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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

I'm sure you're one of those that have 'Khan' as a last name. Care to tell me what tribe you belong to?
I don't know which part of Pakistan you belong to buddy but at least it is written and proven what P A K I S T A N actually means. In no where these letters represent/define you and your community. I know some one here mentioned how educated you guys are. care to tell me why it was best for you to come here when you're education was waiting in your old country? The fact of the matter is, you stand no where. Hindus hated you. You were their slaves. Pakistan was an opportunity. So there you have it, you are an opportunist.

I will repeat one more time:

What is it exactly you want? Were you all hoping for someone to come here and start a fight? I know this is exactly what you guys were expecting and wanting and i'm afraid I'm not one of those here to start a fight but to let you know how you are attempting to start one. There is exactly nothing you people are tying to prove? I guess this thread is a target for other ethnics to come forward and get the blame. This is purely intelligent just like what Jews usually do to moving along and to become innocent. The bottom line is i'aint dumb!

No one will give you a bone, keep ranting.

As for that bolded parts our leader Quaid e Azam(who too was Urdu Speaker & belong Gujarati family) call us & we came, there were Muslims in India who didn't accept him as leader & they choose to stay there. Not to forget Karachi was filled up with dry mountains & deserts, all progress came there since Muhajirs step there. Also we Muhajirs believe Pakistan as mother & people of Pakistan as brothers, unlike those who have stuck in their ethnic dumb mentality.
American Pakistani post reminds me of my father/grand father had rejected the myth tht aside the indian pujabis, no other muslim community came under non muslim attack, and in indian punjab mostly it were the sikhs who killed the muslims

instead the muslims had a good relation with non muslims and they kept saying to muslims who were migrating, why were they leaving, and that they were more comfortable there then in pakistan

even then our ancestors left all the banglows and big properties, businesses and came to pakistan

these so called natives whose ancestors were mostly illeterates, had no sense of civics, had no money, had no idea how to run the government, economics of country are now calling us to leave this country???

its a miracle how country as pakistan which was completely barren under developed has reached so far as to develop a nuclear bomb, a country which had no industrial infrastructure what s ever, in british india, the area which makes pakistan was the most under developed area, thats also the reason why many muslims opposed the concept of pakistan because they were not confident how would a new muslim state survive

why didnt they kicked us out when we were serving this country, now when we have made the country stand on its feet, they are calling us to be kicked out, how ironic

its hard for any family to leave its native land to survive let live on a completely different land based on religious concepts, urdu speakers have left their money and their culture to develop this country, but still we are called indians and traitors, while 'natives' try to be as friendly to indians as possible because indians are better established then them, and call us pakistanis, indians and raw agents
This 'Quid' part you've touched upon remains a mystery. Historians, British are predicting from research that he did not want to create Pakistan and it was made unintentionally. Some say he wanted both Pakistan and India to be one but since Ghandi came to India from South Africa, he mentioned why there were mohamadeens (muslims) in Gujart. That shocked him and led him to some kind of movement to create Pakistan.

Muhammed Ali Jinnah was 100% not an urdu speaker. Yes he was culturally Gujrati but not ethnically as he is from the rajpoth cast, a punjabi cast. His ancestors were punjabi for your information. Are you telling me know that he spoke urdu? LMAO. Just to let you know he only spoke English in Pakistan.

I guess you didn't answer my questions that i asked earlier. Just keep ignoring man just keep ignoring because you can't even make up the answers. :rofl:

Oh God!!!! What a raciest person:hitwall:
^^^^His speech in Urdu

---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

American Pakistani post reminds me of my father/grand father had rejected the myth tht aside the indian pujabis, no other muslim community came under non muslim attack, and in indian punjab mostly it were the sikhs who killed the muslims

instead the muslims had a good relation with non muslims and they kept saying to muslims who were migrating, why were they leaving, and that they were more comfortable there then in pakistan

even then our ancestors left all the banglows and big properties, businesses and came to pakistan

these so called natives whose ancestors were mostly illeterates, had no sense of civics, had no money, had no idea how to run the government, economics of country are now calling us to leave this country???

its a miracle how country as pakistan which was completely barren under developed has reached so far as to develop a nuclear bomb, a country which had no industrial infrastructure what s ever, in british india, the area which makes pakistan was the most under developed area, thats also the reason why many muslims opposed the concept of pakistan because they were not confident how would a new muslim state survive

why didnt they kicked us out when we were serving this country, now when we have made the country stand on its feet, they are calling us to be kicked out, how ironic

Please don't put every one in this raciest category, there are raciest in every ethnicity. I hope most Pakistani Punjabis are not like him.
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hakim muhammad said, is the guy who left his family, even his brother to come to pakistan and serve this country, this guy had an established family business in india, but he came empty handed in pakistan, from there on he worked hard, used his back ground to build a business which is called hamdard today, hamdard is a prominent big business in pakistan today..

hakim muhammad said, is the guy who left his family, even his brother to come to pakistan and serve this country, this guy had an established family business in india, but he came empty handed in pakistan, from there on he worked hard, used his back ground to build a business which is called hamdard today, hamdard is a prominent big business in pakistan today..

