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Do Young Taiwanese want to Reunify With China?

We should support mainland China's industry. At the end of the day, Taiwan's technology can all be sold to the US. But the technology over here, stays here.

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Guangzhou Xianghua Medical Equipment - manufacturer of over 1000 biomedical products ranging from MRIs (?????????????? | ?? | ?? | ???? | ???? | ???? | ???? | ?????? | ??B? | ????? | ??? |) and xray machines, to surgery tools and syringes. All of these are patented by the company itself, unlike Taiwan's companies which mostly are simply manufacturers for others.


Shanghai Colorful MRI Technology Corporations

another MRI manufacturer.


China Ningbo XinGaoYi MRI Corporation

MRI technology is one of the areas where the West has a near monopoly - except for mainland China (not taiwan). The biomedical device manufacturing capability of a nation is a good indicator of its total industrial and scientific capability.

:angel: "Superpower" India doesn't have this capability. :rofl:
why should we compare to india? we'd be doing voodoo dances and bloodletting if we compared our biomedical industry to india's.
Foxconn's 33% pay increase is terrific news. Overtime is 1.5 times base pay (e.g. now increased by 33%). All of Foxconn's 800,000 employees can now enjoy a much higher standard of living.

Foxconn Gives Chinese Workers 33 Percent Pay Raise - NYTimes.com

"Foxconn Gives Chinese Workers 33 Percent Pay Raise
Published: June 2, 2010

SHANGHAI — Stung by labor shortages and a rash of suicides this year at its massive factories in southern China, Foxconn Technology said Wednesday that it would immediately raise the salaries of many of its Chinese workers by 33 percent.

The pay increase is the latest indication that labor costs are rising in China’s coastal manufacturing centers and that workers are demanding higher pay to offset a jump in inflation and soaring food and property prices.

On Wednesday, Honda Motor said it had resolved a strike in southern China and resumed operations at a transmission plant there after agreeing to give 1,900 Chinese workers a 24 percent pay raise.

The Honda strike, which has lasted more than two weeks, was a rare show of power by Chinese workers, who are not commonly allowed by the government to publicly strike and walk off the job for higher wages.

At Foxconn, the basic salary for an assembly line worker in Shenzhen is expected to jump from 900 renminbi a month to 1,200 renminbi, or $132 to $176. The minimum monthly wage in Shenzhen is 900 renminbi, or about 83 cents per hour.

The announcement comes just a week after Foxconn’s chairman, Terry Gou, visited its factories in the southern city of Shenzhen and promised to do everything possible to halt a spate of worker suicides and improve conditions at Foxconn, which is the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer.

Police say 10 Foxconn workers have committed suicide this year in Shenzhen.

The company, which is based in Taiwan and employs over 800,000 workers in China, has denied that the suicides are work-related or above the national average, saying instead that they are the result of social ills and personal problems of young, migrant workers. Foxconn said Wednesday that the decision to raise salaries was not a direct response to the suicides.

But Foxconn, which produces electronics and computer components for Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Apple, has come under growing scrutiny in recent years because of recurring reports of harsh labor conditions at its factories, including long working hours and claims by labor rights activists that the company treats workers like machines.

Apple, Dell and H.P. each said last week that they were concerned about the recent suicides and were investigating the situation at Foxconn. The companies say that all their global suppliers must meet international labor standards and pass independent audits.

Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, said Tuesday during a technology conference in California that he was concerned about the suicides at Foxconn, but said the factory was not a “sweatshop” and noted that Apple is “over there trying to understand what is happening.”

Like most manufacturers in southern China, Foxconn is also struggling to hire thousands of workers at a time when the economy is booming and there is a shortage of unskilled migrant workers in many parts of coastal China.

Many migrant workers who typically move from inland provinces to coastal cities looking for factory work have complained that factory salaries have not kept pace with inflation. Many of them have decided to look for work closer to home.

Foxconn executives say the company’s factories in Shenzhen alone have hired more than 100,000 workers during the past year, and that labor rights groups have pressed the company to raise salaries.

“First, a pay raise will give our workers more leisure time,” said Arthur Huang, a Foxconn spokesman. “Second, such a huge pay raise will attract more qualified workers.”

Southern China’s manufacturing centers have been struggling with labor shortages since about 2003, and many coastal cities have raised the minimum wage in recent years.

Indeed, to help offset inflation and rising food, energy and housing costs — and to spur domestic consumption among the lower classes — Beijing urged local governments early this year to raise the minimum wage in the regions.

Many cities responded by raising the minimum wage by about 10 to 15 percent, to between 750 and 1,100 renminbi.

To cope with labor shortages and hold down costs, many factories in southern China expect employees to work a considerable amount of overtime. And often half of an employee’s wages come from overtime pay.

As a result, Foxconn’s 33 percent increase in wages could translate into even higher labor costs. Mr. Huang at Foxconn said the company has not yet calculated its impact on profitability.

But Debby Chan, project officer at Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior, a labor rights group based in Hong Kong, said the wage increases are insufficient.

“We’re advocating the living wage, and we think the standard should be between 1,700 to 2,100 renminbi a month,” Ms. Chan said Wednesday. “And we also have other demands, like Foxconn should look into the problems of their management methodology.”

Bao Beibei contributed research. Miguel Helft contributed reporting from Rancho Palos Verdes, California."
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