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Does PAF need (Strategic) Bombers?

Most of our targets are close so no need :coffee:

But any army general/commander would like an option to call up bombers to carpet bomb enemy infintary lines ...

I think I should agree with him..

because, most of his points, are typical anti-pakistan!
i guss, he cant chew it!
(01) Though PAF definately needs to have 2 squardons of bombers that fly with cover of multi-role fighters with BVR technology.
(02) India is not the only enemy. Terrorist in mountains. The US killed 1400 Talibaan in one sortie of the B2 Bomber at the start of the Afghan War after 9/11.
(03) Bombers can fly at altitude not reachable by SAMs. India does not have SAM coverage all over India. The Indian members argument that bombers can be destroyed by SAM is not logical. Why India is buying Air craft carriers. The Indian Aircraft carriers can be surrounded by corvettes and ships, but the Air Craft carrier can be damaged with one Babur Cruise Missile.
(04) Military hardware is expensive, so that is no new news.
(05) What one bomber can achieve in one sortie, it will take 12-16 multi-role fighters to drop the equal amount of munitions
(06) PAF used to operate the B57 Bombers in the 60 and late 70s and we need it needs to get there again.
(07) Karachi Stock exchange has performed better in Asia with Pakistan fighting a war. Our economy will grow between 8-12%. And we were growing 8% until 2 years ago. Yes wars slow a nation down, but we will come out ahead.:pakistan:
Bombers themself are of diff league and are costly than regular fighters.
2)Need more maintainable and more logistics.
3)With the breadth of the whole Pak being around 400km the radars deployed near borders or the Airtraffic controlling radar in the border states of India can easily detect a bomber taking off to attack on India.
4)There will be no chance of a surprise attack given the no.of airbases they can hold these bombers.
5)Loosing a fighter while flying in the enemy airspace is much better than loosing a bomber.
6)Even PAF got hands on these so called bombers, it will be useless given the SAM coverage on Indian side.
7)There is no point of acquiring 3 or 4 bombers for conventional bombing.Hence PAF need have to acquire them in numbers.
8)Given the distances between India and Pak,A small missile can do the job much better than a bomber.
9)Sending a bomber for nuke attack is a suicidal mission.
10)PAF dont have airbases to take care of any medium sized bomber at the moment.

1001)PAK simply cant chew it. :P[/QUOTE]:lol:

01) Though PAF definately needs to have 2 squardons of bombers that fly with cover of multi-role fighters with BVR technology.
(02) India is not the only enemy. Terrorist in mountains. The US killed 1400 Talibaan in one sortie of the B2 Bomber at the start of the Afghan War after 9/11.
(03) Bombers can fly at altitude not reachable by SAMs. India does not have SAM coverage all over India. The Indian members argument that bombers can be destroyed by SAM is not logical. Why India is buying Air craft carriers. The Indian Aircraft carriers can be surrounded by corvettes and ships, but the Air Craft carrier can be damaged with one Babur Cruise Missile.
(04) Military hardware is expensive, so that is no new news.
(05) What one bomber can achieve in one sortie, it will take 12-16 multi-role fighters to drop the equal amount of munitions
(06) PAF used to operate the B57 Bombers in the 60 and late 70s and we need it needs to get there again.
(07) Karachi Stock exchange has performed better in Asia with Pakistan fighting a war. Our economy will grow between 8-12%. And we were growing 8% until 2 years ago. Yes wars slow a nation down, but we will come out ahead.

great, simply great!
i guss ,HARD TO CHEW THAT,for INDIANS.:rofl:

now thts a TIE!
because, most of his points, are typical anti-pakistan!
i guss, he cant chew it!

lol yes u r right....currently according to indians we should just lay down our arms & surrender because according to them they have alien technology!!!!
lol yes u r right....currently according to indians we should just lay down our arms & surrender because according to them they have alien technology!!!!

I was just making my point, everybody has its own viewpoint whether he is from native country or outside the country, his points looked convincing...Now tell me one thing why PAF did not induct Bombers since 1981-82 after the pahsing out of B-57?? Reasons??

PAf need MultiRole A/Cs like F-16s JF17s even they wnet for Mirage III for interception Role and then to Mirage V for Bombing Role both types of Mirage have the same Speed.

Even PAF opted to induct F-7s and then F7PGs and I think A-5s did a tremendeous job in Bombing Roles.

Inducting Fleet of Multi Role JF-17 and F16s MLUs/Block 52 will really make things easier...F16s C/D if u could see the picture have extra fuel capacity, hence they can hit long distant targets and will remain long time in the Air.

J-F17 fleet can be assigned into various i.e, Bomber. CAS, Night attack fighter etc.

