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Do you think religion is a personal matter ?

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The only thing that gave legitmacy to British colonization was guns, lots of guns. Rest was just gloss.

In the hindsight you can say that

But you have to be pretty much biased to leave religion out of it since people were still burning witches at the stake.

God saved the monarchy and one repeats again and again.
The only thing that gave legitmacy to British colonization was guns, lots of guns. Rest was just gloss.

Just remind the little squirt that evangelicals and missionaries were kept at arms' length until after the Mutiny. He talks such shit all the time.
Just remind the little squirt that evangelicals and missionaries were kept at arms' length until after the Mutiny. He talks such shit all the time.

You are too narrow minded to understand.

You are indoctrinated as evident from. He dont know english. He dont right. Me want english master.
religion is a personal matter . State and religion cant run together as long as one minority lives in theocratic state.

Hells and heavens are made for mankind not for the religious state .
religion is a personal matter . State and religion cant run together as long as one minority lives in theocratic state.

Hells and heavens are made for mankind not for the religious state .

Nobody is electing anyone based on their destination in hereafter

The state of Pakistan is not burying people with certificates of hell or heaven.
The state of Pakistan is not burying people with certificates of hell or heaven.
i did not mean this .

i mean a religious person can go to hell and heaven on the basis of their actions . States will not be asked about their religion and actions in judgment day . That was the point i want to say .
i did not mean this .

i mean a religious person can go to hell and heaven on the basis of their actions . States will not be asked about their actions in judgment day . That was the point i want to say .

The state will be called as a witness in most cases but not on whether muzzies prayed or had them counted.

The state may may however be called as witness if you killed looted pillaged in Lords Land.

Extra burden of the state as in zakat or making hajj or fasting provisions made easy are just a luxury you people dont deserve.

As a sign of gods wrath these should be taken away as punishments.

Thats why knowledgeable term it as Ahsaan of Jinnah.

Ffs Pds
The state will be called as a witness in most cases but not on whether muzzies prayed or had them counted.

The state may may however be called as witness if you killed looted pillaged in Lords Land.
Allah said himself he observes actions and intentions of humans . So there is no need to bring state for witness.

Extra burden of the state as in zakat or making hajj or fasting provisions made easy are just a luxury you people dont deserve.
the plus point of zakat contribute better in society . so the state can implement it in constitutions .

But according to scholars i argued with them . They declare banking system Haram . Even they give fatwas against banking jobs . according to them bank salary is haram .

so now tell me if Banking system is finished how many youths will be jobless and how much the state will face economical loss .

i said there come contradictions in theocratic state if you follow fatwas of scholars.
What did China loot? What did Singapore loot? Instead of ranting nonsense about the evils of secularism and greatness of a "Islamic System" that results in corrupt Mullahs using religion for personal benefit while politicians use religion as a political tool to take power and fill their pockets and bank accounts. And lets not forget legalized pedophilia and child abuse all because a bunch of brain dead idiots can't think for themselves

The wealth taken from looting by the Europeans went away pretty quickly and after the end of WW2 there wasn't much left of that.
Not sure what your radical Mullahs brainwashed you with but the only thing Islam did to boost the arrival of Enlightenment was the Ottomans taking over Constantipole.
Do you even know who the crusaders are? It looks like you are using the ISIS propaganda calling the western nations "crusaders". Its rather obvious you are influenced by radical Islamists . The Crusades are long over, the fantasies of fighting the new crusaders spread by organizations like ISIS are nothing more than a fantasy. The Medival age ended centuries ago

Singapore and China progress has nothing to do with secularism and atheism!

Communist party in China and hard men at helm (specifically in SG) are the reason for their progress. Secularism has got F all to do with all that.

And read history of Singapore. Favoured nations for development with open funding will progress - look at Taiwan too.

China is reverting to Confucius, at official level .. at least bother to read up a bit! Western secularism has been rejected but you are too illinformed to know!

Allah said himself he observes actions and intentions of humans . So there is no need to bring state for witness

Intentions are worthless until the act is comitted. When actions are done which harm others. A third party is needed as a witness. That is the simplest definition of a state.

