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Do you believe in god ?

Do you believe in god

  • God and Religion

    Votes: 53 61.6%
  • God but not religion

    Votes: 18 20.9%
  • Athiest

    Votes: 15 17.4%

  • Total voters
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Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you - Matthew 7:7.

Your asking the wrong person Kinetic, the only person who needs to seek that proof is you and only you can find it. Asking me is a futile exercise.

Dude, no offense but that was not the answer!

Some people don't follow any religion and they are quite happy in their life but the best thing is they are not harming anyone else as well.

1. According to Pythagoras “A proof is an impeccable argument, using only the methods of pure logical reasoning, which enables one to infer the validity of an assertion from the pre-established validity of other assertions.” To prove the existence of Allah I shall start with the pre-established valid assertion that within this observable universe there is a group of people who call themselves Muslims and they have a book called the Quran which they claim is the word of Allah.

2. Proof by negation can now be used to prove that what the Muslims claim is correct. This type of proof is widely used in science to reach logical conclusions. We cannot see something behind a wall, hence negation proves that light travels in a straight line. Likewise we cannot see oxygen in a room but by observing that humans are not dying we can prove through negation that oxygen is present in a room. Similarly most of Einstein’s theories use proof by negation. The Quran gives three such proofs :-

(a) Mankind cannot create one chapter like the Quran.

(b) Mankind cannot preserve any other book for hundreds of years in their hearts.

(c) Man cannot find any contradiction within the Quran.

3. As long as man cannot do these things it is scientifically binding for humans to believe that the Quran has been written by a higher being whose name according to the Quran is Allah.

Are you ready to listen to the criticisms of Quran? Can you take it? If so I can give you hundreds of articles. Same can be said about other religious texts. I don't want to post some thing that might offend some one and I end up getting banned. But I can assure you that Quran is filled with contradictions like Bible or Bhagvat geetha.

1. According to Pythagoras “A proof is an impeccable argument, using only the methods of pure logical reasoning, which enables one to infer the validity of an assertion from the pre-established validity of other assertions.” To prove the existence of Allah I shall start with the pre-established valid assertion that within this observable universe there is a group of people who call themselves Muslims and they have a book called the Quran which they claim is the word of Allah.

2. Proof by negation can now be used to prove that what the Muslims claim is correct. This type of proof is widely used in science to reach logical conclusions. We cannot see something behind a wall, hence negation proves that light travels in a straight line. Likewise we cannot see oxygen in a room but by observing that humans are not dying we can prove through negation that oxygen is present in a room. Similarly most of Einstein’s theories use proof by negation. The Quran gives three such proofs :-

(a) Mankind cannot create one chapter like the Quran.

(b) Mankind cannot preserve any other book for hundreds of years in their hearts.

(c) Man cannot find any contradiction within the Quran.

3. As long as man cannot do these things it is scientifically binding for humans to believe that the Quran has been written by a higher being whose name according to the Quran is Allah.

Quran was written by humans
Quran was written by humans

one liner? is that all you got? try proving his statement wrong otherwise don't post one liners, and from the looks of it, its obvious you know nothing about Islam and its history.

God sent the message (Quran) to Muhammad (pbuh) through the Angel Gabriel and from there Muhammad (pbuh) recited the Quran (chapter by chapter) to his companions who would wrote it down and then compiled it into Quran.
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Well bro you are talking about the next step after the crime happens. but the religion(belief in God) prevents the one from making that crime. so which is better punishing or preventing???

Mate, its not religion that preventing people from crime but its usual human habit not to do anything bad and if they want than no religion can't keep them away, you know that.

well things have been working like that for centuries. isnt it???

For centuries doesn't mean good. We also believed in kingdom for centuries, but do we believe in it now? No.

the whole system changed when we started to give first priority to money than other valuable thing(LOVE the only thing that diffrentiate us from animals)

That you have said something great. Love is thing not religion!!! :cheers:
Dude, no offense but that was not the answer!

Some people don't follow any religion and they are quite happy in their life but the best thing is they are not harming anyone else as well.


