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Does the PN need an aircraft carrier?

I just talked to a recently retired Navy officer, I thought the same but his points tilted me towards this arrangement. It'd be best if we'd be able to have it all.
@jaibi yes but i keep submarines on top because only a fleet of 10-12 could effectively keep IN at bay. Even with all modern equipments finding and neutralizing a modern submarine is a hell of task. All Indian aircraft carrier will simply dock to yard if it is threatened by a submarine in open sea. I hope you got my point
we don't need one, its not like we will be going far to have a war, we should invest on Nuclear Subs and Cruise Missiles
Pakistan does have a need for ACC but small one like arc royal to protect fleet to start with, it will be very potent and lethal add to PN it will allow PN to go deep and strike IN in far east or keep them very far from our trade routes.

but the major hurdle in accomplishing it is our economy and further if our economy kicked start in near future then PN will need funds to replace its old relics first as sea warfare has changed a lot due to new technologies, an ACC will be very far in the list.
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Aircraft Carrier's have the basic role of projection of power and have an offensive role.

This is not the role of the PN.

We neither have any offensive designs nor intend to conduct operations in any other part of the world.
The coast line which we need to defend has the potential to be able to handle all threats from the land based aircraft or ship's at sea.
Pakistan does have a need for ACC but small one like arc royal to protect fleet to start with, it will be very potent and lethal add to PN it will allow PN to go deep and strike IN in far east or keep them very far from our trade routes.

but the major hurdle in accomplishing it is our economy and further if our economy kicked start in near future then PN will need funds to replace its old relics first as sea warfare has changed a lot due to new technologies, an ACC will be very far in the list.
We are Financially constrained and Air Craft carriers are expensive. It will cost billions of dollars (10-15 billion dollars) which can be spent in a lot better way. Air Craft carriers require a whole lot of support ships (escort group) , destroyers and some submarines to defend it.
We have a relatively small coastline and no plans to project power or invade any country. we simply don't need it.
you are suggesting a small Carrier with STVOL jets like Harrier which are actually nearing end of their service life.

PN should Concentrate upon Frigates with anti-submarine (with capable shipboard aerial platforms) and anti air weapons suit ; Fast Missile boats and AIP Submarines.
we should make one for helis though?

The area of interest is the main criteria for stretching the arm.
At present PN area of interest is not down south, it is more aimed at the Gulf of Oman and the sea routes from there.

All PN ship's have embarked helicopters including the fleet tankers.
A dedicated Helo carrier will only provide a bigger target and will not be of any operational benefit.

All Coastal PN bases have landing strips from where helo's can provide the requisite support.
The area of interest is the main criteria for stretching the arm.
At present PN area of interest is not down south, it is more aimed at the Gulf of Oman and the sea routes from there.

All PN ship's have embarked helicopters including the fleet tankers.
A dedicated Helo carrier will only provide a bigger target and will not be of any operational benefit.

All Coastal PN bases have landing strips from where helo's can provide the requisite support.
reaaly? so we can land a heli on a PN ship?
We don't need it now because our sea borders are wide and we can handle the situation from our land but after 2030 we don't know then the shape of other Navies and according to their plan till 2030 we don't required that.
Best defense is the offence ... We do need AC in case we need to have a lead role in Muslim Armies (Most of the members wont agree with me ) but we need to send a strong signals to israel so they stop abusing muslims in Gaza and other part of the world ...

I do agree for this first step is to be financially strong and In Sha Allah we will get better with passing time ...
reaaly? so we can land a heli on a PN ship?

Yes on all frigates and tankers.
Infact on one of the tankers PN can operate with 2 Sea Kings.



Best defense is the offence ... We do need AC in case we need to have a lead role in Muslim Armies (Most of the members wont agree with me ) but we need to send a strong signals to israel so they stop abusing muslims in Gaza and other part of the world ...

I do agree for this first step is to be financially strong and In Sha Allah we will get better with passing time ...

I like the way you think.
But jumping the ladder is never helpful, everything suits when the time is right.

If and When we require one, we will get it.
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Best defense is the offence ... We do need AC in case we need to have a lead role in Muslim Armies (Most of the members wont agree with me ) but we need to send a strong signals to israel so they stop abusing muslims in Gaza and other part of the world ...

I do agree for this first step is to be financially strong and In Sha Allah we will get better with passing time ...
Our Carrier if any we ever buy would hardly pose a threat to Israel.
a small V/STOL carrier would hardly be a threat for a Ford class or Nimitz class Carrier.
Secondly i think it is about time we stop acting as the thekay daran-e-Islam and focus on our own problems .we are still not able to eradicate pests (ttp;LeJ etc) in our own land and you want pakistan to intimidate Israel with a carrier which doesn't even exist.
It's time to wake up
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