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Do you have any questions about China?

you treat Mao as Chinese Hitler???:what::what:
without Mao, if the corrupt Kuomintang still rule China. China will be a running dog of USA.
actualy Kuomintang destroyed themselves.
mao is far better than hitler.

Mao has his pros and cons! People tend to remember history which is more recent. The great leap forward faulted on erroneous estimation of China's capabilities used to chase an unreacheable target. It was an administration error.

The cultural revolution was most detrimental - it was an selfish attempt to consolidate his power within the party which ended up causing huge destruction to our Country!
?? maoist in india turned themselves into terrorist.
I do not believe that China should support Maoist in india.



We dont support them neither do we speak against their uprising other than the name!

Qs :

I remember ...my chinese friend saying he has to build savings to marry...........is their some law that statee the pre requisite to marry ??

use your head! saving money for a wedding is for the expenditures that have to be used for the event!
Aren't there are states that elect Maoist to be governor???

no one want to be a watch dog. not even japan themselves.
some day japan will bite their own master.

the maoist in india is terrorist.

From the video, I rarely see women on the street. So women in Pakistan do not eat outside???

We treat preparation of food as an art. Tea itself is a very big art in Pakistan.

Even our street chefs treat food as gold. Many Chinese that have settled in Pakistan are in dental profession. They love our food, but also miss home cooking. So they come up with Chinese food with Pakistani flavoring. Also many Pakistanis that have lived in China, love the cooking and infuse Chinese food with Pakistani spices.

I know for a fact that any Chinese person will have no problem with Pakistani food.

We Chinese just do not understand why Chowmin or Chowfan become popular dishes outside China, seen everywhere in Chinese restaurants outside China???

I have heard Chinese eat lots of non veg, though non veg is not that popular in India but dishes like chowmin is highly popular they have lot of spices and sauce, then Manchurian is also available in some restaurants but I believe they are much different from the dishes which are eaten in china.
Indians indianizes all the foreign items in such a way that even their native countrymen can not identify them :lol:
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Please name the Chinese movies you watched. I always believe Chinese movies suck.
the only Chinese movie I watched is "The red cliff" I liked it very much.

as indians are so lively in this forum ,i decide to post a new thread "questions to indians,from china",will it be welcome?
dear this is Pakistan defense forum. Any love/friendliness to India will not be tolerated here. soon there will be troll wars and you must learn from the experience of CD
We see vn as a double-faced non-grateful aggressive country.

During your fight with France, China has sent personnel, military equipment and trained loads of your army cadets and provide shelters for vn people.

During your fight with U.S., China did even more. Do you understand how much stuff we have sent over to vn while Chinese people then were starving almost every family??? We warned U.S. not to cross line to invade North vn so that north vn then put all important military targets, productions along the border. U.S. did not carry on the invasion as what it did during korean war. Without China's help, there is no way vn would have achieved its goal. One thing U.S. could have done was to destroy all north vn's military main depots in north if there were no China protection and warnings since U.S. was afraid China would do another "korean war" type of intervention sending regular army into vn to fight U.S. directly. There are thousands of Chinese army personnel donating their lives in vn.

What we get in return??? When we fought vn in 1979, we found vn army using the rice China sent on its defensive positions and used the guns China sent earlier to kill us. During vn's fight with France and U.S., China lent certain islands to vn for vn to use as base to defend and attack french and u.s. armies. However, after the war, the islands were suddenly part of vn's and vn leaders did not even mention they need return the islands back to China. That is how you repay our generosity???

No no...okay let me precise my wish: As Chinese, how do you see others such as Vietnam, India, etc...? general views?
Myself and my countrymen have opened some threads like Vietnam-China relations, etc...just for info and for fun.

Das ist natürlich eklig. Sollte nicht sein.
Aren't there are states that elect Maoist to be governor???

Maoist is a term used loosely by the insurgents of the "red corridor" which has occupied about 1/3 of india's territory. They do not have any linkage to China and our government has denied it officially many many times. But the indian government has been trying to scapegoat their plight to us by saying they sabbotaged weapons which were made in China!

Maoist as governor? may be the indians can help you out with that. I cant find a clue on that on the net!

