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Do Young Taiwanese want to Reunify With China?

What´s the US current unemployment rate again?
Sure is better than China's...

China’s urban areas have reached rates of unemployment similar to European countries known for relatively high unemployment (e.g., Italy, Germany, France), and in recent years have exceeded unemployment rates in the UK, USA, and Canada. China’s unemployment rate is much higher than other developed countries in Asia, such as Japan and Korea, as well as other developing countries in Asia such as Indonesia and Thailand. Overall, China’s unemployment situation is serious, especially in some cities and regions, but does not appear to be high enough to lead to a social or political crisis.

In this paper, we have calculated estimates of the true rate of unemployment in China by analyzing data from a unique unemployment survey conducted in five large Chinese cities in 2002 that for the first time applied internationally standard definitions of unemployment, and by combining our results with other unemployment measurements across time and space. We calculated an attrition-adjusted unemployment rate of 14.0 percent in 2002 in our five-city sample, and estimate that the unemployment rate among urban permanent residents throughout China increased from 6.1 percent in January 1996 to 11.1 percent in September 2002. Using a stricter standard for what constitutes job search leads to a reduction in the unemployment rate by one percentage point.
I suggest you be a bit more careful and critical of what the Chinese government dole out. By own our necessity we are recovering and will lift China along with US.
If what is known about you is true, that you are part Asian, I feel really sorry for you if you have to resort to racist epithets. There must be some serious self hatred for your Asian side. Guess we know who is really trying to be 'white' here.

I'm as Asian as your mother is white.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
OK...That make you nothing more than a pathetic white Canadian loser.

You know, I couldn't care less about Vietnam. It's an insignificant country. No one would even know where it is if it weren't for the war. It's just your hiding-behind-of-the-american-flag that pisses me off.

On a more important note, you guys shouldn't be prodding Americans about Taiwan. The island was ceded to Japan after WWI in perpetuity. If it weren't for the Americans who forced the Japs to choke up the island for the Nationalist Party/Republic of China, it would still be "Formosa." You guys simply didn't have the strength to pressure Japan into retroceding Taiwan alone. Though, the US wouldn't have done it, if they knew the commies would take over, LOL.

You know, white America has done so much for you guys, like Taiwan, segregation of South korea, suppression of Japan. Those 3 islands/half-pennisula, are actually favors.

Would China be able to influence an unified Korea?
Would China be able to control Japan?
Would Taiwan be under the hands of the Nationalist Party of China in the first place?
Would China be as prosperous as it is today without Nixon's visit?

The Brits robbed you of your wealth, the Soviets robbed you of your land, and the Japanese robbed you of your lives. What has America done?
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You know, I couldn't care less about Vietnam. It's an insignificant country. No one would even know where it is if it weren't for the war. It's just your hiding-behind-of-the-american-flag that pisses me off.
Why should it pissed you off? Why should my allegiance to the US matter to you? Sounds pretty damn childish to me. Either contribute something relevant to the subject under discussion and leave out your pathetic racism. Or leave the playground.
2002? we are at 2010! what, you count backwards?
It just goes to show a pattern of data manipulation by the Chinese government to hide its true economic status.

Didn't i tell you that too much pump is no good 4 ya? :rofl:
Heck no...It has been the Chinese members here who pumped themselves up with every report, no matter how vague, regarding Chinese weaponry. You guys are the master pumpers here.
You know, I couldn't care less about Vietnam. It's an insignificant country. No one would even know where it is if it weren't for the war. It's just your hiding-behind-of-the-american-flag that pisses me off.

Vietnam, for a good part of her long history being "covered" by the Imperial China, was technologically far more advanced than Europa, let lone Canada, which was not more than a primitve society at a time.

Viernam war was about China, the same as Korea War.

If China has been eternal and well known, so must be Korea and Vietnam, as they were under tributionary system of Imperial China.

No one knew Vietnam without the war? NO, on the contrary, without Vietnam's well known "China connection", there wouldn't had been a war there in the first place.

On a more important note, you guys shouldn't be prodding the Americans about Taiwan.

I am not against Americans. So whom you are accusing?

Since anyone can question current American govt's motivation about Taiwan issue, what's your beef?

The island was ceded to Japan after WWI in perpetuity.

^^ Half-baked at best.

What about the Prior-WW1 history of the island?

What about post WWII?

Ceded to japan, by whom? under what condition and context? Was that treaty an equal one? Was that an voluntary treaty? Which Chinese official signed it?

If it weren't for the Americans who forced the Japs to choke up the island for the nationalist party, it would still be "Formosa."

Self-hate has no limit, according to the latest reseach papers...:lol:

You guys simply didn't have the strength to pressure Japan into retroceding Taiwan alone.

