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Do you think religion is a personal matter ?

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single good thing state religion has done to Pakistan

We dont use Religion as a tool of propaganda.

And if you are indian. Count your lucky stars every day.
We dont use Religion as a tool of propaganda.

And if you are indian. Count your lucky stars every day.

Instead of calling me a Indian why don't you tell what good state religion has done? I am certainly not an Indian but I do deal with issues that happen when religion creeps into politics
Instead of calling me a Indian why don't you tell what good state religion has done? I am certainly not an Indian but I do deal with issues when religion creeps into politics

Helped cure terrorism and get rid of racism while instilling a feeling of a nation borne artificial.

Core facts.

Instead of calling me a Indian why don't you tell what good state religion has done? I am certainly not an Indian but I do deal with issues when religion creeps into politics

Helped cure terrorism and get rid of racism while instilling a feeling of a nation borne artificial.

Core facts.
Helped cure terrorism and get rid of racism while instilling a feeling of a nation borne artificial.

Core facts.

Pakistan still deals with terrorism so it certainly hasn't helped. Secular civic nationalism works better to solve racial and religious divides.
Pakistan still deals with terrorism so it certainly hasn't helped. Secular civic nationalism works better to solve racial and religious divides.

We dont have religious divide.

And we prefer combating terrorism and social issues with religion.

If you have any better example. Tell me i will listen carefully.

There are no perfect third world or developing countries.
You have not provided a single good thing state religion has done to Pakistan.

You really are ignorant!

Look at the birth of Pakistan, what we started with, what we went through (we survived 3 wars with India, an opponent 7 times bigger, and humiliated the mighty USSR in Afghanistan) and where we are now! Just when we were getting economically stable in 60's (read about us in the news of that decade), we had a war imposed on us.

Find another young nation like us, who have survived despite all that we went through and the odds against us. You will find none like us!

Stop asking stupid questions.

If we are nothing then what are you doing on this forum? :lol:
Pakistan still deals with terrorism so it certainly hasn't helped. Secular civic nationalism works better to solve racial and religious divides.

We have a foundation myth. Accept it like we accept yours.

Why the fuss?
We dont have religious divide.

And we prefer combating terrorism and social issues with religion.

If you have any better example. Tell me i will listen carefully.

There are no perfect third world or developing countries.

Didn't say that it was just about Pakistan. Combating terrorism and social issues with religion is not always a viable strategy. (If it did the there should be no Islamic terrorism by now)
Secular civic nationalism unites people and without forcing religion into everyone

You really are ignorant!

Look at the birth of Pakistan, what we started with, what we went through (we survived 3 wars with India, an opponent 7 times bigger, and humiliated the mighty USSR in Afghanistan) and where we are now! Just when we were getting economically stable in 60's (read about us in the news of that decade), we had a war imposed on us.

Find another young nation like us, who have survived despite all that we went through and the odds against us. You will find none like us!

Stop asking stupid questions.

Stop saying stupid things and calling me ignorant while ranting about Secular Crusaders of the 21st century and don't rant about what happened in Afghanistan with the USSR because the "Secular Crusaders" were also working against the USSR.
Give an answer why State Religion is Better than Secularism
Give an answer why State Religion is Better than Secularism

Answer: Pakistan - a nation that has survived despite all odds. And we have Islam as state religion. There is none like us.

But you are too thick skinned to understand this answer. Apparently survival means nothing to you!
We have a foundation myth. Accept it like we accept yours.

Why the fuss?

The thread title is about if religion should be personal or not and thats the fuss
Answer: Pakistan - a nation that has survived despite all odds. And we have Islam as state religion.

But you are too thick skinned to understand this answer. Apparently survival means nothing to you!

By "survival" you mean getting stuck in a hell hole where crazy mullahs run around and the govt actually bans Valentine day?
Pakistan is not the only country that went through a lot of sh*t. Vietnam ,Korea, Japan ,Germany, France and many other countries have gone through a lot since WW2.
We also survived being almost divided in two and its certainly not because Monks trying to control politics but due to civic nationalism.
So state religion ultimately creates more problems than it solves (if it actually "solves" anything)
By "survival" you mean getting stuck in a hell hole where crazy mullahs run around and the govt actually bans Valentine day?
Pakistan is not the only country that went through a lot of sh*t. Vietnam ,Korea, Japan ,Germany, France and many other countries have gone through a lot since WW2.
We also survived being almost divided in two and its certainly not because Monks trying to control politics but due to civic nationalism.
So state religion ultimately creates more problems than it solves (if it actually "solves" anything)

How idiotic of you to compare Pakistan (a country just 70 years young) to Japan, Germany etc etc!

You are a fool who can't have a logical discussion.

Pakistan was founded in the name of Islam, for the muslims to live their lives according to the guidance from Allah. The only thing that unites this 98% muslim majority nation is Islam, and nothing else! The day we discard our foundation, we will cease to exist.

Valentines day means shit to us! We are successfully surviving, and that is the only thing that matters. We have our freedom and we will defend it with empty stomachs if we have to. Who the F are you to judge eh, are you feeding us?

We have some issues but these will be resolved when those in the government start acting as per the guidance.

But you are too damn thick skinned and a bigoted atheist to comprehend ANY of that!
How idiotic of you to compare Pakistan (a country just 70 years young) to Japan, Germany etc etc!
Certainly, I am idiotic to compare countries that got demolished to the ground and one that got nuked twice to Pakistan

You are a fool who can't have a logical discussion.
Yep, I am pretty bad at logic specially with secular crusaders are concerned

Pakistan was founded in the name of Islam, for the muslims to live their lives according to the guidance from Allah. The only thing that unites this 98% muslim majority nation is Islam, and nothing else!
Well they certainly live according to divine guidance.

Valentines day means shit to us!
To you certainly. Banning a harmless festival shows the insecurities of certain people
We have some issues but these will be resolved when those in the government start acting as per the guidance.

Well they say that there is a magical object in Humans that can get divine guidance easily. Apparently all great leaders, thinkers ,inventors use this to get divine inspiration. Apparently this thing is called a "brain".

But you are too damn thick skinned and a bigoted atheist to comprehend ANY of that!
Thanks for the complements but I do not deserve that much praise
The only thing that unites this 98% muslim majority nation is Islam, and nothing else! The day we discard our foundation, we will cease to exist.
Rubbish. Distilled garbage. British India which bundled Pakhtuns with Tamil Hindu with Ladakhi Buddhist with Burman Mongols of Myanmar and everything inbetween subsisted for nearly two centuries. That should tell what is and more then often is the reason why a group stays together. State, institutional, economic and military force.


And as regards religion from what we see today religions is the single biggest cause for divisive forces and terrorism. The whole array of radical religious forces with multitude of mullahs with multitude of iterations of Islam all fighting each other is proof of that.

Did 1971 Banga incident not slightly wake you up???
Is'nt it funny that some of the most rabid religious nuts actually tend to hide away in the most secular nations in the world, While drum beating about how citizens of the apparent countries of their heritage have to bear the fundamentalist dogma on behalf of them ? :coffee:
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