Same as China

Flat face
small eyes
Lili put
small d!ck
flat nose
Snake eater
Dog eater
Cheap product

case reported!
We dont support them neither do we speak against their uprising other than the name!

use your head! saving money for a wedding is for the expenditures that have to be used for the event!

No need to pay to state, But as i know some places in china boy need to pay girl or her parents very huge amount. My frend got maiired in china he had to pay. He was saying he did not know that he had to pay her before he loved her :-).

I dont know in your case if he wanted to spend for event of her
No need to pay to state, But as i know some places in china boy need to pay girl or her parents very huge amount. My frend got maiired in china he had to pay. He was saying he did not know that he had to pay her before he loved her :-).

I dont know in your case if he wanted to spend for event of her

in my case I paid a lot of money. and most of the money are for buy a appartment in shanghai. even I have a own company. it was still very hard. because house in shanghai is too expensive. only for the appartment I paid arround 2.5 million Rmb in 2007.
but I think it is a mans nature duty to pay it
No need to pay to state, But as i know some places in china boy need to pay girl or her parents very huge amount. My frend got maiired in china he had to pay. He was saying he did not know that he had to pay her before he loved her :-).
I dont know in your case if he wanted to spend for event of her

Some traditional family may carry on the custom as paying to the girl's parent out of the gifts money collected from the banquet.
That is understandable as the aging parents who may be into their retirement ages, the marriage of her child means one source of support is gone for good. But this may not be the case and never mandatory. The girl usually keeps supporting her parents if the she is still working after marriage.
From the video, I rarely see women on the street. So women in Pakistan do not eat outside???
It is rare cause Pakistan doesnt have the c@ste system

We Chinese just do not understand why Chowmin or Chowfan become popular dishes outside China, seen everywhere in Chinese restaurants outside China???

Because these are relative low cost items, easy to handle and the products give great tastes! Just like "Chop suey" - you can never find the dish on any menus in greater China.
are you Chinese?

Qs :
I remember ...my chinese friend saying he has to build savings to marry...........is their some law that statee the pre requisite to marry ??
You should have a good foundation then the girl can marry you. You cannot provide a property, girls will not choose you.
Chowmin or Chowfan are subordinating dishes with great tastes. For anyone who is interested in Chinese cuisine, there are hundreds more dishes on offer - be they made in/by buns, dumplings, sticky rices, deep frying, wok stir-frying, roasting. steaming, braising/stewing, brewing, smoking ...and tossing all the cooking techniques into another tens of dozens of combination of sweet, sour, salty, smokey. hot and spicy, mildly bittered taste then they come up with the grandeur of the Art of Great Chinese Culinary!
About dalai lama, that is what you think. India government did not, does not and will not think so. He has never been a religious figure only. His controversy is not from religious but from political side.

China government and majority of Chinese people viewed him as a slavery (serf) lord. If he is so shining as the west describes, why the heck he did not abolish the cruel serfdom long before CCP took back Tibet. He has been contact with the west for many years. He did not learn the west's democracy only after he was kicked out by the CCP after he rioted and wanted to return Tibet back to serfdom???

Thanks to the OP and all the chinese members here to clear our various doubts or questions regarding china without it being turned to a troll thread

Indian media always tries to sensationalize things .... but as a matter of fact indians in general do have a high regards of the chinese infrastructure development .....even when the mumbai worli sea link was completed first of its kind in india ...there was a news how in the same time china had completed 7 of such structures

Most of our view on china comes from chinese movies ...... our media ......

I have seen here many chinese members claim that indians host chinese separatist leader dalai lama ..... but as a matter of fac we here consider dalai lama to be some religious person and nothing more than that

You have never heard both CIA and india government have helped train so-called tibet fights for many years, teaching them how to do sabotage actions, assembling bombs and etc???

You have never heard that CIA paid dalai lama a lot of money each years and even today dalai lama is on the payroll of U.S. government???

You are not that naive, are you?

That part is never heard of here or in any papers so dont know much about it

CIA indeed has trained a lot of tibet so-called freedom fighters to infiltrate into tibet to cause unrest.

cause problem in tibet , yes.
but sending troops. :cheesy: what kind of troops they are?
does dalai have any troops?

You should have a good foundation then the girl can marry you. You cannot provide a property, girls will not choose you.

so there are no laws like minmum bank deposit or something ??
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