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Do you have any questions about China?

My co-worker who is Chinese told me -

ABC in China means - American Born Chinese :tup:.. and guess what I told him

ABCD in India means American Born Confused Desi.. :):tup::tup:


He literally was in stitches :)

I have observed that the only ambition in the lives of of the Chinese women is to marry Anglo American men so that they can get rid of their Chinese identity and their children would become Anglo Americans with no strings of Chinese identity attached to them. Upon seeing any Anglo expats or tourists in China, even Chinese women from remote areas never miss the chance of seducing the Anglo men so that they can become their wives, let alone those Chinese women in USA already.

Indian women, on other other hand, never want to marry Anglo Americans and always prefer Indian/Desi men as husbands so that their Indian identity remains intact and the origin of their children remains Indian. Even Indian women in USA always prefer Indian men as husbands.

This is my own observation and I could be wrong though.
I have observed that the only ambition in the lives of of the Chinese women is to marry Anglo American men so that they can get rid of their Chinese identity and their children would become Anglo Americans with no strings of Chinese identity attached to them. Upon seeing any Anglo expats or tourists in China, even Chinese women from remote areas never miss the chance of seducing the Anglo men so that they can become their wives, let alone those Chinese women in USA already.

Indian women, on other other hand, never want to marry Anglo Americans and always prefer Indian/Desi men as husbands so that their Indian identity remains intact and the origin of their children remains origin. Even Indian women in USA always prefer Indian men as husbands.

This is my own observation and I could be wrong though.

if your observation is correct, then whole China's newly born kids are mixed blooded!

there are a lot of statistics on the inter-racial marriages esp in USA. You will find your answer

regarding the white male /indian females' preference, they are cases between the choosers and the choosens.
if your observation is correct, then whole China's newly born kids are mixed blooded!

there are a lot of statistics on the inter-racial marriages esp in USA. You will find your answer

regarding the white male /indian females' preference, it is a case between the choosers and the choosens.

I did not say kids from China are of mixed blood, I said those Chinese women who move to USA mostly have mixed blood kids as their fathers are mostly White men.

All the inter-racial marriages in USA benefit the white population because white men increase their numbers at the cost of men belonging to other races and in this case Chinese and Asians stand as losers so far the statistics show.

White men may prefer Indian women, but Indian women prefer Indian men.
I did not say kids from China are of mixed blood, I said those Chinese women who move to USA mostly have mixed blood kids as their fathers are mostly White men.

All the inter-racial marriages in USA benefit the white population because white men increase their numbers at the cost of men belonging to other races and in this case Chinese and Asians stand as losers so far the statistics show.

White men may prefer Indian women, but Indian women prefer Indian men.

I think I have adequately answered your question and told you where to look for an answer instead of thinking through your own eyes!
1. Why does chinese people drink so much? Why they allow smoking in restourents?

2. Why chinese girls wear less dress than western girls :-)?
1. Why does chinese people drink so much? Why they allow smoking in restourents?

2. Why chinese girls wear less dress than western girls :-)?

3. why do they eat pork??

4. Why dont they pray?

Not everyone is muslim. Get over yourself.
Okey I have many questions But I will ask 3 important one-

1 - What does normal chinese people think about their government ?

2 - What is the view of chinese people about Democracy ?

3 - Which country chinese people think was better than the other
a - USA
b - Soviet Union
Which one the above a chinese think was better superpower than the other.
And please dont take this as trolling.
For me every chinese looks same ...koreans japanese too but europe and western people i can see difference ..what about you people ? Do we indians look same ?
I have observed that the only ambition in the lives of of the Chinese women is to marry Anglo American men so that they can get rid of their Chinese identity and their children would become Anglo Americans with no strings of Chinese identity attached to them. Upon seeing any Anglo expats or tourists in China, even Chinese women from remote areas never miss the chance of seducing the Anglo men so that they can become their wives, let alone those Chinese women in USA already.

Indian women, on other other hand, never want to marry Anglo Americans and always prefer Indian/Desi men as husbands so that their Indian identity remains intact and the origin of their children remains Indian. Even Indian women in USA always prefer Indian men as husbands.

This is my own observation and I could be wrong though.

Exactly where do you draw your conclusion that in the lives of around 6 to 7 hundreds millions(that is with 8 zeros) Chinese women their ambition is to marry a whiteman???

For the second part, I met many Indian female students in my college in Boston who were dating white men, as for the marriage part most objection for white men were actually from their parents as it somehow will ridicule them in their hometown.
1. Why does chinese people drink so much? Why they allow smoking in restourents?

only in banquets. but generally it is a very bad behaviour and criminal when drink and drive

smoking is partitioned in some restaurants

thank goodness there is no paan and no narcotic hub in China!

2. Why Chinese girls wear less dress than western girls :-)?

it is a testament showing living is a lot, a whole lot safer and happier for the girls in China than in india.
only in banquets. but generally it is a very bad behaviour and criminal when drink and drive

smoking is partitioned in some restaurants

thank goodness there is no paan and no narcotic hub in China!

it is a testament showing living is a lot, a whole lot safer and happier for the girls in China than in india.

I personally would strongly protest if someone doesn't allow me to smoke in restaurants. It is none of their business.
Okey I have many questions But I will ask 3 important one-

1 - What does normal chinese people think about their government ?

2 - What is the view of chinese people about Democracy ?

3 - Which country chinese people think was better than the other
a - USA
b - Soviet Union
Which one the above a Chinese think was better superpower than the other.
And please dont take this as trolling.

1. not perfect but still okay by and large. corruption needs to be eradicated
2. gradual no need to be hasty
3. both have their pros and cons. Soviet Union does not exist now.

I personally would strongly protest if someone doesn't allow me to smoke in restaurants. It is none of their business.

that is your preference.

But from my personal experience smoking is really bad for my health so I have quited.

For me every chinese looks same ...koreans japanese too but europe and western people i can see difference ..what about you people ? Do we indians look same ?

you have a serious problem. check with a neuro-doctor
only in banquets. but generally it is a very bad behaviour and criminal when drink and drive

smoking is partitioned in some restaurants

thank goodness there is no paan and no narcotic hub in China!

it is a testament showing living is a lot, a whole lot safer and happier for the girls in China than in india.

Talking about securities, in any measures China is one of the safest place to live comparing to even most of the developed nations.
1. Why does chinese people drink so much? Why they allow smoking in restourents?

2. Why chinese girls wear less dress than western girls :-)?

Drinking is one tradition in China for social use. Smoking in public is not banned yet.
China wear less than western girls? Not true, but Chinese girl wear western designed cloth. You never wear suit ? Its a strange question.
Talking about securities, in any measures China is one of the safest place to live comparing to even most of the developed nations.

I concur buddy!

Crime rate in China is relatively low. We dont have gun-shots that happen on an almost monthly basis. Girls are not urged to leave their office before 8 pm or to stay in train carriages specially reserved for female commuters.
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