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Do you laugh at Pathan jokes?

Who told you that my ancestry is from Banares ?

My ancestry is from Dehli and I am a Mughal. More than 40 generations of my Mughal Ancesters are buried in and around

Nobody just thought whether that paan khor term has same meaning in Pakistan as is here.
I can't make head or tail of your retarded Comment.

Care to Explain...:lol::lol::lol:
Oh man. That killed it.
You said
My ancestry is from Dehli and I am a Mughal. More than 40 generations of my Mughal Ancesters are buried in and around
I responded
No wonder you are not around Delhi any more

Let me get a glass full of water to jump into and commit suicide now. :tsk:
Who told you that my ancestry is from Banares ?

My ancestry is from Dehli and I am a Mughal. More than 40 generations of my Mughal Ancesters are buried in and around
Are you actually a Mughal or just one of those people who claim to be one?
To be honest yes, just as I would laugh at Jatt, Sheikh, Paindu, Butt, Memon, Sardar, Marasi jokes. In Punjabi culture making such jokes is perfectly normal and not meant to be offensive. Brothers, cousins, friends will all make a lot of fun out of each other and its all good fun as long as its within limits. But knowing that some of our Pashtun brothers get offended by these sms jokes for example, I dont forward them anymore.
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Are you actually a Mughal or just one of those people who claim to be one?

I am making a matter of fact statement. It won't get me a prize or anything.

In fact, if anything, letting bunch of Indians know you are a Mughal does not earn you any friends.

Especially on internet where cowardly people tend to take Potshots at you ( which they would not have the courage to do in person).

My family moved from Old Dehli in 1947 to Karachi, Pakistan.
I heard 1-2 of them posted by Pakistanis. But most amazing is some Pashtun PDFians making fun of Pashtun people. o_Oo_O
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Hey, if a joke is funny I laugh :drag:
Most of them don't represent reality so don't worry about it. Feel free to redirect those jokes to the ethnicity of whoever sends them to you, and let them know you don't like them :tup:
This is thread of 2010, my views are still same on this matter. Though i would like to add the history and origin of pathan and Sardar jokes which are rooted in Punjab and U.P/Delhi region.

The Hate and dislike for Pathans , that are expressed through jokes, comes from military expeditions of Abdali in Punjab and areas around Delhi, to consolidate his rule. They were not locals so needed some plundering to feed their large army (who has not done plundering?). Note that in panipat they didnt need to plunder as most of the musalmans in panipat area were of Afghan descent who were cooperating with their kinsmen Rohillas and Durranis. Punjab was ruled by mughals for two centuries and was not subjected to foreign invasions for these two centuries, mughals were excellent administrators and they were loved by punjabi muslims. Nadir Shah was the first invader after such long period and he destroyed the punjab region and delhi, his troops army had large Afghan contingent , somehow nadir shah himself was perceived as Afghan by punjabis and delhwis (they remember him as nadir shah durrani rather than afshar). Read urdu poetry of that time, it is deeply affected by nadir shah sacking of delhi and massacring its inhabitants. Its no coincidence that muslim Punjabis and urduspeakers of U.P/delhi have hateful jokes for sikhs as well as pashtuns. The dislike for both dates back to chaotic 18th century. Sikh misals also looted delhi and U.P. In addition to Sikhs, people of delhi and awadh also experienced fearsome Rohilla Pashtuns of Doab, one of whom in 1788 humiliated mughal emperor and his family.

Ahamd Shah abdali not only ended much respected mughal rule (among muslims) in punjab but they also had not forgotten that he was part of nadir shah's military expedition. The most acute problem for punjabi muslims at that time were sikh misals who were terror for them, Abdali led several military expeditions against sikh misals, who were terrorizing muslim populations, but the enemies used to retreat to hills instead of offering war. Punajbi musalmans blame Ahmad shah for sikh problem, the argument was that mughals were much efficient in dealing with sikhs. Terror of Sikh misals got imprinted in meek muslamans of Punajb and Delhi and U.P, who expressed their anger and hate through either poetry or through jokes.


@Nuri Natt
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