Nevertheless he has made an error of judgement.

He actually should have visited on day 1 but he was caught off guard by PPP. Now he's made it worse for himself.

I have a horrible feeling that someone is deliberately advising him poorly.
hearing stuff like this is really sad. My mum side is murpuri and dads side from Lahore, mirpuri Pakistanis in the uk are as patriotic as the rest of us, if not more, atleast the ones I’ve met and I know. They celebrate Independence Day like no other. End of day we all are Pakistanis and need to stick together throughout these tough times instead of calling each other names and going against each other, this is exactly what certain countries are trying to do, cause destruction within.
I support Imran Khan on this because of strong security risk.
And 2nd no one should be allowed to do politics on dead bodies why they want PM to come when he clearly said all demands has been accepted.
something fishy.

What security risk ?
he was not protesting with thousands of people in Nawaz Govt days.. there was no risk
He want prime minister seat, so he take risk,
these poor people can not give any thing, so there is security risk..

doob k mar jao youthiye beghairat
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