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Don't blackmail me into coming to Quetta, PM tells Hazara mourners

the crimson pig whom you consider a soft deity. that bc who's plates and dongay were in free fall and we were told its almost dead and yet we see it running around eating like the swine it is.

did or didn't mian sit with mqm? why does your mian get ghanthia in saying kulbhushan yadev?
Hazara were targeted in his time too? did the khabees useher a word for them or go see them no in that bc's time model town massacre an act of state terrorism!

so you keep your hands in the jamadari and istanjadari of the haram tubbar before serving others lectures in morality.

another thing who owns ramzan sugar mills? you noon league are the biggest jahil in existence. who owns more sugar mills kabaria tubbar or jahangir tareen? no wonder jhoot drips from your mouths like it does.

Those days are gone buddy when we used to believe this nonsense that Imran Nazi used to feed us.

We now know full well the leaders who have hearts of devil in human body.

Dead bodies rotting away in cold for days and Imran Nazi says i will NOT be blackmailed by crying victims.This is the same Azeem Munafiq who used to lecture us about riasat e medina how previous leaders should go to funerals and resign from their posts. Azeem Munafiq Imran Nazi showed us his Munafiqat when he said i will not be blackmailed by victims.

If Imran Nazi removes his full of makeup face, there will be face of a devil.

Those days are gone now.

Imran Nazi can't fool us twice.

I remember the rate of eggs and dollar when thieves PMLN was in power and now i see the rate of eggs and dollar when Imran Nazi Sadiq and Ameen is in power.

I also remember the growth rate of Pakistan when thieves PMLN was in power and now i see the growth rate in negatives when Imran Nazi Sadiq and Ameen is in power.

Those days are gone.

Imran Nazi and his blind supporters are liars.You have been exposed and your leader you follow to the point of worship is exposed.

Keep enjoying the country of queen while we suffer under tyrannical rule of Imran Nazi and his 40 thieves I WILL NOT BE BLACKMAILED
Those days are gone buddy when we used to believe this nonsense that Imran Nazi used to feed us.

We now know full well the leaders who have hearts of devil in human body.

Dead bodies rotting away in cold for days and Imran Nazi says i will NOT be blackmailed by crying victims.This is the same Azeem Munafiq who used to lecture us about riasat e medina how previous leaders should go to funerals and resign from their posts. Azeem Munafiq Imran Nazi showed us his Munafiqat when he said i will not be blackmailed by victims.

If Imran Nazi removes his full of makeup face, there will be face of a devil.

Those days are gone now.

Imran Nazi can't fool us twice.

I remember the rate of eggs and dollar when thieves PMLN was in power and now i see the rate of eggs and dollar when Imran Nazi Sadiq and Ameen is in power.

I also remember the growth rate of Pakistan when thieves PMLN was in power and now i see the growth rate in negatives when Imran Nazi Sadiq and Ameen is in power.

Those days are gone.

Imran Nazi and his blind supporters are liars.You have been exposed and your leader you follow to the point of worship is exposed.

Keep enjoying the country of queen while we suffer under tyrannical rule of Imran Nazi and his 40 thieves I WILL NOT BE BLACKMAILED
your mian was going to die the bc. what happened to it? don't come here spreading mians filth here. why isn't the harami swine dead yet? because thats the chooran that bc sold the nation. now to01 cha ke saudi tur paya weh.
your mian was going to die the bc. what happened to it? don't come here spreading mians filth here. why isn't the harami swine dead yet? because thats the chooran that bc sold the nation. now to01 cha ke saudi tur paya weh.

Funny how your every response to Imran Khan and his 40 thieves corruption starts with Nawaz Sharif and ends with Nawaz Sharif.

But that mantra is now old and rotten. 3 years into federal government and 8 years into provincial government, nobody wants to listen to this nonsense anymore. Now is time to answer foreign funding and why Imran Khan received funding from BJP and Israel. Why is JKT and murderers and dakuts his ministers.

Also the day queen sends you back to Pakistan is the day we will hear your screams against Imran Khan :astagh:

For now, keep being a hypocrite enjoying another country while lecturing us about our corrupt leaders
Funny how your every response to Imran Khan and his 40 thieves corruption starts with Nawaz Sharif and ends with Nawaz Sharif.

But that mantra is now old and rotten. 3 years into federal government and 8 years into provincial government, nobody wants to listen to this nonsense anymore. Now is time to answer foreign funding and why Imran Khan received funding from BJP and Israel. Why is JKT and murderers and dakuts his ministers.

Also the day queen sends you back to Pakistan is the day we will hear your screams against Imran Khan :astagh:

For now, keep being a hypocrite enjoying another country while lecturing us about our corrupt leaders
If awaam is so sick of IK then why are Maryam and PDM jalsas flopping?

No matter how much you cry IK will stay till 2023 and inshallah will win with even more numbers. I'm thoroughly glad you are facing economic hardship.
Funny how your every response to Imran Khan and his 40 thieves corruption starts with Nawaz Sharif and ends with Nawaz Sharif.

But that mantra is now old and rotten. 3 years into federal government and 8 years into provincial government, nobody wants to listen to this nonsense anymore. Now is time to answer foreign funding and why Imran Khan received funding from BJP and Israel. Why is JKT and murderers and dakuts his ministers.

