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Why Dawn news didn't tell people about the grandson of MIrza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyan(The spirtual leader of Ahmadis) being beaten by Ahmadis just because he accepted Islam.... ???

Here is the Link:


Qadiani’s great grandson meets JI ex-Ameer
Published: January 07, 2010

LAHORE - Great grandson of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani, Abdur Rahman, who has reverted to Islam, called on Qazi Hussain Ahmed, former Ameer Jama’at-e-Islami, at Mansoora on Wednesday. Allama Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer, son of Allama Ehsan Elahi Zaheer accompanied him.

Abdur Rahman, elder son of Mirza Nasir Ahmed, rejoined Islam’s fold in the year 1999 after going through Allama Ihsan Elahi’s book “Qadiniat, Mirzayat and Islam”. He has command over seven languages and is working as translator at Bhasha Dam.

Abdur Rahman told Qazi that after reverting to Islam, he had given up his inherited property. Last year, he had applied for Hajj and the Saudi authorities asked for documentary evidence of his rejoining Islam, which he produced. He alleged that a fortnight ago, a group of Qadianis abducted him and subjected him to severe torture at Aiwan-e-Mahmud, near Ganga Ram Hospital and his nose was fractured. He became unconscious after which they abandoned him near Anarkali Bazaar. Allama Ibtisam Elahi provided him protection and arranged his medical treatment.

Qazi Hussain Ahmed condemned torture on him and said this had exposed the cruel face of Qadianiat. He told Abdur Rahman that his reversion to Islam was a breakthrough and big news. He said that if the people in Rabwah were given basic human rights, their majority would revert to Islam. At present, he said, the Rabwah people were under great pressure. He called upon the government to provide proper security to Abdur Rahman and warned that if any harm came to him, the Qadianis would be held responsible. He said that the Muslims all over the world were happy over Abdur Rahman’s rejoining Islam. He also thanked the religious parties for expressing solidarity with Abdur Rahman.

Qadiani's great grandson meets JI ex-Ameer - The daily Nation, Pakistan
If Mohammed Ali Jinnah the founder of the country did not have a problem with it, who are you question the authority of our nations father. No wonder the army and ISI is killing Islamic leaders left and right.

They know what the ill of our country and is and what is holding us back. At the end who so ever is right will stand and who so ever is wrong will suffer.
Decision of Divine Court
For Qadianis who call themselves Ahmadis
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was a Liar

(In light of his own Writings)

Mubahala means that two parties come out together in the open, facing each other, to present their case in the court of Allah(SWT), the Exalted, and invoke Him for seeking His decision as to who is truthful and who is a liar. Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was not sincere enough to participate in a face to face Mubahala, but he stated that, according to him, a prayer duel from a distance would also be effective.


Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani conducted a Mubahala with Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi (Allah's mercy on him), in Eidgah ground of Amristar on Zeeqadah 10, 1310 A.H.
(Majmuai-Ishtiharat Mirza Qadiani, Vol. 1, P. 427)

Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi's 'Mubahala' was on this issue that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and all his believers were kafirs, liars, impostors and faithless.
(Majmuai-Ishtiharat Mirza Qadiani, Vol. 1, P. 425)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had said on Oct. 2, 1907 (7 months, 24 days before his death) that "the liar among the participants in a Mubahala dies during the lifetime of the truthful."
(Majmuai-Ishtiharat Mirza Qadiani, Vol. 9, P.440)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani died during the lifetime of Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi on May 26, 1908, whereas Maulana Abdul Haq Ghaznavi (Allah's mercy on him) expired 9 years later, on May 16, 1917.
(Rais-e-Qadian, Vol. 2, P. 192)

Mirza Qadiani's death during Maulana Ghaznavi's life, as a consequence of Mubahala, is an unqualified decision of the divine court. The result is clear: Mirza Qadiani was a liar and those who believe in him - after the truth has been conveyed to them - are kafirs, apostates, pretenders and dualist-infidels. If Mirza Tahir Qadiani and his Qadiani group have any faith in the Divine decision, then they are duty bound to accept this decision and proclaim Mirza Ghulam Qadiani -- the one-eyed impostor -- a fraud and renounce Qadianism; otherwise, the world will be bound to consider Mirza Tahir and all the Qadianis as individuals who have denounced Allah.
If Mohammed Ali Jinnah the founder of the country did not have a problem with it, who are you question the authority of our nations father. No wonder the army and ISI is killing Islamic leaders left and right.

