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Does Pakistan needs a secret Ops overseas hit squad?

I am thinking secret ops hit squad like Mossad going around hunting terrorist in capitals which are providing them safe heaven...There are many abettors of terrorism in Pakistan which needs to be silenced..when are we going to get out of this pacifist mode and get a little proactive.?

First, the internal mess of terrorism has to be cleaned up so your own homes can be safe guarded from terrorism. Then you can come up with these grandiose ideas. The focus should be first protecting the Pakistani public from terrorists as these innocent civilians have been getting hit randomly and that needs to be eliminated so a peaceful country can emerge

Ever Heard of Secret Army of Northern Virginia. They worked directly for Rumsfeld & DIA. I knew Pakistani who did tours with this unit to many countries including Pakistan. They had unlimited funds, no accountability, if caught they were Terrorist to even CIA and FBI until DIA come save their butts.



@Horus @That Guy @MastanKhan @Khafee @Hyperion

These are referred to as "Black Ops". But Pakistan doesn't have that much capacity. Its not the US, Israel, Russia, etc. Your goals externally are limited beyond India.
Do you even think before you write ? both of them are British & Canadian Read : (NATO) citizens
If such a foolish ops is ever launched, do you even know what will be the retaliation ? M16/Cia will come in full form with their own list of ISI/Army Generals that they would love to take out , & believe you me they sure as hell can , so how will you guys deal with the backlash ?
You really think US or Canada ( US little Bimbo) will launch any covert operation for these useless expandable idiots. There might be a diplomatic blowback other than that, US is not stupid enough to start a pissing contest with another quite credible intel agency for some fatass asylum seeker.
Executing a dozen or two HVTs in Afghanistan and India will not harm our position.

@Horus @That Guy @Hyperion
No. sending people into Afghanistan directly is just going to create a bigger mess. If they're caught, what do you honestly think will happen? Pakistanis like to brag about the ISI being one of the best in the world, but the truth is that it simply does not have the capabilities or the funding for such targeted assassinations in foreign nations. Everytime the ISI has been involved with targeting militants in Afghanistan, it was with US troops assistance (like the drone strikes targeting TTP in Afghanistan, or TTP leaders getting arrested in Afghanistan).
No. sending people into Afghanistan directly is just going to create a bigger mess. If they're caught, what do you honestly think will happen? Pakistanis like to brag about the ISI being one of the best in the world, but the truth is that it simply does not have the capabilities or the funding for such targeted assassinations in foreign nations. Everytime the ISI has been involved with targeting militants in Afghanistan, it was with US troops assistance (like the drone strikes targeting TTP in Afghanistan, or TTP leaders getting arrested in Afghanistan).

According to Horus that capability exist.

A proven set of capability to neutralize HVTs in foreign countries exists. Throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s various HVTs were neutralized in a number of countries.
First, the internal mess of terrorism has to be cleaned up so your own homes can be safe guarded from terrorism. Then you can come up with these grandiose ideas. The focus should be first protecting the Pakistani public from terrorists as these innocent civilians have been getting hit randomly and that needs to be eliminated so a peaceful country can emerge
You are very innocent minded. World realities are quite complex and things don't work like that. Sometime you have to eliminate the source instead of throwing water bucket on the fire. Different units are like difference dept of surgery in the Hospital.
As per Statement of COAS "Terrorists Are Externally Funded, Internally Facilitated". I am strong believer that rather opting to go for hit and run squad, Special Ops, Killer assassins team, we as nation need to root-out facilitator and Abetter of terrorism & extremism. These peoples lives with us but plans against us.
Secondly Every Intelligence Agencies like( CIA,MI6,ISI,Mossad etc,etc) have peoples who can operate beyond countries limitation. They perform nth-limit under-cover operations every year to safeguard their national Interest & integratory.

