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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

Once, Muhammed (PBUH) had only Khadijah on his side, and the first ever male who embraced Islam on his hands was Ali Ibn Abi Talib and there is no doubt that all the religions grow from a very small number. However, Muhammed never sneakily preached Islam in the guise of whatever religion or cult Quresh of Mekkah were following hence bringing Muhammed's example is totally unrelated and uncalled for.

What makes Ahmedis or Qadyanis unique as well as intolerable is the fact that they call themselves Muslim which, by the ijmaa (consensus) of all the Muslim sects is incorrect and wrong. If they do not insist on calling themselves Muslim (which indeed they are not), they will be accepted as non-Muslims and enjoy the rights of non-Muslims as granted in Islam.

So Mr. Fateh71, when you try to talk about Muhammed or anybody of his stature, do your homework and get yourself educate about the subject matter.

It is surprising that some Pakistani and I assume Muslims thanked Mr. Fateh for his uneducated post.

Thank you

100% agreed ............ the problem is Ahmedis is that they call themselves Muslims and easily enter in the rows of Muslims :angry::angry:
If it is the consensus of all Muslims why is it that only in Pakistan are they regarded as non-Muslims?
Because only in Pakistan the Ahmedis are in such a large number and virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the Muslim population. You have to understand that problem is neither their existence, nor what beliefs they have, the problem is their ability to exploit the Muslims due to the indistinguishability of their's among the rest of the Muslims.

I used to have an Ahmedi friend, who (we were around 14-15 than) would always try to convince me even give me their religious literature. His innocent efforts had no affect on me as thanks to my parents, I was well read about Islam and History. However, how many less educated Muslims he would have manged to 'detract' is anybody's guess. You would be surprised to learn that even after twenty or so years, I still regularly read Al-Fazal (an Ahmedi's magazine) only to keep myself updated on their activities. Knowledge is the ultimate weapon against such fitna and our lack of knowledge is exactly what they are exploiting.
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Qsaark its never been too late to be here.

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prohet mohammed had a handful supporters once, he was the leader of 2% too once, was that ignorance?

I'm surprised at the level of intolerance here. The fact abt tolerance is - you don't need to show it to only those you like or approve of, but importantly to those who you don't like.

I think you are unaware of what a Prophet Is Capable of.

These people had too many followers/companions as well.

British Colonials
Hassan Al sabbah
Hujaj Bin yousif
Slobodan Milošević
And Osama.

Indian should not teach us the amount of intolerance , they don't deserve to be on Higher Moral Ground.
Once, Muhammed (PBUH) had only Khadijah on his side, and the first ever male who embraced Islam on his hands was Ali Ibn Abi Talib and there is no doubt that all the religions grow from a very small number. However, Muhammed never sneakily preached Islam in the guise of whatever religion or cult Quresh of Mekkah were following unlike what Qadiyanis are doing hence bringing Muhammed's example is totally irrelevant and uncalled for.

What makes Ahmedis or Qadyanis unique as well as intolerable is the fact that they call themselves Muslim which, by the ijmaa (consensus) of all the Muslim sects is incorrect and wrong. If they do not insist on calling themselves Muslim (which indeed they are not), they will be accepted as non-Muslims and enjoy the rights of non-Muslims as granted in Islam.

So Mr. Fateh71, when you try to talk about Muhammed or anybody of his stature, do your homework and get yourself educate about the subject matter.

It is surprising that some Pakistani and I assume Muslims thanked Mr. Fateh for his uneducated post.

Beautifuly Summed up , Thanks:smitten:
Because only in Pakistan the Ahmedis are in such a large number and virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the Muslim population. You have to understand that problem is neither their existence, nor what beliefs they have, the problem is their ability to exploit the Muslims due to the indistinguishability of their's among the rest of the Muslims.

I used to have an Ahmedi friend, who (we were around 14-15 than) would always try to convince me even give me their religious literature. His innocent efforts had no affect on me as thanks to my parents, I was well read about Islam and History. However, how many less educated Muslims he would have manged to 'detract' is anybody's guess. You would be surprised to learn that even after twenty or so years, I still regularly read Al-Fazal (an Ahmedi's magazine) only to keep myself updated on their activities. Knowledge is the ultimate weapon against such fitna and our lack of knowledge is exactly what they are exploiting.

I think this post helps alot.

Dear sir in my Mind there are two groups among Muslims who Fell into Trap.

1: Less educated or illiterated people both in formal and Religious Education who are made to believe that they are just switching the sect and not Changing the Religion so in other words they are Misguided and tempted by offers of Marrige to a girl of their choice from the community or overseas job opportunities.

2: Group of those who defend ahmadis and they are highly Educated and fed up with Islam (Half followers) and Pakistan's islamic system and laws. ie Ghamidi.

Those who want to Ammend or Twist the believes as much as they can to accomodate their Activities and believe that islamic teachings have gone outdated and they need a rivision.

I regard those people as Secular Taliban.

""Ki Muhammad (SAW) say wafa too nay tum ham tere hain---- yeh Jahan Kiya cheez hai , Looh'o Qalam tere hain.

