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Do not treat Pakistan like a whipping boy. That's not acceptable: Pak FM


Nov 26, 2016
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Pakistan's Foreign Minister Warns India Against Surgical Strikes on its Soil
Referring to the statement of India's Air Chief Marshal B S Dhanoa that the Indian armed forces are ready for a full spectrum operation, Asif said Pakistan wants to live in peace and harmony with its neighbours.
Updated on: October 6, 2017, 4:39 PM IST


Washington: Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif has warned India against carrying out surgical strike or targeting its nuclear installations, saying if that happens nobody should expect restraint from his country.

Referring to the statement of India's Air Chief Marshal B S Dhanoa that the Indian armed forces are ready for a full spectrum operation, Asif said Pakistan wants to live in peace and harmony with its neighbours.

But if India carries out any surgical strike in Pakistan or strikes at its nuclear installations "nobody should expect restraint from us", he warned.

Speaking at the US Institute of Peace, a Washington-based think-tank, Asif said the "relationship with India is at a lowest ebb at the moment".

Responding to a question on India, he said, " sadly India did not respond" to Pakistani efforts to improve relationship.

"What is going on in Kashmir is the biggest roadblock to normalisation to talks," Asif said.

The Pakistani Foreign Minister asked the US not to treat his country as a "whipping boy" and said Washington has already lost the war in Afghanistan and is only trying to salvage the situation in the war-torn nation.

Asif, who is here as part of efforts to rebuild bilateral ties frayed after President Donald Trump accused Pakistan of sheltering terror groups, said his meetings with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and National Security Advisor H R McMaster were good.

"Was not bad," Asif quipped, giving a sense of his talks with top leadership of the Trump administration, which has been seeking accountability from Islamabad in the war against terrorism including continued presence of terror safe havens in Pakistan.

Asif in a way acknowledged that the madrasas were training ground for terrorists.

"These madrasas were nurseries for American jihad in Afghanistan. People who took those decisions will burn to hell. We are actually living in hell because of that decision," he said, adding that Pakistan is paying the price of such a decision.

"The meeting went well with Tillerson and McMaster (meeting) was good. (It) was not bad," Asif said, noting that the two countries need to pursue contacts with each other.

He favoured adopting an approach of talks and exchange of views more vigorously.

The US, he said, is focusing solely on safe haven allegations or blaming Pakistan for what they have not achieved in Afghanistan.

"There are many more dimension of what is going on in Afghanistan," he said.

"A corrupt government in Kabul, increasing narcotics trade, the Afghan Army selling arms to the Taliban, losing terrorist and bringing Daesh (ISIS) to Afghanistan," he said.

"Let's see this conflict in its entirety, in totality. Do not treat Pakistan like a whipping boy. That's not acceptable.

We want to cooperate with the US. We are the direct beneficiary of peace and stability in Afghanistan," he said.

Standing by his remarks on some of the terrorist groups and terrorist leaders at the Asia Society in New York last week, Asif said they are a liability.

"We will find ways and means to wrapping up this business. This is a liability. (but) this cannot be wrapped up overnight," he said.

Responding to a question, Asif said there are problems in US-Pakistan ties.

"We do have problems with the US. We have deficit of trust. We are trying to mend those deficits," he said.

Pakistan, he said, sees more role for Russia and China in the region.


Mr. Defense minister if you seriously want peace and Harmony with India, why don't you hand over our fugitives, I mean the Indian citizens like Dawood Ibrahim and Co first, after-all guy's like them are a liability as per you. :p:

This will be a great step forward towards peace and we can discuss everything including Kashmir. And please don't try to sell he is not present on our soil crap, we have enough intelligence about his whereabouts. :)

If India wants peace with us than leave Kashmir , stop supporting ttp , juA and Bla like terrorist organization.
India will NEVER stop supporting BLA, TTP, JUA. Because their (India) main mission is to destabilize Pakistan via Afghanistan. Their beloved Afghan fully supporting Indians to make terror activities into whole Pakistan.
If India wants peace with us than leave Kashmir , stop supporting ttp , juA and Bla like terrorist organization.
INDIA just want status quo... Will just keep on raising the cost for adversery. TTP, JUA and BLA r not our liabilities :p:
If India wants peace with us than leave Kashmir , stop supporting ttp , juA and Bla like terrorist organization.

