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Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?


Iranians can only prey to have a president as Aliyev. He is a modern, patriotic and heroic president. Azeri people are enjoying freedoms that Iranians can only dream of. Azerbaijan is a modern, secular and prospering country, while Iran is a introvert, weird, voilent, occupying and bullying country, suppressing its own people, stripping them of their basic right. Azeri people in Iran still feel being occupied by farsi. That is why I believe South-Azerbaijan will be part of North again. Azeri are intelligent people. Azeri people deserve the best.

well we gladly give him to you after all we want other call our country Iran not Alievestan

and you knew what happen f he even dream of attacking Iran , well he will imitate this person
Having an Azeri leader doesn't means Azeris have enough rights, we also have Kurdish statesmen, its doesn't changes the situation.
Having an Azeri leader doesn't means Azeris have enough rights, we also have Kurdish statesmen, its doesn't changes the situation.

what right a Persian have that an Azeri don't have ? they have book , radio , newspaper and TV in Azeri language , they Talk with Azeri Language en governmental office and they can become the head of the state . then what's you need to have enough right.
It's not like some countries that they ever can't be called by their actual name or they had to burn themselves to achieve the right to celebrate their historical feast
Kurds also have all of these is it changes anything ? even optional Kurdish lessons in schools(If I recall correctly yo udon't even do that) is not enough for them, Kurdish should be accepted as semi-official regional language and many other things.

And stop coming wit hancient arguments, last time Kurds called mountain Turks my grandpa was a teenager.
Kurds also have all of these is it changes anything ? even optional Kurdish lessons in schools(If I recall correctly yo udon't even do that) is not enough for them, Kurdish should be accepted as semi-official regional language and many other things.

And stop coming wit hancient arguments, last time Kurds called mountain Turks my grandpa was a teenager.

incompetent turkics were accepted at the highest level of national offices in china; lowly turkic script appears/appeared? on chinese banknotes; stupid turkics have their own schools; the ungrateful turkics receive billions in subsidy from chinese tax revenues; the libidinal turkics are exempted from one-child policy and are actually rewarded for the fertility of their women's wombs.

and yet they commit acts of terror against their benevolent chinese government and roam across central asia to ally with al quaeda and anglo-saxons, and the panturkicists in istanbul actively support them.

no matter how much chinese feed these ravenous wolves of turkics, they could never be domesticated into dogs - and that is why we have a policy of shooting any armed terrorist turkic we spot on the street. turkics need to be cut down like the rabid animals these nomadics truly are.
If you don't like them, give independence to them. Otherwise, shut da phuck up.

Seriously @WebMaster , this guy is delusional and he talks about slaughtering Turkics worldwide ALL THE TIME. Doesn't he deserves an IP-ban?
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If you don't like them, give independence to them. Otherwise, shut da phuck up.

Seriously @WebMaster , this guy is delusional and he talks about slaughtering Turkics worldwide ALL THE TIME. Doesn't he deserves an IP-ban?

it is our land; we let you turkics live there. if you turkics don't like it, leave or die.
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it is our land; we let you turkics live there. if you turkics don't like it, leave or die.
I can understand your problems with Turks, possibly some random Uighur guy beat the shvt out of you when you are a teenager, but you have to get over with it.
Guys i wonder why do you even take @iajj serious? Forum rules are clear..Dont quote trolls, ignore them and report..This rule is perfectly working as this dude cant stay here more than a week without getting banned..
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I can understand your problems with Turks, possibly some random Uighur guy beat the shvt out of you when you are a teenager, but you have to get over with it.

hahaha, i know turkics have their insecurities, but again, don't project those onto chinese. i know as a country turkic state was brutalized by europeans and its carcass carved up; i know as individuals turkics live the miserable life of being street peddlers and selling kebabs at small stalls and are looked down upon. but i have lived a very secure life and never got close to a turkic in my life. my musing abaout the inevitability of the destruction of its race is strictly philosophical.
In every post he took pride in commitig genocide against Uighurs.
what right a Persian have that an Azeri don't have ? they have book , radio , newspaper and TV in Azeri language , they Talk with Azeri Language en governmental office and they can become the head of the state . then what's you need to have enough right.
It's not like some countries that they ever can't be called by their actual name or they had to burn themselves to achieve the right to celebrate their historical feast
Can Azeri study their own language in school as a course? I don't think so.
In every post he took pride in commitig genocide against Uighurs.

in every post you took pride in your ancestors' being subdued by mongols and joining the savages in killing people, whereas i take pride only in the fact that chinese are capable of acting politically, which means the willingness to kill their enemies. chinese government has shown patience in accommodating the turkic ways when it comes to religion, schooling, language, birth control and fiscal revenues, but since turkics must act in the innately turkic criminal way, it is comforting to know that the state can still kill when all accommodations cannot convert wild animals into civilized men.
Look at all those sources. Pan-Turkish nonsense. There is no serious academic source that back this up. Scythians were Iranians, and thats why Ossetians still speak an Iranian language. They are the only real descendants of the Scythians.

Herodotos count 20 different tribes with at least 8 different languages in Scythia. I have seen Hungarians claiming also Scythian ancestry. source: Herodotus book IV.

Skyth is general term applied to nomadic tribes in northern steppes. Late Medieval Byzantine historians called even Cumans as Skyth, and their soldiers Skythion. Example: look for Akropolites, Bryennios.
in every post you took pride in your ancestors' being subdued by mongols and joining the savages in killing people, whereas i take pride only in the fact that chinese are capable of acting politically, which means the willingness to kill their enemies. chinese government has shown patience in accommodating the turkic ways when it comes to religion, schooling, language, birth control and fiscal revenues, but since turkics must act in the innately turkic criminal way, it is comforting to know that the state can still kill when all accommodations cannot convert wild animals into civilized men.

Chinese living a good life? You must be joking your actually being mocked everywhere in the world your language is being mocked at, your lifestyle is being mocked, everything, even the food you eat like dog Penis LMAO. Your being looked down on as cheap people with cheap quality you guys can't make a proper aquarium and it breaks down.

We slayed alot of you with mongols, Göktürks did part of the slaying along with other Turkish khanates.
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