See what i mean, your not willing to seek yourself. Your full of opinions, you know all the answers. They why ask me? :no:

You already know everything, then you have sought what you were seeking. Now lets let this rest.
Are you ready to listen to the criticisms of Quran? Can you take it? If so I can give you hundreds of articles. Same can be said about other religious texts. I don't want to post some thing that might offend some one and I end up getting banned. But I can assure you that Quran is filled with contradictions like Bible or Bhagvat geetha.

Thses are not my challenges they are Allah's. Prove yourself if indeed you have any proof of contradiction within Quran.
I was referred by a muslim friend of mine to read about islam because I have lots of curiosity about universe and its origin, but there were few things I didnt find convincing, so can anyone tell me if I misunderstood something. I was reading through this site which seems to be a muslim site.

God Allah - What is The Origin of God?

Q) My first question to which I was looking for answers was that if everything needs to have an origin, if simplest life forms like amoeba and bacteria can’t start on their own then how can there be super powerful, super intelligent entity called god be there on its own.

Answer as given on site was He always has existed and He never was created, as He is not like His creation, nor similar to it, in any way.

The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) explained the devil would come to a person and ask them questions about creation; "Who created this or that?" to which the reply would be; "Allah" until he would ask; "Who created Allah?" At this stage the prophet advised us to drop this train of thought. Obviously, God - the real God, must be eternal and not have to be created.

What I didnt like in this answer is that it doesnt gives answer to my question, it just says like ' Hey I am always right, if there is something I can't answer then the question has to be wrong and other guy has to be crazy'. It has become human psychology to believe that they are perfect in every sense, that they are right ones and others are wrong. We are trained from childhood by family and society to feel superior and special and answer given on that site sounds analogous to that. NOM to any religion but I feel thats a flaw in the concept of religions, so is there any correct answer to that.

See what i mean, your not willing to seek yourself. Your full of opinions, you know all the answers. They why ask me? :no:

You already know everything, then you have sought what you were seeking. Now lets let this rest.

I know how to prove that God doesn't exist but you said that God exist so I wanted to know the reason behind that, why do you think so, what is the reason, how it is helping us. I have shown many ways existence of God and religion is harming us.
And there we have it. This has gone from a post about the belief in GOD to a discussion about Islam.

MODS i humbly request that before this gets out of hand this thread be locked, i would be eternally ingratiated towards you.

Who are those men? You, me and everyone else. This is very common thought!!! You can go through the history that how people feel that their religion is better than others!!!

Tell me there one single proof that God exists and without argument if I believe that He exists than I have to say that He is very very cruel. We can see the proof everyday.

if you want physical proof you can find it in Abrahamic religion. there are plenty of it. but you will have read bible and should pay a visit to Jerusalem.
Care to explain ?

What do you mean by that ? if not religion then no Prophet (S.A.W.W) ? No Quran ?

no prophet, no quran, none of that.

i just believe in 'a' god but not in any religion on this earth
And there we have it. This has gone from a post about the belief in GOD to a discussion about Islam.

MODS i humbly request that before this gets out of hand this thread be locked, i would be eternally ingratiated towards you.



1. According to Pythagoras “A proof is an impeccable argument, using only the methods of pure logical reasoning, which enables one to infer the validity of an assertion from the pre-established validity of other assertions.” To prove the existence of Allah I shall start with the pre-established valid assertion that within this observable universe there is a group of people who call themselves Muslims and they have a book called the Quran which they claim is the word of Allah.

2. Proof by negation can now be used to prove that what the Muslims claim is correct. This type of proof is widely used in science to reach logical conclusions. We cannot see something behind a wall, hence negation proves that light travels in a straight line. Likewise we cannot see oxygen in a room but by observing that humans are not dying we can prove through negation that oxygen is present in a room. Similarly most of Einstein’s theories use proof by negation. The Quran gives three such proofs :-

(a) Mankind cannot create one chapter like the Quran.

(b) Mankind cannot preserve any other book for hundreds of years in their hearts.

(c) Man cannot find any contradiction within the Quran.

3. As long as man cannot do these things it is scientifically binding for humans to believe that the Quran has been written by a higher being whose name according to the Quran is Allah.

Till I get a logical answer to this post I would request that the mods keep this thread open
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