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Does India Feels Adventurous.

Regardless of what Indians think of what i have written , i do believe that If US strikes Pakistan and India comes in to join the party , what we should not do is to fight both at the same time. We should take out all Indian cities in the first hours of the war without hesitation as India does not have an active ABM in place. This will put India out of equation for ever.

Looking at this , US will back off too. The solution is not to fix the problem but to get rid of it completely , India won't miss a chance for a fight and this is why it should be targeted with brutal force.


And after that there will be no Pakistan. We have enough arsenal to turn Pakistan into stone age in few minutes. we will remember Pakistan as 1947-2011. We will rise again. :)

Although, I would prefer war after 2014 once ABM is placed. But Still, we will not lose if happens now. :wave:
Regardless of what Indians think of what i have written , i do believe that If US strikes Pakistan and India comes in to join the party , what we should not do is to fight both at the same time. We should take out all Indian cities in the first hours of the war without hesitation as India does not have an active ABM in place. This will put India out of equation for ever.

Looking at this , US will back off too. The solution is not to fix the problem but to get rid of it completely , India won't miss a chance for a fight and this is why it should be targeted with brutal force.


one question professor . wont that mean the end of every thing living in Pakistan too?:)
Regardless of what Indians think of what i have written , i do believe that If US strikes Pakistan and India comes in to join the party , what we should not do is to fight both at the same time. We should take out all Indian cities in the first hours of the war without hesitation as India does not have an active ABM in place. This will put India out of equation for ever.

Looking at this , US will back off too. The solution is not to fix the problem but to get rid of it completely , India won't miss a chance for a fight and this is why it should be targeted with brutal force.


Dont think it will ever happen.Hope it doesnt ever happen however i must commend you on the research you have done to come up with this analysis. Thanks for the explanation.
All this talk of adventurism..
India traditionally has never been an overt opportunist.
They do not attack first.. they will posture(IF)..
They will prepare(IF)
And only attack if attacked(IF)

Now if during all of this, a terror attack just so happens to occur in India.
you may see the current "neutral" stance of India to change.
India has to show the world itself as a victim, that is its diplomatic mindset, they cannot change the "innocent" tagline.
Pakistan was in no position to declare war in the Eastern sector......one squadron of obsolete F-86s facing ten Indian Units....many equipped with MIG-21s.
Pakistan attacked from western side, followed by east.

I still await that wisdom to be delivered. !! :)
Done in the first post itself, if you want better than check post no 69.

one question professor . wont that mean the end of every thing living in Pakistan too?:)

Do you expect him to think about it? No. Day starts with nuke and ends with nukes as well. lol
First of all India is never going to attack Pakistan even if US attack Pakistan. Cause India has never attacked any country first unless provoked and all options exhausted. Instead i think if US attacked Pakistan India might condemn this act of US basis breach of sovereignty. Also India would think this will help to build its relation with Pakistan but it could never be true. And so eventually India could manage an image in-front of poor countries in Africa and other regions of the world, that of a neutral or say peace loving country but it will loose out a golden opportunity to settle scores with its enemy.
Pakistan attacked from western side, followed by east.

Going off topic but let me remind you...the air strikes in the Western theatre were launched on 3rd Dec........air battles had already taken place in the East in the last weeks of November, not to mention the heavy artillery use initiated by the IA .
Done in the first post itself, if you want better than check post no 69
What ?.... by using links from other sources. !! Similarly, one could acquit them self by providing links from India TV. :P
india might annex pakistan occupied kashmir in such a scenario if it ensures that the chinese keep out.:confused:
Nuke all Indian cities is the best deterrent.

And then one wonders why such well "RESEARCHED" decisions and plans of Pakistan backfire..

While we are making plans, may be we should try and bribe Kayani(higher chances of having right information) or Zardari(Higher chances of accepting the bribe) into revealing the location of all the nuke sites of Pakistan.. A few dozen well aimed Brahmos/Tomahawks should solve the unstable Nuclear neighbor issue for ever

How's that for a researched deterrent. ?? Atleast doesnt need to kill a few million civilians :)
Regardless of what Indians think of what i have written , i do believe that If US strikes Pakistan and India comes in to join the party

We are not idiots to join the war and jeopardise whatever development we achieved in last two decades.It is your inherent suicide bomber attitude desperately making you wish india join the war so that you can give a spanking to india before meeting the virgins.In fact we may even condemn the attack on pakistan.
This is a rubbish thread (very surprised a senior mod has not deleted already)

WHY ON EARTH would india need to attack pakistan

firstly the INDIAN GDP is galloping al;ong at 8% growth annually will add $200 billion to its GDP value next year. WHY JEPODISE this.

second has some one said our prime mister des[pite running one the worlds most powerful militarys and economies combined is a MEEK MILD man.. SOME will say coward... I SAY VEERY SMART man. he will never attack pakistan.

third PAKISTAN is on the verge of tangling with USA BIG TIME and all india needs to do is SIT BACK and watch tHE MESS.

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