Defending Mirza is not different from Following him.
secularism is a jingoo jungle where criminals hide.
and no one has accepted that secularism is better as it is not even compareable to Islamic values.

you cant understand that because you have never had a chance to feel what its like to belong to such a system.

indians muslims would like your comments indeed.


With respect - I am not debating you, but your ideas, BTW- what are you doing in Canada if you think secularism is a 'jingoo jungle' and Islamic values are superior?

Surely living in Pakistan or another Islamic country would be preferable?
Once, Muhammed (PBUH) had only Khadijah on his side, and the first ever male who embraced Islam on his hands was Ali Ibn Abi Talib and there is no doubt that all the religions grow from a very small number. However, Muhammed never sneakily preached Islam in the guise of whatever religion or cult Quresh of Mekkah were following unlike what Qadiyanis are doing hence bringing Muhammed's example is totally irrelevant and uncalled for.

What makes Ahmedis or Qadyanis unique as well as intolerable is the fact that they call themselves Muslim which, by the ijmaa (consensus) of all the Muslim sects is incorrect and wrong. If they do not insist on calling themselves Muslim (which indeed they are not), they will be accepted as non-Muslims and enjoy the rights of non-Muslims as granted in Islam.

So Mr. Fateh71, when you try to talk about Muhammed or anybody of his stature, do your homework and get yourself educate about the subject matter.

It is surprising that some Pakistani and I assume Muslims thanked Mr. Fateh for his uneducated post.

Qsaark, I was replying to BB's post that they are wrong because they are 2% - not islamically defending ahmadis.

Secondly, even if the 98% have consensus and wish to discriminate against the 2%, thats still intolerance.

Aren't there already laws in pakistan to defend the 98% from the 2%, and yet there are cases of persecution, people advocating they should leave pakistan, go to India or Canada, that they are traitors etc etc... if thats not intolerance, then what is?

I'm surprised that you have supported the extremely intolerant views shown here by some. How an otherwise respectable person can quickly resort to extreme views when it comes to (their own) religion!
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Indian should not teach us the amount of intolerance , they don't deserve to be on Higher Moral Ground.

Don't hide behind your jingoism. I may be an Indian, but NEVER have I supported ill treating others in any country. You however have shown your intolerance all over this thread. I'm not taking the moral high ground, but if it comes to that, my conscience is clear.

You live in the western society, and yet can't appreciate tolerance, what a pity.
Don't hide behind your jingoism. I may be an Indian, but NEVER have I supported ill treating others in any country. You however have shown your intolerance all over this thread. I'm not taking the moral high ground, but if it comes to that, my conscience is clear.

You live in the western society, and yet can't appreciate tolerance, what a pity.

There are many out there who know who's Hiding.
What intolerance you are talking about ? Are you even aware of the situation ?

Your incompetent knowledge wont change the reality thus you may keep on spreading your BS which wont make any difference would it ?

You indians have a serious problem of a sense of superiority and you always speak in that Falsehood.

My Points are clear.

1: we are a Muslim society
2: We allow full freedom of worship to other religions
3: Qadiyanis are NOT yet a Minority as they are trying to Disguise in Muslims so we need more laws for it.

4: Once they get a minority status they would enjoy what others do.
5: They Must Stop offending Muslims or the response would be natural.

6: They must stop anti Pakistan and pro zionist activities.

Its all about give and take so my POV is clear now if you came up again with your stupid claims then i will deal with you accordingly.

Qsaark, I was replying to BB's post that they are wrong because they are 2% - not islamically defending ahmadis.

Secondly, even if the 98% have consensus and wish to discriminate against the 2%, thats still intolerance.

Aren't there already laws in pakistan to defend the 98% from the 2%, and yet there are cases of persecution, people advocating they should leave pakistan, go to India or Canada, that they are traitors etc etc... if thats not intolerance, then what is?

I'm surprised that you have supported the extremely intolerant views shown here by some. How an otherwise respectable person can quickly resort to extreme views when it comes to (their own) religion!

Now here we can see your own comments backfired upon you didn't they ?

Here we see you are being defensive and losing ground because you are wrong.

There is NO intolerance against Ahmadis as long as they do not involve in anti state activities and support our enemies.

When everyone else in Pakistan was crying upon Indian Invasion of east Pakistan and the saperation of Dhaka the ahmadis were celebrating and distributing sweets in Rabwah.

Before you lecture us about intolerance in our society you better look on your own A$$ first , what you are doing in Kashmir and other well recored issues.

Qassrk has hit the nail on the head !!:pakistan:

With respect - I am not debating you, but your ideas, BTW- what are you doing in Canada if you think secularism is a 'jingoo jungle' and Islamic values are superior?

Surely living in Pakistan or another Islamic country would be preferable?

So you are turning the comments the other way around ain't you ?
I am not a fan of secularism as i have lived in a secular society most of my life and i have seen more intolerance than an Islamic society .

Islamic values can be applied from an individual life to a Nation & when Secular Muslims can exist in an islamic society why not an Islamic minded person exist in a secular society ??

You comments dont make any sense to me:D
Why Dawn news didn't tell people about the grandson of MIrza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyan(The spirtual leader of Ahmadis) being beaten by Ahmadis just because he accepted Islam.... ???

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