Yah and Sharif recently calling Kargil a "backstab" on Vajpayee was a Indian media stunt? I don't rely on the media for that perception....I, unlike you, have been to Dal lake and Kashmir valley and was able to see who's version is closer to the truth....and it certainly wasn't Pakistan's.
As for these friends and allies that have helped Pakistan and will apparently do so in future. Where were they when half your country broke away from you? One sent an aircraft carrier to try some posturing and ignored their own diplomat's telegrams, another did absolutely nothing except complain and withdraw recognition to the rebels for some years...till Bhutto went there and started relations himself with the breakaways and accepted reality.
But at least that pressure helped you get 90,000 POWs back relatively quickly without a war crimes tribunal. So yeah your "buddies" will probably do the same in helping you get better surrender terms if Pakistan dares to instigate something again and fails inevitably as usual.....no ones going to go out of their way to help you fight a war you start. What did Chinese say and do during Kargil?