True. your point is?

strenghth= rights= international laws?

That was the reason why Taiwan was forcefully ceded after WW1?

Though, they wouldn't have done it, if they knew the nationalists were to lose to the commies, LOL.

Yeah, history is full of surprises. Hongcouver (where you are hiding currently?) is just another modern example. :partay:

You know, white America has done so much for you guys, like Taiwan, segregation of South korea, suppression of Japan. Those 3 islands/half-pennisula, are actually favors.

:lol: ^^ I enjoyed your performance immensely, to be honest with you.

Favours? Who said that "there's no permanent friends, only permanent interests"? :usflag:

When Britain was under attacked by Hitler, America even didn't give a da*n about repeated requests for help from her legitimate "mother" by bloodline Queen of England.

Without her own vested self-interests, America, or shall I day White America, has ever done anybody a favour?

Then you must say America is doing Iraq and Afgan favours too right now, eh? :rofl:

Would China be able to influence of an unified Korea?

Korea has never been the factor. Korea had always been united at the side and under the cover of China for 1000s of years. and?

Would Korea be seperated as now without America's interviene?

Would China be able to control Japan?

China has been put Japan in her place for 1000s of years. Moreover, Japan controls herself. Why China needs to control Japan, except starting wars?

As for wars, long before CHina's envolvement, Korea, north AND south, would be the first country to take on Japan for a war, trust me, if both of them (japan and SK) being "cut loss" by Amerca. :coffee:

Would Taiwan be under the hands of the Nationalist Party of China in the first place?

No. So in that scenario, there wouldn't be current "taiwan issue" at all, would it, to say the least?

Would China be as prosperous as it is today without Nixon's visit?

Probably not quite as properous as what American multinational globalists have become due to their world-conquering "China Price" ? :toast_sign:

Without Nixon's visit, probably we would have a different ending of the Cold War?

Actually Nixon Visit should be recognised as Kissinger Visit indeed, as the latter was the one pulling the strings. And for a right price, Henry Ki$$inger would consider selling his mother too! So what's your point?

The Brits robbed you of your wealth, the soviets robbed you of your territory, and the Japanese robbed you of your lives. What has America done?

yeah, what has America done? Probably nothing at all, or probably a little bit of all of above? :)
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why even talk to hirohito. its clear that racism is quite popular amongst japanese both at home and overseas. the only correct solution is to urge the US to increase the number of young men not screened for STDs at their various military bases across japan.
why even talk to hirohito. its clear that racism is quite popular amongst japanese both at home and overseas. the only correct solution is to urge the US to increase the number of young men not screened for STDs at their various military bases across japan.

I always thought he was Chinese because much, not all, of his posts were pro-Chinese, than he started using words like 'gook' which through me off, now he claims he's white, but i didn't know he was Japanese.
I always thought he was Chinese because much, not all, of his posts were pro-Chinese, than he started using words like 'gook' which through me off, now he claims he's white, but i didn't know he was Japanese.

i think the part where he said "chinese should know their place, below japanese" gave it away.
Allow me to correct you:

Wall Street does not represent where "thousand upon thousands of private businesses" are traded , that is called NYSE, which happens to be located in WS, it's nothing but a machanism, a tool.

On the contrary, Wall Street represents ONLY a handful of powerful banks, most of them are Jewish banks. As the hidden LAW, Wall Street is synonymous to Jewish Fnancial Power.

Get your definition straight before comment.
That statement, apart from being completely wrong, is disgustingly bigoted. Hitler and his Nazi murderers could not have said that better himself. You are in some company.

Whenever we Americans get lectured by the world, all I have to do is read a statement like the one you have made here and I realise how utterly unqualified they are to give that lecture.
I always thought he was Chinese because much, not all, of his posts were pro-Chinese, than he started using words like 'gook' which through me off, now he claims he's white, but i didn't know he was Japanese.

Basically he conveniently placed himself in (what he regarded as) the top pecking order with chinese below him and indians below the chinese. Seems he exists just to stir up controversies. Which is why I don't bother participating in most of these threads.

Formosa is named by the dutch which means beautiful island. It has nothing to do with Japanese, before that it is still called Taiwan
he only talks. americans think talk is cheap, time to get some action going.

cuba. phillipines. korea. vietnam. iraq. afghanistan.

how many people were butchered by the US war machine?

Again, from someone who's government butchered at least 40 million of their own people, who's leader for decades, (Mao Zedong) was literally, not figuratively, not rhetorically, but literally, the greatest mass murderer in all of recorded human history, you are unqualified to give lectures to the United States on her record in that area.
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