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Does Pakistan needs a secret Ops overseas hit squad?

You need to learn to understand and take other people opinion too....nobody will deny what you above have said but what i had said earlier was completely different off this........

I have said and say this again, going by the history Centra Spike was a highly specialized intelligence unit sent out to gather intelligence, please share one case here where this team was used to reck havoc in the host country, i would love to read on them...... If you need a vetern here then let me call out @jhungary to shed some light on the subject......
There are many other units that could have done the job, jsoc operators are assigned to cia to conduct such covert ops, a case which you have mentioned above ......

But do we really need such units??? Becuase i think you may have forgotten, but such unit raised Mujahideen.....look where that got

What i love about this forum is we don't have to explain who we are or what we do, what matters more is what we write......you are more than welc8me to disagree with me, but dont forget you yourself are among that 98% fanboys on this forum too

Thought I had replied to this but.....anyway.

While most country have their own secret team that carry direct action toward another country, and wet work did exist, but there are never any team that specialise with wet work that permanently station in a foreign country.

Most wet work we are talking about is one off. because that would be a lot easier to support and would increase the success chance of such mission. However, a dedicated unit just for wet work would not be easily maintain.

To conduct a black ops in foreign country, one need to get 3 things into a foreign country.


For a one-off wet work, all 3 will become one as the person (Assassin) would simply bring whatever he/she needs with it and then carry out the mission, and then leave and left no trace.

For continuous work, it would be better off for your government to operate thru your target's organised crime network and do the job for you, better that than actually establish a team. First, it would be untraceable, untouchable and total deniability.

It's like the US suspected that the Russian Mafia and Triad have some connection to Russian Government and Chinese Government respectively.
Bhai jan, I just can't type here much but according to bahi sahib I knew,some of these units were assigned to take out civil structure, recruit asset or to create chaos in the host country for host country to take certain action or to kick start certain chain of event. For. example APS attack or 2009 Karachi Asura jaloos attack. Another misconception, spread by online article is that you have to be a hardcore operators from some Special ops units for these assignments. Fact is that bhai sahib was just an enlisted artillery gunner and was picked up after his first Iraq deployment due to his racial and linguistic set of skill. I also saw one girl from Karachi -muslim of a minority sect- who joined IDF and later came undercover with a US company to carry out missions in Pakistan. 2009, she even uploaded her pic in IDF and her pre-mission pics in a F-6/1 house Islamabad, standing with her team in full gear and automatic rifle.

BTW List of ISI blunders in Gen Shuja Pasha time is very long. It wouldn't be waste of time that PA set-up a commission and do an internal inquiry on Gen.Pasha's role and of events that took place during his watch.

After going through this thread it seems you have a great deal of insight and or done research on the OP; I would like to request you to shed some more light onto the clandestine modus-operandi specifically related to Pakistan (I know you can only write so much and cannot disclose ALL but a tit-bit more on the lines of the underlined above will be really insightful).
Wait the question you asked are you really asking this question or just being funny ?????????
nope... actually i thought we did it when i first read this news back in 2009/10 (idk when). I thought we did it so as to not just show our power but also remove the humiliation mark at display in indian museum. Remember at that time pak/India tension was high due to Mumbai and more events.
nope... actually i thought we did it when i first read this news back in 2009/10 (idk when). I thought we did it so as to not just show our power but also remove the humiliation mark at display in indian museum. Remember at that time pak/India tension was high due to Mumbai and more events.
True, but you don't need covert operators to steal a gun.It doesn't cost much money to buy someone in India and get it done for you.

After going through this thread it seems you have a great deal of insight and or done research on the OP; I would like to request you to shed some more light onto the clandestine modus-operandi specifically related to Pakistan (I know you can only write so much and cannot disclose ALL but a tit-bit more on the lines of the underlined above will be really insightful).
Why don't you apply here. :angel:
National Intelligence University (NIU)
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