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Do you think religion is a personal matter ?

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Gladly. Let's get the group together. I'd be very happy to take an active part in the discussion, but one of you younger people needs to do the shepherding of the flock (even three would be good enough).

Don't expect much from the troglodyte basement dwellers on this forum.
Don't expect much from the troglodyte basement dwellers on this forum.

Trust me, there are a few, a very few. The Muslims/ Pakistanis are preferable to the Hindus/ Indians; there are Muslims like SecularNationalist and Jamahir who really ought to be automatic choices, but there are many more observant Muslims, too many to put into a list, and similarly on the Hindu side, although there has been an exodus of many of the decent sort, there are still a few survivors. Like me.

PS: they aren't basement dwellers; troglodyte means cave dweller, but the ones you are referring to have crawled out from under rocks, and look and act like that.
Trust me, there are a few, a very few.

I sure hope so, for Pakistan's sake at least. I do find it comforting that the more vocally rabid variety are living abroad. Make of that what you will!
I rest my case!

You are pathetic in general, so I don't understand who you are crying to? On one hand you are complaining about Pakistanis yet in the same token trying to cry for help on a Pakistani forum?

You are not a sincere person so why should we all automatically respect you when your credibility is in the gutters and speaks for itself?

Not you, idiot!

I sure hope so, for Pakistan's sake at least. I do find it comforting that the more vocally rabid variety are living abroad. Make of that what you will!

You have to make allowances for lastofthepatriots. He's always in trouble with the management, because he never stops to think but says whatever is in his mind at that moment. But to the old, to the bewildered, the obviously weak, he is different; then an old-fashioned chivalry takes over, almost without his being aware of it, and he is a shield against others. As you might imagine, I am very fond of him. He will not spare me in an argument, but there is a line that he will not cross, and we both know it.

So he is an exception to the rule.
So the thread has ended up with the oldest routine....

Indian prying on frustrated pakistanis to see the light of secularism while advocating all others who disagree as potential terrorists or people of no value.

Hahahahaha hisaab hoga. Sabka hoga.

Tension nahi baniye... Kitne bachon ko bhatkaega
I rest my case!

In fact, many of the youngsters, those living in Pakistan, at least, have this streak in them. The moment they find out that I am a decrepit old fogey, their behaviour changes, and I feel like a thin-shelled, very fragile egg, being handed around from hand to careful hand, well wrapped up in protective cotton wool!!

Sometimes it is tempting to lap it all up and let go of my normal acid, unpleasant persona for the moment.
So the thread has ended up with the oldest routine....


Aww funny little equipment.

In Britain these are sold cheap because of cheap labor and child workers of her majestys former colonies?

Lets make a deal with a corrupt economic terrorist and have them shipped even more cheaply.

And ofcourse religion is a deep personal issue for which the monarchy has to give fatwas of harmony on easter too.

While the Polish and other eastern european migrants to UK face racism and abuse. But lets just punish a muslim since its easy to defend our colonizing ways to them.

Dig yourself a deeper hole and let the baniya help you with it.

As i said. Roosters are coming home to hatch.

God save the queen i say
Aww funny little equipment.

In Britain these are sold cheap because of cheap labor and child workers of her majestys former colonies?

Lets make a deal with a corrupt economic terrorist and have them shipped even more cheaply.

And ofcourse religion is a deep personal issue for which the monarchy has to give fatwas of harmony on easter too.

While the Polish and other eastern european migrants to UK face racism and abuse. But lets just punish a muslim since its easy to defend our colonizing ways to them.

Dig yourself a deeper hole and let the baniya help you with it.

As i said. Roosters are coming home to hatch.

God save the queen i say

What does this have to do with religion?
What does this have to do with religion?

Oh, you just met the resident Village Idiot. Too clever by half, thinks he knows more English than he does, thinks he knows more than he does, always ready with a completely irrelevant intervention that leaves people sitting around scratching their heads, while he does his well-rehearsed Little Jack Horner routine.

Ignore him. DO NOT feed him.
What does this have to do with religion?

Religion not only helped but gave legitmacy to the British colonization.

Evangelical preachers took the guilt away from pillagers and looters by fatwafying them as lower beings who god have cursed and can be colonized and given salvation through converting.

Even today Panama has no legal rights as an american citizens simply because they dont adhere to anglo saxon cultural norms.

But sure. Religion is a deeply private affair when you are done looting killing pillaging and subjugating.

Do i need to continue?

Oh, you just met the resident Village Idiot. Too clever by half, thinks he knows more English than he does, thinks he knows more than he does, always ready with a completely irrelevant intervention that leaves people sitting around scratching their heads, while he does his well-rehearsed Little Jack Horner routine.

Ignore him. DO NOT feed him.

Paranoid Indian Baniya

My favorite game
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