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Documentary on Pakistan and Taliban by ABC

I understand Pakistan is a sovereign nation... but if it CAN'T stop the Taliban!! as in the case of SWAT where the military Failed!! why don't they let the US take them out?
I understand Pakistan is a sovereign nation... but if it CAN'T stop the Taliban!! as in the case of SWAT where the military Failed!! why don't they let the US take them out?

Do you even know what is going on there?

First, the Pak-military did NOT fail, and we are doing a better job than the US could ever do. A lot of what you hear there in Canada, is propaganda... Like parts of that movie

We are a sovereign nation, and we can fight for ourselves. The barbaric and aggressive US nation will only bring more violence, hate, and destruction. They are NOT God, and they will fail, because they are oppressors! They Invented Al-Qaeda, and they continue to fund terrorism with the Indians! They have enslaved the world in capitalism and materialism, and export corruption and deception!

Pakistan ZINDABAD! The US is no true ally of ours! Pakistanis must wake up, and recognize their innate strength!
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I understand Pakistan is a sovereign nation... but if it CAN'T stop the Taliban!! as in the case of SWAT where the military Failed!! why don't they let the US take them out?

Would you like US to treat Pakistan like Iraq and treat Pakistanis like they did to Iraqis?

Something tells me you're not really Pakistani.
Do you even know what is going on there?

First, the Pak-military did NOT fail, and we are doing a better job than the US could ever do. A lot of what you hear there in Canada, is propaganda... Like that movie.

We are a sovereign nation, and we can fight for ourselves. The barbaric and aggressive US nation will only bring more violence, hate, and destruction. They are NOT God, and they will fail, because they are oppressors! They Invented Al-Qaeda, and they continue to fund terrorism with the Indians! They have enslaved the world in capitalism and materialism, and export corruption and deception!

Pakistan ZINDABAD! The US is no true ally of ours! Pakistanis must wake up, and recognize their innate strength!


Loud Noises.

You need to approach things from a calmer position. Not every exercise in self evaluation should be a proverbial handjob, one learns nothing from that.:smokin:
Gurkha. You are new to this forum and are treading a fine line.

We don't care for smart alec comments, and verbal invenctives that are not designed for healthy debate. This is considered trolling, and an offense that has got many members banned.

Consider this a Warning!
I understand Pakistan is a sovereign nation... but if it CAN'T stop the Taliban!! as in the case of SWAT where the military Failed!! why don't they let the US take them out?

Right. How about they "Take out" the Afghan Taliban who're still in control of 74% of the country? Even after 8 years of War with a supposed "Super power". This "Snooping" around the neighbourhood attitude is what leads America into gigantic troubles in the first place. It'll be better if they make the "Right" decision this time and wake up from their "Sleepwalk" of chasing terrorism.
Thank you for posting this Durran3, it helped me realize that the situation is significantly more precarious than I originally thought.
Do you even know what is going on there?

First, the Pak-military did NOT fail, and we are doing a better job than the US could ever do. A lot of what you hear there in Canada, is propaganda... Like some parts of that movie

We are a sovereign nation, and we can fight for ourselves. The barbaric and aggressive US nation will only bring more violence, hate, and destruction. They are NOT God, and they will fail, because they are oppressors! They Invented Al-Qaeda, and they continue to fund terrorism with the Indians! They have enslaved the world in capitalism and materialism, and export corruption and deception!

Pakistan ZINDABAD! The US is no true ally of ours! Pakistanis must wake up, and recognize their innate strength!

First of all. i live in Peshawar!! and there have already been 2 Rocket attacks near Sher Khan Shaheed Stadium where i live close to.. Your answer seems like you have sever Anti-western sentiments.. which is fine!! The Taliban have taken over alot of small villages near Peshawar like Shabkadar where some of my cousins live who can't really go out after 9pm. So don't tell me the Pakistan Army succeeded.

Now unlike a blind Patriot like you i do look at realities and thats Pakistani Army simply isn't trained or well equipped to handle guerrilla warfare but more towards Conventional warfare against India. Lets not even bring the Police into this who are COMPLETELY unequipped with 0 motivation in fighting the taliban.

What you saw in this documentary WASN'T Propaganda but reality...unless ofcourse you won't to Pretend like nothings happening which is fine.. because that allows me to believe that you live in a place like Murree where nothing ever happens. If you've been following any events recently you'd be more than just worried in whats happening in the North.

Would you like US to treat Pakistan like Iraq and treat Pakistanis like they did to Iraqis?