Having Multirole Jets we can achieve maximum with limited options.:wave:
Lets not forget the role of IL78, the first air Refueler...and to add further some Mirages have been capable of Air Refueling
I was just making my point, everybody has its own viewpoint whether he is from native country or outside the country, his points looked convincing...Now tell me one thing why PAF did not induct Bombers since 1981-82 after the pahsing out of B-57?? Reasons??

PAf need MultiRole A/Cs like F-16s JF17s even they wnet for Mirage III for interception Role and then to Mirage V for Bombing Role both types of Mirage have the same Speed.

Even PAF opted to induct F-7s and then F7PGs and I think A-5s did a tremendeous job in Bombing Roles.

Inducting Fleet of Multi Role JF-17 and F16s MLUs/Block 52 will really make things easier...F16s C/D if u could see the picture have extra fuel capacity, hence they can hit long distant targets and will remain long time in the Air.

J-F17 fleet can be assigned into various i.e, Bomber. CAS, Night attack fighter etc.

Having Multirole Jets we can achieve maximum with limited options.:wave:

thanks for your say!:smitten:
i guss , you need to read , mr GAMBIT 's posts!
actully you didnt understand , what a "(Strategic) Bomber" can do?
by stating that, i never mean to have B-52's in our , inventry! but surly in our, WAR ON TERROR, we need to BOMB the terror hide outs , with unstopable , & pro-long , or continus carpet bombings.:agree::tup:

for that, we need 2 or 3 , modifyied BOMBERs, thats is simple, i think we can get it from RUSSIA or from , CHINA maybe on lease? thts the whole point was?:azn:
PAF is still busy in the projects of JF17, J10, IIL78, Saab etc. Lets just give them time... They are slowly but effectively developing their systems to match their counter parts.

1) If you talk about the Bomber then Why dont you talk on the aircraft carrier?
If you do so then will say PAF need to get an aircraft type which can land and take off from the carrier!!!!

2) I said earlier economic issues must also be considered, Hilly battle fields are not easier to deal with.

3) What type of bomber do we need?? Any idea..
pak cant afford to get bombers... they have bigger priorities right now... they need to upgrade their f-16 and acquire new fighters...
Lol...... tell me which bomber in the world can fly so high that a SAM cant blow it out?

For such you need rocket engines instead of jet engines.And again even if you do so,you are not sending a space craft (which US uses to ferry astronauts and cargo to space)to bomb Indian cities.Are YOU?
Well not exactly true

A Missile launche from Surface to Surface, will always follow a specific trajectory, up and down ..

A stealth Bomber , is vital as , you can alter your strategy if you are a general

Example if My plant is to Bomb out xyz airports and there is a mission underway with 10 bombers, and in mid way , we recieve new intelligence. We can easily divert the bombers to a new target , a near by outpost for Indian army or another target.

Also with the man in control of the mission , literally the person can change the dynamics of the mission on the fly ... mean while the missiles alone can be neutralized by other missile counters.

Also if someone has the russian bear bombers these things fly really high high altitudes, and even now they are vital part of Russian army strategical goals - so if they are good for Russia they are good for Pakistan

Every army should have at least 10 bombers

A bomber could take out 30-40 sergical strikes , with laser guided weapons vs a fighter which can only take out few .....and also a Missile can do similar mission but
it may not care about human loss - and can also take out civilian structures
PAF moto is multirole becoming a bomber in moments time is part of having multirole aircrafts ! again nor do we have funds for it & nor do we have a need for it as we are a defensive force perhaps later in the future maybe let us atleast catch up with the fighters needs then we can look and talk about this issue .....
thanks for your say!:smitten:
i guss , you need to read , mr GAMBIT 's posts!
actully you didnt understand , what a "(Strategic) Bomber" can do?
by stating that, i never mean to have B-52's in our , inventry! but surly in our, WAR ON TERROR, we need to BOMB the terror hide outs , with unstopable , & pro-long , or continus carpet bombings.:agree::tup:

for that, we need 2 or 3 , modifyied BOMBERs, thats is simple, i think we can get it from RUSSIA or from , CHINA maybe on lease? thts the whole point was?:azn:
Correct...The issue is not about the actual hardware, although the issue does have a relationship to the hardware, but is about the capability to inflict such a continuous bombing campaign against the enemy. If you have one thousand F-16s and if you can send all of them, each loaded to the gills with nothing but bombs, in a 24/7 bombing campaign, then by all means do so. But if you have a few heavy bombers, dedicated hardwares, that can carry several F-16 loads of bombs per sortie, then send them instead of the smaller aircrafts. If you are wealthy enough to have enough aircrafts of all sizes and enough bombs to deliver literally with no respite, bombs away...
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