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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

Since we are talking about islam I should also clear up what a "Wahabi" is

Wahabi is the pejorative term used to describe the salafi thought.
salafis are orthodox Muslims who don't follow one of the 4 established schools of thought, but rather combine the 4 for a more strict interpretation of Islam.

They are not a sect or super secret ninjas or what ever else propaganda has been spread about them.

and just to clarify, I am not a Salafi
actually a few months ago there was a discussion on pdf, when the dead bodies of hindus were marked as kafir to differentiate them from muslims ......

Not the choice of words I would use
Ok I agree... non ahmadi muslims have a problem since prophet mohammed is not considered last prophet. But still if there is a blasphemy law if people insult Islam, there should also be a blasphemy law if muslims insult hinduism, christianity or in this case ahmadi-ism. wouldnt you agree.

There is
by law you are not allowed to insult anyone's religion.
Okay, I was being silent all this time, was waiting if news comes in main stream. This incident happened in my Institution COMSATS Lahore. There is sticker pasted at some places in institution and also in hostels containing Anti Ahmedi remarks. Girl was disturbed due to some reasons and she vented out her anger on by Scratching the anti ahmedi sticker pasted on Girls hostel wall and remove the sticker from the wall, tore it apart and then throw it on the floor, Girls hostel guard and some other girls was watching the whole incidence

Unfortunately, the sticker had a Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) name on it, Guard got angry, told the warden of the hostel, Warden locked her up in the room, news leaked out, Other girls start gathering out sider her room, Warden called her parents who took her immediately, police called up they came and a case was registered against her.

that's what happened

Assalam alaikum

qadianies again trying to attack pak society and indains jumped wagon,

first of all what was written on that poster which this bionic lady tore?

i m also surprised of this cult who called themselves peaceful why didnot she goto the authorities and ask them to remove those posters?

it clearly shows this cult is not a peaceful and neither it wants peace in pakistan

@ratti our brother have explained well in post #67 but let me add one more point if u don't know about islam or the issue it is better to ask for calrification instead of giving ur opinion

i also don't remember the incident of dead bodies as identified by kafir ( i think it is not appropriate ) most of the time we refer to it as dead body of non muslim

then why did the creator of the poster which said nasty things about ahmadi was allowed to go free. and this is not the only instance.. people say insulting thing about Qadiani prophet all the time I have read it in this forum and other places (you may not agree he is a prophet but millions others do)

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------

Read the post #76

OK genius wasn't it better for this student to go and report it instead of taking law in her hands?

then why did the creator of the poster which said nasty things about ahmadi was allowed to go free. and this is not the only instance.. people say insulting thing about Qadiani prophet all the time I have read it in this forum and other places (you may not agree he is a prophet but millions others do)

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 PM ----------

Read the post #76

What did it say?
do you know?
right now at best it is speculation.
keep in mind that blasphemy laws does not ban discussion of a religion.
you are just not allowed to insult people.
so as far as we know the poster could of just said "Ahmedies are not Muslims because they dont believe that the prophet Mohammad was the last prophet"
OK genius wasn't it better for this student to go and report it instead of taking law in her hands?

she did not attack anyone.. she just tore down a poster that clearly insulted her religion (you cannot call it cult)

If there was a poster that insulted prophet mohammad and put on your colleger , please tell me how you will react.
honestly i, if you put a poster in a public place that insult my gods like krishna or ganesha , i will also tear it down.
So now she has been sent out.. ok now what happens to that person who created the poster, will that person be punished.. will the students go on a riot to punsih that person?
so can I put a poster saying that islam is not a true religion on the college campus and expect students to play by the rules you mention?

You can put a poster of what ever you want.
just remember where and which country you put it in so as to avoid any difficulties later :cheesy:

Again, we are working on speculation, we don't know what the poster said so this is as far as we can get in this discussion.
Yap only first generation are mohajirs because they migrated , second generation and after that are not mohajirs. Your certainly not a 80 year old baba to be called a mohajir who migrated, if you born here you are/should not considered to be mohajir.

He was talking about Edhi, who is i think 80++.
Ahmedis are considered Muslims in India and are recognized as Muslims by the constitution of India. There are no clashes between sunni, shia or ahmedi in India. All of them identify themselves and each other as Muslims.

Intolerance is the root of pakistans problems. And this intolerance will one day consume you. Dont expect India to help when the Chinese refuse.
then understand this sir this is not a place for u to brain fart this is a place for discuttion and learning if u are absolute in ur thought and dont bother justifing it then plz dont even bother posting

---------- Post added at 06:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:55 PM ----------

expelled from COMSATS Lahore........... As a Pakistani citizen ,its my reponsibility to describe members like you that its just and over highlighted topic.... and these topic causing very much trouble as you mention above...
qadiyani vs muslim etc..... and this thread got linked with my opinion....

that what i want to know how is this topic over highlighted ? simple i just want the ans to this and this is creating prob so what does that mean that we as cowards should just bury our heads in ground wow ?
Ahmedis are considered Muslims in India and are recognized as Muslims by the constitution of India. There are no clashes between sunni, shia or ahmedi in India. All of them identify themselves and each other as Muslims.

Intolerance is the root of pakistans problems. And this intolerance will one day consume you. Dont expect India to help when the Chinese refuse.


Ahmedis are considered Muslims in India and are recognized as Muslims by the constitution of India. There are no clashes between sunni, shia or ahmedi in India. All of them identify themselves and each other as Muslims.

Intolerance is the root of pakistans problems. And this intolerance will one day consume you. Dont expect India to help when the Chinese refuse.

Good for you, do you want a cookie or something?

Where is the intolerance? by that logic Europe is SUPER INTOLERANT because they even have laws that define foods.
Like you cant call something a cheese unless it has certain amount of milk protein in it.

Ahmedies in Pakistan are free to worship and practice their religion as they please.
they are just not allowed to falsely advertise themselves as Muslim.

Actually, now that I think of it
India has laws that FORBID people from converting to different religions.
doesn't sound too tolerant to me.

you know what, I want that cookie back now.
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