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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

At my uni in the Canada there are posters of all kinds put up, including pro zionsist, pro homosexuality etc etc, and if anyone dreamed of tearing up one of those posters not only would they be expelled but also hate crime charges would be laid against them.

The School was simply protecting the freedom of speech, which the girl violated and is now paying the price.

of course Indian haters gonna hate.

Two points;

1. In Canada posters cannot be used to incite hatred to the extent that people get killed. Ahmadis do get killed for this hatred in Pakistan. No comparison with Canada, thankfully.

2. An Ahmadi is not even allowed under law to express himself; that is illegal in Pakistan. He/she would still go to jail for expressing him/herself. Hardly any comparison with Canada.

So your selective interpretation and comparison of Islamic Republic with Canada is wholly incorrect. Also the administration itself does not claim this to be reason for expulsion. Here is their view;

Rashid Ahmad Khan, additional registrar at the Comsats Institute of Information Technology in Lahore, had denied any link between the student’s expulsion and her religion. Instead, he said she was expelled for “breaking university rules” since she “did not provide a document” required in order to register.

PAKISTAN Lahore: Ahmadi student expelled on false blasphemy charges - Asia News

Obviously they are making excuses now.

Ahmadis are being treated practically as slaves. Anything can be said to them or done to them but they can not even respond in the mildest of manner or they’ll be punished.

Does Canada have a law on the lines of Ordinance XX?
Ordinance XX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sir! Pakistan is a free country pplz are free to preach and do anything peacefully

Then why is there blasphemy law in the first place? Also why is the freedom not extended to Ahmadis?

298-C. Person of Quadiani group, etc., calling himself a Muslim or preaching or propagating his faith: Any person of the Quadiani group or the Lahori group (who call themselves 'Ahmadis' or by any other name), who directly or indirectly, poses himself as a Muslim, or calls, or refers to, his faith as Islam, or preaches or propagates his faith, or invites others to accept his faith, by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or in any manner whatsoever outrages the religious feelings of Muslims shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine.

---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

expelled from COMSATS Lahore ?, I mean many irresponsible kids got expelled in all over world.... Will you discuss all misbehaviour in Pdf? :cheesy:

This is a Pakistani forum and this is an ongoing religious persecution issue.
First of all what is Ahmadi?? I thought Islam has only three divisions sunni. shia and wahabi.
andriod this is a very serious matter which i swear is capable of plunging this whole Pakistan . First you will see the qadiyani vs muslim then shia vs sunni then barelvi vs deobandi and the list will continue the point being even if she trampled the pamphlet with prophets name she cant be prosecuted unless and until she knew that the name of prophet is indeed written on it so claiming her head with out her justification is wrong and this is not a matter of responsible kid or irresponsible kid its about being rasict or not being racist that all and plz just because she happens to be a Qadiani u cant kill her no one has any authority to kill any one. she is born a non muslim she will die a non muslim how can u kill her cause the case of being aposlate cant be fit here even if she spews hate against Islam u have no right to kill her as nonmuslims have that right even in the Muslim world
Then why is there blasphemy law in the first place? Also why is the freedom not extended to Ahmadis?

---------- Post added at 01:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

This is a Pakistani forum and this is an ongoing religious persecution issue.
Its look more misbehavour then religious issue.... Take a look , if you misbehave in your institute and got expelled .. then accept your misbehaviour and solve your matters internally... its just a misbehaviour issue....
yar prove it that its behaviour issue just prove it and if u cant plz dont spread the false news

---------- Post added at 06:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:46 PM ----------

YOu dont know what Islam is yet you ridicule Muslims with your Avatar
hell how can he ridiculate muslims .can muslims become kafir by seeing that ?
andriod this is a very serious matter which i swear is capable of plunging this whole Pakistan . First you will see the qadiyani vs muslim then shia vs sunni then barelvi vs deobandi and the list will continue the point being even if she trampled the pamphlet with prophets name she cant be prosecuted unless and until she knew that the name of prophet is indeed written on it so claiming her head with out her justification is wrong and this is not a matter of responsible kid or irresponsible kid its about being rasict or not being racist that all and plz just because she happens to be a Qadiani u cant kill her no one has any authority to kill any one. she is born a non muslim she will die a non muslim how can u kill her cause the case of being aposlate cant be fit here even if she spews hate against Islam u have no right to kill her as nonmuslims have that right even in the Muslim world
Well i got my own opinion, If you got some other matters to involve in then its your personal matter....
Don't you think this 'blasphemy' stuff is going a bit too far? Tearing up a poster is considered blasphemy? I'm sure the majority of Pakistanis don't support this.
YOu dont know what Islam is yet you ridicule Muslims with your Avatar

How am i ridiculing??..I am a non-muslim. And also yeah i dont know a lot about Islam cause i am a non-muslim so i am asking a question if you can answer it well and good or else stop trolling.
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