Something tells me you're not really Pakistani.

wow your really silly!!.. just because i expressed an opinion i am automatically termed as not Pakistani?? Get used to people expressing different views than yours buddy!! i would assume some one whos 24 years old would come up with a more mature answer with some reason
Public frustration will change the mood and behavior of these mullah. Just like Swat where people walk behind sufi instead of warrior untamed inlaws. Well eventually same mullah will send their kids to major city for higher education and for better life. Rather then living in dark ages again.
Thanks for the excellent find. The Karachi connection was particularly interesting given the huge expatriate Pashtu population in the city. Nor had I understood that Hafizullah (?) Mehsud had been responsible for the December attacks on the NATO terminals in Peshawar.

Finally, there had been something of a fight here involving my suspicions that a goodly portion of the taliban's arms came through the same portal as NATO's- Karachi. I was shouted down by, IIRC, Kasrkin. I'm not certain but it would appear from this video that there's a thriving arms market with dealers inside Karachi.

How it connects to the port I wouldn't know...but I bet that police investigator would. It stands to reason with some of the world's largest private arms merchants in the gulf states and a lot of Saudi/gulf money behind the wahabbist phucks that there'd be some serious supply action eminating out of Karachi.

Money talks and I still believe that customs and other port officials can be bought for these purposes. Certainly didn't sound as though the taliban didn't know where Karachi was on a map. They seem very at home there.

Good story. Thanks.
Normally i just read post and not reply to the posts. But somehow i thought i should give my opinion regarding this. The first problem is that we all think that we r clever to others; we all think that the opinion we have for regarding the pakistan army or the taliban is right and other people opinion is wrong. And we must admit one thing that none of us here have got tolerance. By saying that let the americans come in and flush out taliban is a stupid thing but also we must admit that the taliban have grown stronger day by day only because of the government and because of the pakistani Army. because of the army those people who r civilians and got nothing to do with taliban have started taliban now. one example for that is the use of radio station by maulana fazlullah in swat. according to them they have got no technology to jam it, but in reality we all know it if they have it or not( again 10 people will quote this sentence and call me unpatriotic only because i said this for the army ). The best judge of this whole situation is those people who are actually living in those areas rather than us people who live in america canada uk islamabad karachi or lahore. And now i talk about the most important thing which is that taliban did not come to pakistan after this so called war on terror. they have been living here for decades. No one had any problem with them and they had no problem with us. Taliiban are also from pakistan. This is not army's job to fight against them. The reality about us is that we have a very big cultural problem. a pathan will always have a soft corner against taliban but those from punjab and sindh side will hate them and specially those from shia sect ( again a lot of people will call me racist or unpatriotic or etc etc but this is the reality we should face it rather than run away from it ). So at the end i would like to advice you guys that honestly speaking pakistan is going in the wrong direction and the most unpatriotic person is the one who say that it is a great country and everything is fine. it is not a great country if it was than no one would be wanting to go to america or canada or UK. So instead of fighting and arguing over little things why dont u all do some soul searching and think that WHAT HAVE YOU DONE SO FAR IN YOUR LIFE WHICH MAKES U A TRUE PAKISTANI? i hope 99% have done nothing except for going on to forums and saying long live pakistan army etc etc. So lets make this country a great country by doing something for it. a country only becomes great when the nation becomes great. Thanks
First of all. i live in Peshawar!! and there have already been 2 Rocket attacks near Sher Khan Shaheed Stadium where i live close to.. Your answer seems like you have sever Anti-western sentiments.. which is fine!! The Taliban have taken over alot of small villages near Peshawar like Shabkadar where some of my cousins live who can't really go out after 9pm. So don't tell me the Pakistan Army succeeded.

Now unlike a blind Patriot like you i do look at realities and thats Pakistani Army simply isn't trained or well equipped to handle guerrilla warfare but more towards Conventional warfare against India. Lets not even bring the Police into this who are COMPLETELY unequipped with 0 motivation in fighting the taliban.

What you saw in this documentary WASN'T Propaganda but reality...unless ofcourse you won't to Pretend like nothings happening which is fine.. because that allows me to believe that you live in a place like Murree where nothing ever happens. If you've been following any events recently you'd be more than just worried in whats happening in the North.

When I wrote the comment, I didn`t watch the entire movie.

After I watched it, it truly gave me a better perspective on the whole situation. So I take back that the video had some propaganda.

BUT, at the same time, I know that we must solve our own problems, and that the barbaric US, which is responsible for this whole mess in the first place, will only cause more problems.

Pakistanis must work together to fight these Taliban scumbags!

PAKISTAN ZINDABAD! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

We can do it! Insha Allah!

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