They know what the ill of our country and is and what is holding us back. At the end who so ever is right will stand and who so ever is wrong will suffer.

Was this comment really for this tread ?
@ BB - My Points are clear.

1: we are a Muslim society - no you are a muslim majority society and a professed muslim state
2: We allow full freedom of worship to other religions - No you don't. if i follow other religions i get disqualified from running for president and PM.
3: Qadiyanis are NOT yet a Minority as they are trying to Disguise in Muslims so we need more laws for it. By your own law they are not muslim, so that point is invalid.
4: Once they get a minority status they would enjoy what others do. By your own law they are not muslim, so that point is invalid
5: They Must Stop offending Muslims or the response would be natural. Intolerance is natural to muslims? I don't think so. I know plenty of tolerant muslims.
6: They must stop anti Pakistan and pro zionist activities. If any of their activities are illegal then law takes its course, but their crime is to hurt your sense of purity, then its your own problem and you should get treated instead of blaming others.
Now here we can see your own comments backfired upon you didn't they ?

Here we see you are being defensive and losing ground because you are wrong.

There is NO intolerance against Ahmadis as long as they do not involve in anti state activities and support our enemies.

When everyone else in Pakistan was crying upon Indian Invasion of east Pakistan and the saperation of Dhaka the ahmadis were celebrating and distributing sweets in Rabwah.

Before you lecture us about intolerance in our society you better look on your own A$$ first , what you are doing in Kashmir and other well recored issues.

Qassrk has hit the nail on the head !!:pakistan:

Nice try at passing off a rant as a declaration of victory. Read again, you have made no points.
being a muslim our religion ends at the Prophet! if you don't believe that regardless of being,shia or sunni you are kharij from islam! so all i am saying is if Ahmediyas want minority rights then they should first call themselves a minority the minute they call themselves a muslim they cannot be considered a minority!
If Mohammed Ali Jinnah the founder of the country did not have a problem with it, who are you question the authority of our nations father. No wonder the army and ISI is killing Islamic leaders left and right.

They know what the ill of our country and is and what is holding us back. At the end who so ever is right will stand and who so ever is wrong will suffer.
Jinnah was a political leader, he also used to drink and eat pork so what? We should also start drinking and eating pork because 'father of the nation' had also done so? He had a larger goal, to get Pakistan from the British, why on earth would he raise the issue of Qaadyaniat at that time? Stop bringing Jinnah into this because he was not a Rasool Allah or even a Muslim Scholar, he was only a Politician with a fixed political goal.

And Army/ISI is not killing 'Islamic leaders' left and right but those uneducated thugs who want to further their agenda in the name of Islam. I am very sorry to see that you can not even distinguish between an Islamic leader/Scholar and TTP thugs and only to prove a point (which of course is no point in the first place) dragging the Army action into this.
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Bhai Sahab, Maaf karo ab. How many more news will you pull out from your internet searches.

Enjoy your life son, and let live.

I am not the one snubbing anyone's Right to live in Peace.
Peace comes at a cost and those who want to live in peace must pay that.
@ BB - My Points are clear.

no you are a muslim majority society and a professed muslim state

Now You will tell us who we are and who we aren't ? You are not a part of our society so you are not the Right person to give a verdict upon it.

No you don't. if i follow other religions i get disqualified from running for president and PM

Yes an Islamic State can't be Run by a Non Muslim is it too hard to understand or admit ?
Our ex-cheif Justice Rana Bhagwandas was a Hindu.

BTW i was talking about religious Freedom and right to worship & you twisted it the other way around didn't you ?

By your own law they are not muslim, so that point is invalid.

Yes they are Non Muslims but they don't accept it and insist upon being called ahmadi muslim community which disguises them with Muslims and it wont be allowed.

By your own law they are not muslim, so that point is invalid

Yes True but the are not exactly following our constitution that is why they are what they are.

Intolerance is natural to muslims? I don't think so. I know plenty of tolerant muslims.

There is nothing called intolerance , so just shut your saga up i am over it.
If any of their activities are illegal then law takes its course,

I wish it would have been true

but their crime is to hurt your sense of purity, then its your own problem and you should get treated instead of blaming others.