So Do we really need overseas special ops team ???
No. sending people into Afghanistan directly is just going to create a bigger mess. If they're caught, what do you honestly think will happen? Pakistanis like to brag about the ISI being one of the best in the world, but the truth is that it simply does not have the capabilities or the funding for such targeted assassinations in foreign nations. Everytime the ISI has been involved with targeting militants in Afghanistan, it was with US troops assistance (like the drone strikes targeting TTP in Afghanistan, or TTP leaders getting arrested in Afghanistan).
I heard Hamid Mir stating that Musharraf did offer sharif to take out Altaf Hussain covertly in 90s without any repercussions. Nawaz sharif didn't agree. I think you are very much underestimating ISI. Getting all the material for Nuclear plants from abroad for decades is dozens time more complex than taking out someone. Even a paid mafia would do it for you.
I heard Hamid Mir stating that Musharraf did offer sharif to take out Altaf Hussain covertly in 90s without any repercussions. Nawaz sharif didn't agree. I think you are very much underestimating ISI. Getting all the material for Nuclear plants from abroad for decades is dozens time more complex than taking out someone. Even a paid mafia would do it for you.
There is a difference between the different scenarios you've presented. Even if we were to believe that Musharraf made this offer, saying there would be zero repercussions doesn't mean there won't actually be repercussions. It's like saying "jump off a really tall building, you won't get hurt".

Next, gathering nuclear materials from different places requires a different method than sending a hit squad. We're also talking about creating a team of professional state-sponsored assassins, hiring paid goons isn't the same thing.

According to Horus that capability exist.
And I disagree with him. If such capabilities existed in this day and age, within Pakistan, there would be a lot of corpses that would need burying.
Was wondering who are the HVT in India.2,3 names will do
Like we have Dawood or Masood Azhar or Hafiz Saeed
There is a difference between the different scenarios you've presented. Even if we were to believe that Musharraf made this offer, saying there would be zero repercussions doesn't mean there won't actually be repercussions. It's like saying "jump off a really tall building, you won't get hurt".

Next, gathering nuclear materials from different places requires a different method than sending a hit squad. We're also talking about creating a team of professional state-sponsored assassins, hiring paid goons isn't the same thing.

And I disagree with him. If such capabilities existed in this day and age, within Pakistan, there would be a lot of corpses that would need burying.

lol, no one sends people abroad now days to take individuals out except Israel's, no wonder they get caught. most militarily active country got assets and links in every other country.By repercussions, Musharraf meant, no one will find out that Pakistani state took Altaf out. There are many ways to do think. Professional knows how to do their work. You sir, just don't realize the magnitude and complexity level of getting nuclear related equipment, 100x if not 1000x harder than choking some fat *** or shoving him into your shipping box to home.
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lol, no one sends people abroad now days to take individuals out except Israel's, no wonder they get caught. most militarily active country got assets and links in every other country.By repercussions, Musharraf meant, no one will find out that Pakistani state took Altaf out. There are many ways to do think. Professional knows how to do their work.
Then what's the point of this thread? The topic isn't hiring mafia or criminals to kill, it's about forming an assassination squad.

If such a squad were to form, I can guarantee that it would immediately be labeled a terror organization, as soon as a foreign nation caught wind of it's existence.
They already have and call them "non state actors".
Even CIA during cold war or Russia-Afghan war didn't have a hit squad. They used to borrow people from army and they were not even allowed to do assassinations. The only hit squad that has come to limelight is Jewish squad after Munich. The killing of Osama was done by seals team pathfinded by CIA.

Please know that such capabilities can be created by anybody but it has its own risks that cant be described in one liners.
Then what's the point of this thread? The topic isn't hiring mafia or criminals to kill, it's about forming an assassination squad.

If such a squad were to form, I can guarantee that it would immediately be labeled a terror organization, as soon as a foreign nation caught wind of it's existence.
Link I posted before, such units exist, to cause chaos and terror, to achieve certain goal in certain region either political or economic. Taking out someone is a rookie's jobs for them. You can't label an organization that doesn't exist.
Chowdhry Nisar confirmed in an interview that Musharraf offered to take out Altaf Hussain discreetly in London. Nisar asked Musharraf if the capability existed, and Musharraf said that it did.
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