Also the day queen sends you back to Pakistan is the day we will hear your screams against Imran Khan :astagh:

For now, keep being a hypocrite enjoying another country while lecturing us about our corrupt leaders
your kabaria leader is hiding in London you dimwit :sarcastic:. your kabaria leader invited ajit doval to its granddaughters wedding. that bjp funding and israeli funding I assume you can prove it? because you will rub mian's manure on your face again. Oh mian sent a minister to izraehell what about that you will say that it never happened BECAuse as a poojari you forgive any sins of your piggy mian.

why isnt the crimson pig in jail IF IT IS A AWAMI LEADER? why isnt your mian dead? it was going to die wasn't it? yea because you have run out of argument so resorting to my living in Britain. oi bc I didnt rob People of Pakistan and build property that most people of Britain will never be able to buy!!

If the queen sends me back no issues. I can work and EARN A HALAL WAGE NOT LIKE YOUR MIAN AND ITS 2 THIPPER BACHAY AND PRINCESS TWEETNI.

Now run along and wipe mians overgrown arse. while at it Just remember for your mian you are worth less then its manure. your mian wouldn't even give you its own waste that you clean.
Ugh, you're like a broken record. Keep beating the PMLN drum for your every failure, that's the youthiya mentality. I am afraid even in your grave you and Imran Khan will blame Nawaz Sharif for your failures.

There's no difference between Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan, both are same except that Imran Khan is a proud munafiq (believes munafiqat makes great leader) who stole the title of Prophet Muhammad(SAWW) and claimant to the riasat of Medina but Imran Khan is more vicious, more devil hearted and more nazi than Nawaz Sharif.

We have a saying that when you're well-fed, everyone else seems full to you too. That's what is happening. You're enjoying superior lifestyle of queen's country so the youthiya mentality and PTI's propaganda is working for you. Spend a day in Pakistan like the rest of us average cockroaches then i wonder if you will still sing songs of PTI
I am a broken record and here you are just coming up with anything to take the conversation away from the topic at hand and divert it away from what I asked.

why isnt your mian dead? it was going to die if it didn't get to an operating table in london!

just because you have access to inhalation on mians methane which causes you a high. answer these two questions.

I have followed mians politics from 1989! I saw your mian in 1995 coming out of those flats which it claims it bought in 2003-6! I have spent plenty of time in Pakistan so don't go lecturing me about Pakistan. except 2020 I go Pakistan 2-3 times a year.

I saw what kind of heaven your mian created in the 90's and in the last 10 years. so stop talking crap.
@Foxtrot Alpha please see language used.
don't worry about reporting the poojari, these poojari are mental slaves and their eyes only see mian. In my years of debating with many poojari's the debate over their loathsome mian ends in two-three ways. the poojari will say that everyone is the same as the mian. or they will say well I don't vote after defending their mian at length and after running out of fumes to have any ground on which they can defend their mian. then the last type are those who are like @fisher1 who will attack your person like I live in Britain and know nothing and starts inventing things like he will follow its mian to jahanam.

these cancers are more dangerous than mian.
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I am a broken record and here you are just coming up with anything to take the conversation away from the topic at hand and divert it away from what I asked.

why isnt your mian dead? it was going to die if it didn't get to an operating table in london!

just because you have access to inhalation on mians methane which causes you a high. answer these two questions.

I have followed mians politics from 1989! I saw your mian in 1995 coming out of those flats which it claims it bought in 2003-6! I have spent plenty of time in Pakistan so don't go lecturing me about Pakistan. except 2020 I go Pakistan 2-3 times a year.

I saw what kind of heaven your mian created in the 90's and in the last 10 years. so stop talking crap.

don't worry about reporting the poojari, these poojari are mental slaves and their eyes only see mian. In my years of debating with many poojari's the debate over their loathsome mian ends in two-three ways. the poojari will say that everyone is the same as the mian. or they will say well I don't vote after defending their mian at length and after running out of fumes to have any ground on which they can defend their mian. then the last type are those who are like @fisher1 who will attack your person like I live in Britain and know nothing and starts inventing things like he will follow its mian to jahanam.

these cancers are more dangerous than mian.

@Foxtrot Alpha please see language used. Don't be a great leader now
yes, why not ask the mods for an assist. But still it doesnt answer my 2 questions.

  1. why isnt your mian dead?
  2. it was going to die if it didn't get to an operating table in london?

Why should i respond to you now?

Anything i say gets deleted and i get a warning from IK loving mods. All the insults you did against me calling me patwari despite the fact i don't support any political party but you insist on using these derogatory terms against me, "poojari", "inhaling mian's methane" and countless other insults but it's OK for you to do because you are PTI supporter.

The only reason i was having this argument with you was because - unlike that Syed guy who uses the worst profanity against other members NOT leaders but other members including an ex-mod, the language of brothels and when you're forced to respond, he runs to the mods, the mods of course have a soft spot for him because he supports PTI - you didn't run to mods. But now that's changed.

I don't like this game, you're gonna get the same treatment as Syed, ignore, bye

Hopefully you read this before mods delete it.
Why should i respond to you now?

Anything i say gets deleted and i get a warning from IK loving mods. All the insults you did against me calling me patwari despite the fact i don't support any political party but you insist on using these derogatory terms against me, "poojari", "inhaling mian's methane" and countless other insults but it's OK for you to do because you are PTI supporter.

The only reason i was having this argument with you was because - unlike that Syed guy who uses the worst profanity against other members NOT leaders but other members including an ex-mod, the language of brothels and when you're forced to respond, he runs to the mods, the mods of course have a soft spot for him because he supports PTI - you didn't run to mods. But now that's changed.

I don't like this game, you're gonna get the same treatment as Syed, ignore, bye

Hopefully you read this before mods delete it.
oh cry us all a river. like you poojari landed from heaven. you and your leaders deserve far worse than this. lying, cheating, crooked treacherous scum. I guess the belief in akhrat has vacated the brain cells of the tubbar and poojari alike.
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