No one is stopping you from Defending them-- carry on .
Jinnah was a political leader, he also used to drink and eat pork so what? We should also start drinking and eating pork because 'father of the nation' had also done so? He had a larger goal, to get Pakistan from the British, why on earth would he raise the issue of Qaadyaniat at that time? Stop bringing Jinnah into this because he was not a Rasool Allah or even a Muslim Scholar, he was only a Politician with a fixed political goal.

And Army/ISI is not killing 'Islamic leaders' left and right but those uneducated thugs who want to further their agenda in the name of Islam. I am very sorry to see that you can not even distinguish between an Islamic leader/Scholar and TTP thugs and only to prove a point (which of course is no point in the first place) dragging the Army action into this.

Actually dear sir it is a hoax spread by the Enemies of Pakistan and Jinnah after his death.

It has been recorded after he died so there is no accountability on it so i think it is Unfair to attach such comments to the Father of the Nation.

Those who want to attach one BS remark to demolish the Repute of the great leader & i ask them if he was a Drinker and ate pork why the hell he did raise her Daughter as Muslim and why did he Converted her wife to Islam if didn't cared about his belief so i think its another Propegenda spread by our very own Big tummy mullahs.

PML-Q, PML-N senators' walkout on remarks against Quaid-e-Azam
April 15, 2010

The Senators of Pakistan Muslim League Quaid (PML-Q) and Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) staged token walkout from the upper House in protest against derogatory remarks passed by Haji Adeel Senator Awami National Party against Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of the country, here on Thursday.
According to details, president Muslim League Likeminded Senator Saleem Saifullah said that Senator Haji Adeel stated on a TV channel that Muslim League's leaders used to drink and eat pork and alleged that Haji Adeel was hinting at Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He said that Haji Adeel had hurt the emotions of the nation and he should apologize, on which the leaders of PML-N and PML-Q staged token walk out from the House.
Senator Adeel developed stance in this regard that his remarks were not aimed at Quaid-e-Azam but had only replied to one of PML-Q's Senator's remarks that our party's leader were Hindu and used to live in Jalalabad.
Senator Haji Adeel apologized and made it clear that Quaid-e-Azam was also his hero but unfortunately his remarks were taken out of context.
Senator Zahid Khan and Babar Ghouri settle the issue and managed to woo back the angry senators back to the House. Senator Raza Rabbani and Foreign Minister Rehman Malik also managed to calm down the Senators of PML-Q.

PML-Q, PML-N senators' walkout on remarks against Quaid-e-Azam | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Actually dear sir it is a hoax spread by the Enemies of Pakistan and Jinnah after his death.

It has been recorded after he died so there is no accountability on it so i think it is Unfair to attach such comments to the Father of the Nation.

Those who want to attach one BS remark to demolish the Repute of the great leader & i ask them if he was a Drinker and ate pork why the hell he did raise her Daughter as Muslim and why did he Converted her wife to Islam if didn't cared about his belief so i think its another Propegenda spread by our very own Big tummy mullahs.
No its not hoax, it is true and recorded in the memoirs of number of Jinnah's peers, both British and Indian. It is well accepted a fact that Jinnah was not at all a practicing Muslim, extremely westernized, and liberal. However, none of these qualities make him any less than what we think of him, the father of the nation. We have to come out of the habit of trying to sanitize the Muslim leaders from all their un-islamic habits, pouring all the saintly qualities in them, and granting them the rank of Rasool Allah. Jinnah was a Muslim because he was born to the Muslim parents, and he converted his wife to Islam because it was the norm of the day. He also did not raise his only daughter as a practicing Muslim otherwise she would have never chosen to marry to a non-Muslim. But again, none of this has anything to do with the stature of Jinnah, he is and shall always be remembered for his hard work, integrity, honesty, and the leadership.
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How have Ahmadi's corrupted your religion?

Did they sneak some pork into your breakfast? Did they sneak into your home and alter the Quran?

Isn't the fact that you are not an Ahmadi proof that they have in fact not corrupted your religion?

If some people agree with their message, they can accept them, if some don't, they can reject them.

It isn't really up to you or anyone else to determine whose faith is valid and whose faith is not. Mind your own business, and let the Ahmadis live their life as they see fit. Have some respect for the beliefs of others and their rights to live without being subjected to discrimination and prejudice.

Hear, Hear ! This is by far the best advice that can be given to all religious bigots whatever religion they belong to. If a lot more people thought like this, the world would certainly be a better place.

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