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Dollar reaches new high, soars past Rs210 in interbank trade


Tonight, we dine in Hell!
Where is Muftah? I don't hear him anymore.
The govt can not intervene in this matter as previous has already given the governor state bank to keep it at the mercy of money exchange handlers.
where is our country going no one knows.
There was very popular movie from my childhood called The Terminator in which a robot comes from the future to kill someone in the present. The robot meets, what seems like, fatal mishaps but still somehow rises in a more vicious form to pursue his target. Sad to say since this real life, but Pakistanis get to experience The Terminator in real life.

As for PKR depreciation, I have seen this movie before as well. I started my professional career in late 90s on a foreign exchange desk with a bank in Karachi. I was a witness firsthand to the corruption and mismanagement by CTBT/Dollar Dar combine that ultimately and predictably lead to default consequence of which was seizure of foreign currency deposits held by Pakistanis. Never to miss an opportunity to make a quick buck, Sharifs transferred their money abroad the day before announcement was made that foreign currency accounts were frozen.

So disgusted was I by the political leadership and the damage they were doing to Pakistan that I decided I was not going to let my fate be determined by a country where criminals enjoyed open support by large sections of awam. As a result, I went abroad at the first opportunity I got and today I can say that my circumstances are now independent of that of Pakistan.

A lot of time has passed since I left Pakistan. But observing what has transpired, I still feel anger, perhaps even more so I than I did, when my fate was tied with that of Pakistan. As IK has shown, things don't have to be this way. Under the right leadership, Pakistan can thrive which is why enemies interfere every time Pakistan achieves modicum of economic and political stability. Despite its checkered past we had faith in the army to put things right. And I continue to hope there are enough good men who will see the light.
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This is what I was waiting for.

There was very popular movie from my childhood called The Terminator in which a robot comes from the future to kill someone in the present. The robot meets, what seems like, fatal mishaps but still somehow rises in a more vicious form to pursue his target. Sad to say since this real life, but Pakistanis get to experience The Terminator in real life.

As for PKR depreciation, I have seen this movie before as well. I started my professional career in late 90s on a foreign exchange desk with a bank in Karachi. I was a witness firsthand to the corruption and mismanagement by CTBT/Dollar Dar combine that ultimately and predictably lead to default consequence of which was seizure of foreign currency deposits held by Pakistanis. Never to miss an opportunity to make a quick buck, Sharifs transferred their money abroad the day before announcement was made that foreign currency accounts were frozen.

So disgusted was I by the political leadership and the damage they were doing to Pakistan that I decided I was not going to let my fate be determined by a country where criminals enjoyed open support by large sections of awam. As a result, I went abroad at the first opportunity I got and today I can say that my circumstances are now independent of that of Pakistan.

A lot of time has passed since I left Pakistan. But observing what has transpired, I still feel anger, perhaps even more so I than I did, when my fate was tied with that of Pakistan. As IK has shown, things don't have to be this way. Under the right leadership, Pakistan can thrive which is why enemies interfere every time Pakistan achieves modicum of economic and political stability. Despite its checkered past we had faith in the army to put things right. And I continue to hope there are enough good men who will see the light.

I still don't know who the terminator is in your story? Let me guess. Showbaz or Bajwa the terminator?

The US dollar continued its upward march on Monday as it rose above Rs210 against the local currency during early morning trade in the interbank market.

According to the Forex Association of Pakistan (FAP), the rupee depreciated sharply by Rs2.55 to hit an all-time low of Rs210.3 against the dollar from Friday's close of Rs207.75. In the open market the greenback was trading at Rs214 as of 2:07pm.

Saeed Bin Naseer, director of Mettis Global, told Dawn.com that the rupee remained under pressure on the first day of the week due to the news of banks running out of dollars over the weekend.
The PDM thought FATF decision would bring the Rs back to 180 levels. Now it’s almost 210.

Looks like the Rs will force elections, not anyone else.
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