The state does not punish those who dont pray. But is answerable if rights of other citizen are endangered or marginalised.

the plus point of zakat contribute better in society . so the state can implement it in constitutions .

But according to scholars i argued with them . They declare banking system Haram . Even they give fatwas against banking jobs . according to them bank salary is haram .

so now tell me if Banking system is finished how many youths will be jobless and how much the state will face economical loss .
As a sign of gods wrath these should be taken away as punishments.

Islamic banks are dime a dozen in Pakistan and also after going through a fatwa.
The state of Pakistan pays huge sacrfice because of two clauses in its constitution which are against interests.

So zakat is ok for state to handle and hajj made easier. Why ? Why does religion becomes states selectively
Intentions are worthless until the act is comitted. When actions are done which harm others. A third party is needed as a witness. That is the simplest definition of a state.

The state does not punish those who dont pray. But is answerable if rights of other citizen are endangered or marginalised.
what is the need of state to witness persons' actions ? :wacko:

every one is answerable in secular state if the rights of other citizens are endangered .

there is equal justice and punishment system for all citizens of the secular state .

There are not different laws for different people of different religions like in religious state .

Islamic banks are dime a dozen in Pakistan and also after going through a fatwa.
The state of Pakistan pays huge sacrfice because of two clauses in its constitution which are against interests.

So zakat is ok for state to handle and hajj made easier. Why ? Why does religion becomes states selectively

5.75 % is interest rate of state bank of Pakistan

19 % is interest rate of national bank of Pakistan :laugh:
But you have to be pretty much biased to leave religion out of it since people were still burning witches at the stake.
Yes they were. But pleasse tell me what is burning witches, trial by fire, Henry, his wives and his clash with the catholic church have anything to do with British colonization of 3/4 of the world?

Pray. Tell. You think the drive to take over 3/4 earth was driven by soome Christian zeal. Like hell. It was driven by what drove Alexander, Caeser, Naploeon, Tzar, Genghiz Khan - pure lust for power/pelf. Religion or the "other" was just a gloss.
what is the need of state to witness persons' actions ? :wacko:

every one is answerable in secular state if the rights of other citizens are endangered .

there is equal justice and punishment system for all citizens of the secular state .

There are not different laws for different people of different religions like in religious state .

5.75 % is interest rate of state bank of Pakistan

19 % is interest rate of national bank of Pakistan :laugh:


I cant i am tired.

But these are all citizens of the state.

Its not murghi pehle ya anda pehle question. Your country is based on objective resolution. When you grow up to be against that. Tell me i will explain why its a bad idea but i wont stop you. Its not my job.

So thats why i dont talk about this here on the forum.

Yes they were. But pleasse tell me what is burning witches, trial by fire, Henry, his wives and his clash with the catholic church have anything to do with British colonization of 3/4 of the world?

Pray. Tell. You think the drive to take over 3/4 earth was driven by soome Christian zeal. Like hell. It was driven by what drove Alexander, Caeser, Naploeon, Tzar, Genghiz Khan - pure lust for power/pelf. Religion or the "other" was just a gloss.

It was fueled by money and promise to loot. No one is denying that.

I am simply saying religion legitimized all of these.

The burning witches reference is like honor killing these days so its a reuseable term i guess
Singapore and China progress has nothing to do with secularism and atheism!

Communist party in China and hard men at helm (specifically in SG) are the reason for their progress. Secularism has got F all to do with all that.

And read history of Singapore. Favoured nations for development with open funding will progress - look at Taiwan too.

China is reverting to Confucius, at official level .. at least bother to read up a bit! Western secularism has been rejected but you are too illinformed to know!


Lee Kuan Yew followed a serious secular policy and Mao clearly stated how religion oppresses people (Which we see in many religious countries like KSA and states with religious law like Aceh)
China is not "reverting" to anything, China will only evolve and progress. Chinese don't look forward to going backwards

You have not provided a single good thing state religion has done to Pakistan.
When religion takes over governance and law what happens is corruption, oppression ,inequality and violation of human rights .
Where has Islam gone in the Islamic paradises? Corrupt Mullahs running around using religious texts to their own benefit while politicians shout about religion to get into power only to loot the country.
Both the countries and religions are corrupted and Imaginary crusaders aren't going to justify that
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