It's your Foreign minister talking about peace Mr., so let him come with a good example first. India is more than happy with the status quo, and fyi, it's not India who want to gain something from Pakistan, its the other way around, so you will have to make some serious concessions. This is how it works around the world. :p:

Else it will be status quo till eternity. :p:

indians claim about themselves being peaceful is ludicrous.
These are the same people who gloat in violence against random muslims,christians and celebrate their deaths.

You are talking about our internal affairs, and that too as if such violence doesn't happen anywhere in the world. LOL :p:

Pakistan is a classic example of internal violence and we are nowhere near you, just tow days back there was a suicide attack on a mosque I guess ????? :(

FYI, here we are talking about peace between two nations, not about the internal law and order situation. :)
Mr. Defense minister if you seriously want peace and Harmony with India, why don't you hand over our fugitives, I mean the Indian citizens like Dawood Ibrahim and Co first, after-all guy's like them are a liability as per you. :p:

This will be a great step forward towards peace and we can discuss everything including Kashmir. And please don't try to sell he is not present on our soil crap, we have enough intelligence about his whereabouts. :)

Go and ask your Modi and Doval that why they didn't arrest wife of Dawood ibrahim when she was in Mumbai to see her Father just few months back..
Go and ask your Modi and Doval that why they didn't arrest wife of Dawood ibrahim when she was in Mumbai to see her Father just few months back..

Are you really like this or pretending to be one ??? :p:

Because we are a proper democracy. We only arrest the accused not their family members, why because even if she was arrested, she will be set free in a day or two. If she was an accused, surely she would have been arrested and convicted. Unless she is not a convict, she can't be touched. :-)

Alas one need to be part of a real democracy to know such things I guess. :p:
It's your Foreign minister talking about peace Mr., so let him come with a good example first. India is more than happy with the status quo, and fyi, it's not India who want to gain something from Pakistan, its the other way around, so you will have to make some serious concessions. This is how it works around the world. :p:

Else it will be status quo till eternity. :p:

You are talking about our internal affairs, and that too as if such violence doesn't happen anywhere in the world. LOL :p:

Pakistan is a classic example of internal violence and we are nowhere near you, just tow days back there was a suicide attack on a mosque I guess ????? :(

FYI, here we are talking about peace between two nations, not about the internal law and order situation. :)
I am talking about indian mentality not internal affairs. How can you have peace with people who's sole purpose in life is to kill you and spread hindu supremacy? Moronic Pakistani politicians can continue with their peace talks it won't make a difference.

Guess what Pakistanis admit they have problems regarding internal affairs they won't lie or proclaim their country is perfect.
I am talking about indian mentality not internal affairs. How can you have peace with people who's sole purpose in life is to kill you and spread hindu supremacy? Moronic Pakistani politicians can continue with their peace talks it won't make a difference.

Same here. How can we trust someone who one one had talks about peace, and sign a joint declaration with our P.M visiting your country for that, while on the other hand you back-stab us in Kargil ???? Is this called sincere efforts for peace ??? :p:

Now how did you reached the conclusion that all Indian's want Pakistani's dead. It was Pakistan who had initiated every single war against us and the entire world acknowledges the same. :-(
People who took those decisions will burn to hell. We are actually living in hell because of that decision," he said, adding that Pakistan is paying the price of such a decision.

Woah! That is a big statement, is it aimed against the Zia era leadership?
INDIA just want status quo... Will just keep on raising the cost for adversery. TTP, JUA and BLA r not our liabilities :p:
Really so the RSS types who hold office in Bharat actually accept the Land of the Indus being independent and in control of of people who no longer follow Vedic Dharm (!)
Really so the RSS types who hold office in Bharat actually accept the Land of the Indus being independent and in control of of people who no longer follow Vedic Dharm (!)
Indian subcontinent was always independent, invaders came and forced there culture and polluted the bloodline... we do believe the subcontinent should return back to it's pure form.

By the way what is land of Indus. We only know the Indian subcontinent as geographical feature.
FM of Pak should become PM, for he represent true Pakistaniat.
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