There are many others like Dr Edhi or Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan etc but who cares. If any raciest person is ranting let him.
There are many others like Dr Edhi or Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan etc but who cares. If any raciest person is ranting let him.

i am just saying how can a guy leave his half family, his brother and an established business for 40 years, to come to an unknown place, where he had no acquaintances???, and build a new business
Alright. He could speak urdu I agree on this part now that you've provided proof. But that doesn't matter, i can speak urdu too and that does not make me a Urdu mohajir. To some extent, he was living in India, so hindi/urdu is same $hit. Ethnically he is NOT AN URDU MOHAJIR. Again if you try to read my post, i've told you that it his creation, regardless of him being a Punjabi, Gujrati, etc, remains a mystery in creating Pakistan.
Go and check who Chaudhry Rehmat Ali was, he might have a hand in creating Pakistan. Go and check How Nehru could be the founder.You've touched upon a very sensitive issue and you will draw many mysteries in to this.

Your post smells of pure raciesm & i've decided to report, i hope other viewers will also report your post & Mods will take action. Good Bye.
Again EDHI is not a Urdu mohair. You are wrong again. Ethnically, i think he is Gujrati.
Now for A.Q.Khan, yes he had a hand in Pak's atomic bomb but he could have not done it all alone. Scientiits like Munir Ahmed Khan and Abdus Salam (nobel piece prize award winner) are Punjabi. and they were all involved.
Your post smells of pure raciesm & i've decided to report, i hope other viewers will also report your post & Mods will take action. Good Bye.

Go ahead. A person like you only answered one question but couldn't deal with other questions. This is not racism its part of the thread. Like i said go ahead do whatever you're doing.
i am just saying how can a guy leave his half family, his brother and an established business for 40 years, to come to an unknown place, where he had no acquaintances???, and build a new business

Bro many people left their families,friends and businesses behind just to come to Pakistan. My grandfather did the same, he had a lot of family and friends in Rampur. He had a share in a family owned business and a big house. But he decided to leave all that behind and come to Pakistan empty handed. His father (my great grandfather) rejected the idea of Pakistan and tried to stop my grandfather from moving to Pakistan but my grandfather was too stubborn and moved to Pakistan where he struggled a lot and wasn't accepted by everyone.
Even my grandfather's Hindu friends told him not to leave and told him that the people there would never accept you. But my Grandfather had made up his mind because he was influenced by Quaid e Azam. When he moved to Pakistan he thought that India and Pakistan would be friendly countries and he would visit India to see his family often but that didn't happen and my grandfather never got to see his parents and siblings in India.
Today my family in India is doing pretty well, most have moved to bigger cities. One of my relatives is a well known politician in UP.

These people left everyone and everything behind just to come to an unknown place but unfortunately little did they know that in the future their future generation would be called traitors,agents etc.
What exactly is Mohajir identity.The people who really fought tooth n nail for pakistan didnt even go there. and for some 0.2% of population who went there ended up neither here nor there.So one can really sum up mohajir identity as :neither here nor there.

0.2% is a major understatement. It was definitely a small minority, but it was far more than that, maybe 20%.
in case if more 'break ups' happen, its been officially a 'stranded' community, like the ones in bangladesh today after 71, and since we dont know sindhi language not wear ajrak or sindhi topi
I know this forum is full of "Patriots"
This is what i was trying to say
If you call yourself a muhajir
people will generally say if you are a muhajir why dont you go back :cheesy:
why do you call yourself a muhajir aren't you Pakistani?
I don't want to go back i never came here in the first place
i was born here and i will die here
guess what even if i walk around wearing a Sindhi topi and ajrak people identify me as a muhajir
it is only a problem for others if i call myself a muhajir
i am just tried of the Muslim brotherhood slogans that are used to explain the existence of our country
there was no Muslim brotherhood ever
how can anyone be so patriotic if jobs are given on on the basis of language and race , if pakistani's are fighting among each other and if the only time Pakistani's seem to forget about their cultural differences is during cricket match :undecided:
sorry but there is not much to be proud of

This is why we should forget everything else and spend all our time playing cricket.
Lets put it even more clearly.
I am a Muslim.. that shows in my behavior as a person.
I am a Pakistani, my political affiliation is Pakistan.. My political identity is Pakistan.
I was born in Karachi which is in Sindh that is part of Pakistan.
So If I was to identify myself to which province I support in the national games.. I am Sindhi.
My culture is what was passed on from family values that came from people who lived in India.
My identity as an urdu-speaking Sindhi is to define my uniqueness to my countrymen and enrich their lives... as mine is enriched by absorbing and enjoying their culture.. be it Punjabi, Pukhtoon,Sindhi,Seriaki,Balochi or Hazara.
The only place where it may come into play would be investigating a potential bride from another ethnicity as one would not be familiar with the background in that area. Whether that girl would fit in my family or not.
That is it.

My cultural identity does not come into play when I work with my countrymen, play with them, eat with them,make friends with them or share their joys and sorrows.
I will NOT prefer one over the other.. and I feel betrayed when it happens to me.
Still they are my countrymen, my brethren .. MY BLOOD.. they are Pakistanis.
and that is that.

All those who express views contrary to mine, I consider them traitors .. misled at best.

................ :laugh:
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