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Do U Feel ?

^^^^^^ And You Are Smiling...

Crocodile tears for 'brotherhood' are fine, but actions of your army speak louder than words.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

During Black September the head of Pakistani training commission took command of the 2nd Division and helped kill and cleanse the Palestinians (est. 25,000 dead) from Jordan.


Also remember time when your tribals invaded the independent princely state of Kashmir or remember the operations in Bangaldesh ?

But of course you've been fed a different history in "Pakistan Studies"

It's hilarious ! Not smiling, I'm laughing hysterically :rofl:
so according to you only muslimsi deserve heaven ???? dont get me wrong but i have seen many times muslims specially saudis has a superioty complex and they think thier religion is the best and others dont deserve to live and are inferior to them.

Been there faced that. Its not them being Muslims that makes them arrogant. Its them being Arabs (Arabi ajami concept). Im a Muslim and iv faced that. And top it off with the fact that most of them have never worked and are still enjoying a spoiled rich mans life. I once faced an arab like that insanely arrogant and abusive. Well after a little display of "love" from my side he did what any pretentious man with an unsubstantiated superiority complex would do, he ran. But, though prevalent in most of their societies, this still cant be generalized as anything close to a Saudi/Arab trait.

@Justanobserver: Oh so now they are Palestinians (who just happened to have formed a powerful militia inside a foreign state, were enforcing their own governance, refusing to be answerable to the state whos land they were occupying and then of course fighting against that state in battles). But when they fight the Israelis they are the evil Hezbollah.
Please educate yourself before you go for your trolling fix (and by that I do not mean more wikipedia). Its not fun when you can be disregarded so easily.
i could not agree with you more .....

One should see the past and learn ..... Posters here are get emotional every time but they are ignorant when it comes to see the history .
مجھے کوئی بتاۓ گا جس تھریڈ میں بھی انڈین آتے ہیں وہ متنازعہ کیوں ہو جاتی ہے
اگر یہ ہماری بات نہیں سمجھ سکتے تو کیوں آتے ہیں
i think we shud concentrate on our problems rather than poking nose here n there..there is lot to improve in our selve
i think we shud concentrate on our problems rather than poking nose here n there..there is lot to improve in our selve

"To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."
— Confucius
Free balochistan from your brutal rule over there they need proper democracy a stable govt and good economic leadership

first tell me how many pakistani on indian forum ? are they discuss free khalistan issue on indian forum ?
2nd just keep in mind pakistan is not ur state or colony!! baluchistan is not ur problem
first see in ur own country then talk about others
first tell me how many pakistani on indian forum ? are they discuss free khalistan issue on indian forum ?
2nd just keep in mind pakistan is not ur state or colony!! baluchistan is not ur problem
first see in ur own country then talk about others

when kashmir will free pakistan will be free

Dont you think you are contradicting yourself here??
when will kashmir free pakistan will be free

forget this time Kashmir first rise host pakistani flag on 796096km which i think now is reduced too much is last 10 years.we are in deep mess because we think for others more then pakistan .if we work for pakistan and never do any outdoor job today may be we was same as japan Korea .but sorry Palestine gulf African Arabs east asian Muslims all are our problem .look like we are Muslims defender from GOD on earth .
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